Valentines Auction 2025 Al Christie 2025-01-29 08:00:00Z 0
Valentine's Dinner & Dance & On-Line Auction AWC 2025-01-08 08:00:00Z 0

Our Home Town 50-50 Draw -  26 February 2025

New Year, New 50/50 Draw!
The Summerland Rotary Home Town 50/50 is back! Tickets are on sale now, and the winner will be drawn on February 28, 2025.

Your ticket supports:
  •  Summerland Recope – a registered charity offering medically designed and supervised exercise programs for adults with medical challenges. Since 1976, Recope has helped residents regain strength, reduce pain, and reclaim independence through affordable aquatic and land rehabilitation services.
  •  Rotary Community Projects – including school bursaries, parks, playgrounds, Meals on Wheels, Neighbourlink, and more.
Get your tickets today to support these amazing programs and for your chance to win big!

Congrats to Jennifer Kole, who won $4,860 in our December 13th draw!

Let’s make this draw another success for Summerland!
Our Home Town 50-50 Draw -  26 February 2025 AWC 2024-12-02 08:00:00Z 0

Guatemala Literacy Project

Dear Fellow Rotarians,
I would like to share with you an important update of the Guatemala Literacy Project below. It is that time of the year again to support this important and tremendously successful project. The donation pledge deadline for the Global Grant Application is October 31, 2024. If your donation pledges end of October are $500 or more, our club can select one individual to receive the prestigious title of Guatemala Literacy Fellow—an honor typically reserved for contributions of $1,000 or more.
Guatemala’s Central and Western Highlands exhibit one of the most extreme combinations of systemic poverty, illiteracy, and inequality in the hemisphere. The GLP partners work with impoverished communities to implement four complementary programs: Reading, Textbooks, Computers and Youth Development. The GLP is regarded as the Gold Standard of Rotary projects, one of the largest grassroots, multi-club, multi-district projects in Rotary. The GLP is committed to evaluating the success of its projects on a yearly basis. Each year measurable results are gathered through surveys, interviews, and pre- and post-tests, then shared with all supporters. Since 1997, the Guatemala Literacy Project (GLP) has secured over 41 matching grants and Global Grants from The Rotary Foundation.
Our Rotary Club has been involved since 2018 and we are asking you, our members, to continue your support for this valuable and needed program. After all, without love and education, a child has no future.
f you wish to donate, what should you do? It is easy. Just e-Transfer your donation to our Rotary Club via our donation email address <> with the message “Guatemala Literacy Project 2024-2025”, then our Treasurer will collectively send all the funds to the GLP with a chance to get up to 3x matching, i.e. CAD 1,000 may turn into CAD 3,000! For your donation you will receive a tax receipt from our treasurer.
Thank you kindly for your support.

Aart Dronkers
Guatemala Literacy Project Jonathan Laumer 2024-10-22 07:00:00Z 0
Giants Head Grind 2024 2024-05-17 07:00:00Z 0

Light up the Lake

The Summerland Rotary Club is once again lighting up the waterfront with over 5,000’ of Christmas lights that can be seen along the walkway from the Shaughnessy’s Cove Restaurant to Peach Orchard Beach Park. A big thank you to all of the volunteers for your commitment to making our shoreline a festive glow of lights. We also thank The District of Summerland, Shaughnessy's Cove Restaurant, the Summerland Lakeside Resort, and the Summerland Trout Hatchery for their help in making the "Light up the Lake" a success.
To support this project, please e-transfer to Include the words “Light Up” in the reference. All proceeds go to Rotary projects in the Summerland community.
The Gazebo
Arial View of Last Year
5,000 feet of lights on the fence from end-to-end
Light up the Lake lb 2023-11-26 08:00:00Z 0

Our Home Town 50-50 Draw -  FEB 2024

The latest winner of Summerland Rotary Club's 50/50 raffle was Christina Trist. Congratulations to Christina who has won $13,385.
After expenses, the Summerland Rotary Club will be making another significant contribution to the Summerland Pier project.
Our Home Town 50-50 Draw -  FEB 2024  AWC 2023-10-17 07:00:00Z 0
Drive Fore the Pier Charity Golf Tournament AWC 2023-07-11 07:00:00Z 0

Summerland Rotary Club provides assistance following Turkey, Syria earthquake

The Rotary Club of Summerland today announced that we have made a significant donation to SHELTERBOX CANADA and its relief efforts in response to the urgent needs in Turkey and Syria following the disastrous earthquake.
ShelterBox was originally founded by a Rotary club in the UK, and over many years has made a tangible difference to the lives of people around the world.  What began as a local initiative is now a  movement that provides emergency shelter to millions around the world.
Rotary International and SHELTERBOX CANADA have partnered for many years in disaster relief around the globe and local Rotary club members endorse ShelterBox as a trusted and reputable group to support, and donations can be made at, or through the local Rotary club.
ShelterBox states “We can’t replace what was lost, but we can help families rebuild their homes, and their lives.”  ShelterBox is known for its unique approach in tailoring aid that meets the needs of a community, but mostly for the ShelterBoxes and ShelterKits.  These sturdy green “boxes” contain family-sized tents specifically designed to withstand the elements and provide people with temporary shelter until they are able to start the process of rebuilding a home.  The “Kits” and “Boxes” contain items that help transform shelter into a home – like cooking sets, solar lights and activity sets for children.
ShelterBox is able to respond quickly and efficiently to disasters by transporting items from their positioned hubs around the world, and are mobilizing resources as available in coordination with other organizations to have maximum affect and influence in the current relief efforts in Turkey and Syria.
Many individual and group donors choose to support ShelterBox to the value of a “Box”, about $1,200, but all donations of $20 or more will receive a charitable tax receipt.  ShelterBox is a registered Canadian charity.
The Rotary Club of Summerland is proud of its many local accomplishments, but also its commitment to the global goals of Rotary International which include working together to promote peace, fight disease, provide clean water, sanitation, and hygiene, and in support of relief efforts during disasters such as the recent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.
If you need more information, contact a local member of the Rotary Club of Summerland, or go our website
Summerland Rotary Club provides assistance following Turkey, Syria earthquake David Handy 2023-02-10 08:00:00Z 0
Valentine's Dinner &amp; Dance 2023 Al Christie 2022-12-18 08:00:00Z 0

Guatemalan Student Walking the Path to a Brighter Future

Eighth-grader Rosa is no stranger to hard work. She regularly helps her mother in the fields and tends to the family’s own crops and livestock.

At the end of elementary school, she was on the all-too-common edge of dropping out, as the cost of going to school increased. She’d already come three years further than her mother, Leoncia, who only finished third grade. But thanks to the Thousand Girls Initiative, Rosa was selected to enter our Rise Youth Development Program.

Her journey has been so inspiring that she was even recently featured by a superhero! (OK... a superhero actor.)

Guatemalan Student Walking the Path to a Brighter Future Al Christie 2022-02-05 08:00:00Z 0

Garry Hollingshead speaks about The Rotary Foundation

Rotarians and guests had the pleasure of hearing from Past District Governor, Garry Hollingshead, at our Rotary meeting this past Tuesday. Garry spoke to the Club about The Rotary Foundation and how it's Mission is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education and the alleviation of poverty.

Now is the time for all of us to think about donations to The Rotary Foundation! With your help, we can make lives better in our own community and around the world.

Help support the cause and consider donating through our website:
Thank you!

Garry Hollingshead speaks about The Rotary Foundation Chantelle Meriam 2021-10-21 07:00:00Z 0

Welcome to Newest Summerland Rotarian, Carolyn Courtemanche!

(L-R): Director of Membership, Wolfgang Muhs, Carolyn Courtemanche, and Carolyn's brother, Doug Carnegie, who is Treasurer/fellow Summerland Rotarian.
Welcome to the newest member of the Rotary Club of Summerland, Carolyn Courtemanche, who was installed into our Club during our breakfast meeting on Tuesday, October 19th. We look forward to getting to know you beter over the coming Rotary year!

Welcome to Newest Summerland Rotarian, Carolyn Courtemanche! Chantelle Meriam 2021-10-21 07:00:00Z 0

Canadian Flags for Summerland

 Paint Summerland Red & White with Flags 
Summerland Rotary Club will place a 54” X 27” Canadian flag in your yard to help celebrate Canada Day, BC Day and Labour Day.
A flag pole anchored in a flag pole holder will be installed at your home or business for about 5 days on each occasion. Installation & removal will be by Summerland Rotarians.
The flags are available for a $50.00 tax deductible donation to the Summerland Rotary Club (not pro-rated by holiday). The flags remain the property of the Rotary Club.
Proceeds from the flag program will be used to support local Summerland area projects like Giants Head trails, West Summerland Station, school breakfast programs, high school and college bursaries, and more projects on the horizon.
Please Register early, preferably by May 30th:
   Click on the link below donate via credit card
   Or Interac e-transfer $50 to 
For More Information call Carol @ 250-494-4194

Canadian Flags for Summerland 2021-05-22 07:00:00Z 0

Our Local Project: West Summerland Station

Rotary is busy building the new West Summerland Station at Victoria Road South and Simpson Road! This is an exciting opportunity to preserve our local history and provide another great space for the community.
Come and check out the progress in person or see pictures below:
Don’t Miss the Grand Opening of the new
KVR Summerland Station
Coming This Spring...

Our Local Project: West Summerland Station LeeAnna Binder 2019-12-12 08:00:00Z 0

Rotary Foundation Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday is a global movement for charities and individuals to come together for one common purpose: to celebrate and encourage giving. On Tuesday December 3rd, join the community of donors that support Rotarian projects around the world by making an online gift to The Rotary Foundation. Online giving is a fast, secure way to help families and communities that need it most — no wrapping paper required!
Words from from the heart heart of Aart, proud Summerland Rotarian:
   The Rotary Foundation and Rotary members are the artery of Rotary. The mission of the Rotary Foundation (of Rotary International) is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty.
   The foundation has grown since start-up in 1917 from virtually nothing to a $1B support system to date. The funding comes from Rotarians like you and me, and friends of the foundation who share its vision. To put that in perspective … Rotary has some 33,000 clubs in over 200 countries with 1.2 million members that form a global network to build the Rotary Foundation and volunteer their time and talents to serve their communities and the world.
   So when you donate, you are helping all Rotary members, including yourself, make a difference in the lives of millions of people around the world, at home and abroad.
Rotary Foundation Giving Tuesday Aart Dronkers 2019-11-23 08:00:00Z 0

Canadian Leadership Assistance Program in Bangladesh

September 10, 2019

Hi Aart and Rotary Club Members:

Just to update you on our project in Bangladesh as Canadian Leadership Assistance Program (CLAP) continues to press on in the Tribal Hills.
CLAP continues to serve our 200 children in 3 villages in the Chittagong Hill tracts of Bangladesh. We are able to, sustain the supplies, equipment and teacher salary through our monthly donations program.
Thanks to the Rotary Summerland, 21 young ladies and moms graduated from the sewing program and have either begun their own businesses or got hired in the clothing industry. Bangladesh is amongst the leading textile industry in the world so there is a lot of opportunity for these ladies to find jobs - either in the factory or at home for their own villages. 
When we were there in January I had the opportunity to meet a young man who's mother was finishing off the program and was already hired in her field. Just this one story changed the lives of this family as they were able to provide their children a better quality of life. 
CLAP was also able to purchase a rice harvest. There are over 100 varieties of rice grown in Bangladesh. We were able to see the field workers hard at work planting. When the time of harvest would come, this rice mill would provide for many villages food for their families. and also the ability to sell in the markets.
Currently we are working toward building a high school and training center. We have 5 acres of land on which we will build a school, office, living quarters, and kitchen. The school will begin at high school level and also after post graduate education in  sewing, carpentry, fisheries and agriculture. We are achieving these funds through fund raising endeavors (in April we had a hardware sale and raised $4500.00 and in  May we had our annual garage sale and raised $7300). Also, at the end of September (29) we will be hosting our 3rd annual Dinner and Silent Auction (see attached poster). If you are interested in tickets let me know.
We have broken down the building project into 3 phases - the first being teachers quarters and classrooms to begin the school as soon as possible. The second phase will include the living quarters and kitchen and the third phase will include the training center. It is quite the process, but we are slowly moving forward to provide better education, training and sustainable living for the tribal people of Bangladesh.
Finally, I would truly thank the Summerland Rotary for all their support as a club and many individuals from the Club. Chantelle for providing a gift basket for the Silent Auction; to Leanne for setting aside the oodles of bottles from your campers during our bottle drives; to the lady who recently donated the proceeds from an auction your Rotary Club held; and to Aart for all his encouragement along the way. 
I feel so blessed to be part of such a supportive community. 
Thank you all and God bless.
CLAP President

Canadian Leadership Assistance Program in Bangladesh Al Christie 2019-09-17 07:00:00Z 0

10 Days to Register to be Entered to Win Your District 2020 Conference Fee - 10 Good Reasons to Register Now!!

April 23rd to April 26th, 2020
10 Days to Register to be Entered to Win Your District 2020 Conference Fee
10 Good Reasons to Register Now!!

10.  You will have a great time and you will be inspired!
9.     Kelowna in April is spectacular, blooming with flowers and lots to do.  Maybe visit a   winery, golf, bike or take a walk in the hills or downtown.  We have great additional events planned.
8.   The Grand Okanagan Resort – a Delta Hotel managed by Marriott is a beautiful conference facility right on the lake in downtown Kelowna. And it has a spa! We have a special conference rate. 
7.   Our Hall of Friendship will welcome you and open your eyes to many great initiatives.
6.   Our Welcome Event on Thursday, April 23rd will host you in the historic Laurel Packinghouse, a short walk from the conference hotel.   This is always a highlight as we renew and make new friendships.
5.   Local Rotarians open their homes on Friday, April 24th to host you for dinner and fellowship.  Some of the best lasting memories of attending a conference are created here.  Rotarians Connect the World in their own homes. Don’t miss it.
4.    Our programs and breakouts offer something for every Rotarian. We have outstanding speakers. Join Michael Angelo Caruso on Friday morning, April 24th for his workshop “Present Like a Pro”.  Working with Michael will break boundaries and send your presentation skills through the roof. After all, everything is a presentation.  We are lucky to have this highly sought speaker and Rotarian speak twice at the conference.
3.   Enjoy and learn from Evan Burrell. He inspires us to “Let's have fun in Rotary" as he passionately promotes Rotary's digital story via social media. Evan is a Digital Media Consultant for the regional Rotary Down Under magazine in Australia.  He is going to lead the focus on engaging Youth on Friday afternoon.
2. Be inspired by Crystal Flaman and Jim Marggraff – both outstanding speakers and entrepreneurs with great stories.  And there is still more news about more speakers coming your way.
And #1 reason to register now?  By registering before midnight June 30th, your name will be entered to win the prize of your registration fee of $325.00.  Don’t miss out on this opportunity to have a great time in Kelowna, April 23rd to April 26th, 2020.
Here is the link to register online
If you have already registered, thank you and good luck.
Watch the conference video (you may recognize a Summerland face or two!):
Follow conference updates on Facebook
If you are interested in supporting the conference as a sponsor, please contact Kathy Butler, Conference 2020 Chair
10 Days to Register to be Entered to Win Your District 2020 Conference Fee - 10 Good Reasons to Register Now!! Chantelle Meriam 2019-06-21 07:00:00Z 0

Rotarians of the Month for 2018/2019 Rotary Year

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jun 17, 2019
L-R: Roch Fortin, Michael Weis, Karl Seidel, Michael Zang, Chantelle Meriam, Lisa Jaager, Doug Carnegie and Bob Van Balkom.
Missing: Vilas Prabhu, Aart Dronkers, Linda Van Alphen, and Ann Kemp.
President, Mirjana Komljenovic, presented "Rotarian of the Month" honours to 12 Summerland Rotarians at our breakfast meeting last Tuesday, June 11th. Eight Rotarians were present to accept their awards. Congratulations to all!
Lisa Jagger – her work with Ogopogo Bath tub Race, SADI Youth Club, Giants Head Grind and the best Rotary moment of the year
Roch Fortin – In September he almost single handily hosted the Golf tournament that raised over $6000. Hosted the Great Christmas gift exchange, our collaborator
Doug Carnegie – In October the budget not only is he our treasurer he is on the membership committee, the fundraising committee and attends all our events.
Michael Weis – In November Michael convinced his team how important it is to donate funds to Miraj India Project, SADI Board member plus he pours wine.
Michael Zang – organized the many socials of the year. Also rocked it on our geological tour.
Chantelle Meriam – in the darkness of winter the social butterfly, attends every event and have you noticed, always has a smile. Is our unofficial Miss Sunshine.
Bob "the traveler" Van Balkom – He is so young at heart and really thinks he’s a kid. Relates to all the youth. Has worn every scar with the kids.
Vilas Prabhu – Brought our club from local to global. Put all his effort to making the global grant happen no matter what.
Aart Dronkers - And in this Art is his brother – The ying to his yang.
Linda Van Alphen – took on a task that has made our club shine as Sunday Market manager, and Youth Committee Chair
Ann Kemp – Our God mother – the one full of Grace. Teaches only by example.
Karl Seidel – not just because he has a convertible but because he is a man of integrity. He is kind and giving. His soul is true.
Rotarians of the Month for 2018/2019 Rotary Year Chantelle Meriam 2019-06-17 07:00:00Z 0

Installation BBQ

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jun 17, 2019
Join us for our final gathering of the 2018/2019 Rotary year by joining us for our Installation BBQ on Tuesday, June 25th at 6:00 pm at the home of home of Michael Weis and D'Ann Rochon. Join us as we have thank the outgoing executive, celebrate past presidents and install President, LeeAnna Binder, and the new executive for the 2019/2020 Rotary year.
2018/2019 Rotary Executive were installed at our Installation BBQ at the home of LeeAnna Binder in July 2018

Details as follows:

WHEN:Tuesday, June 25th - Cocktails at 6 pm with dinner and ceremony to follow

WHERE: 12640 Morrow Avenue, Summerland, BC

COST: $20/person - which includes your meal of beef/chicken or vegetarian kabobs​. Appetizers, sides, salads and dessert will also be served.
GUESTS: Guests are always welcome to attend! If you are interested in learning more or becoming a member of our club, please contact Michael Weis at to RSVP. We would love to have you join us!
​Reservations are required to join us for this event. If you are able to attend, please RSVP your attendance no later than Friday, June 21st by completing the Online Registration on this page. Your RSVP attendance is very important as we will be purchasing all food items a few days prior to the event.
We look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday, June 25th!
See you then!
Installation BBQ Chantelle Meriam 2019-06-17 07:00:00Z 0

"Meet Lars' Family" Evening Gathering Social

Please join us for a social to welcome and say hello to Lars Silseth's family visiting us from Norway! Lar's Mother, Kamilla, Sister, Vilde, aunt, Unni, and grandparents, Mai-Lis and Asbjorn will be visiting!

Inbound Rotary Exchange Student, Lars Silseth, has his family visiting from Norway. Please join us at the home of Michael Zang to welcome them at a special social planned for Wednesday, June 26th, around the pool for drinks at 8:30 pm. Other details regarding the event can be found here. Hope to see you there!

"Meet Lars' Family" Evening Gathering Social Chantelle Meriam 2019-06-17 07:00:00Z 0

Summerland Solstice

Posted by Hannah on May 03, 2019
Join us for the first annual Summerland Solstice.  This will be an amazing evening for friends and community including entertainment, delicious food/wine, and auction opportunities.  Tickets are limited.
Summerland Solstice Hannah 2019-05-03 07:00:00Z 0
SADI's 9th Annual Dinner Fundraiser Chantelle Meriam 2019-01-29 08:00:00Z 0

A Fun Rotary Winter Walk

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jan 07, 2019
Thanks to everyone who came out on Saturday morning for our 3rd Annual Rotary Winter Walk. It turned out to be a wonderful get-together with 10+ individuals in attendance! The group met at the home of Summerland Rotarian, Michael Weis, at 10 am. Walkers then headed out for the hour walk, finishing back at Michael's home for some warm drinks at the end.
Thank you to Rotarian, Michael Weis, for hosting the group. As well, thank you to Rotarian, Michael Zang, for once again organizing this fun gathering. We look forward to our next active fellowship event!
A Fun Rotary Winter Walk Chantelle Meriam 2019-01-07 08:00:00Z 0

Reminder: 3rd Annual Rotary Winter Walk taking place this Saturday!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jan 02, 2019
Just a friendly reminder - Another Rotary Fellowship get-together will be taking place this upcoming Saturday, January 5th, 2019.

This one is as little lower key than the big bash we had at the Gasthaus in Peachland but will be a chance to get out of the house and have an easy walk in the snow. I know that does not sound too exciting but there will be some goodies at the end! Please bring along your significant other, friends, families and friendly dogs!

We will meet at the home of Summerland Rotarian, Michael Weis, at 10:00 am on Saturday, January 5th.

A map will be posted to this event page, showing the route that we will be following along on the walk. A test run shows the round trip will be 1 hour but the grade is very flat. Walkers will need good boots, poles if they have them and snow grippers are always a good idea if it is icy.

I hope to see as many as possible the first weekend in January.

Yours in Rotary,

Michael Zang
Reminder: 3rd Annual Rotary Winter Walk taking place this Saturday! Chantelle Meriam 2019-01-02 08:00:00Z 0

Another Year...Another Polar Bear Dip!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jan 02, 2019
Past Inbound Rotary Exchange Student, David Wu, from Taiwan
Another year, another Polar Bear Dip! Past inbound Rotary Exchange student, David Wu, from Taiwan, took part in the Kinsmen's 34th annual Polar Bear Swim yesterday at Sun-Oka Beach in Summerland. Thanks to Summerland Rotarian, Aart Dronkers, for these pre and post-dip photos of David. Happy New Year!
Another Year...Another Polar Bear Dip! Chantelle Meriam 2019-01-02 08:00:00Z 0

Please Consider a Donation to the Miraj High School Project in India

Posted by Aart Dronkers on Dec 23, 2018
story thumbnail
Dear Fellow Rotarians!
As you know, our Rotary Club is embarking on a new and exciting project in India. The objective is to make the dilapidated Miraj High School safe and operational again and provide for sustainable clean water, sanitation and improved education. The Miraj School has about 1200 students and caters to the needs of the very poor in the community. The Rotary Club of Ichalkaranji Textile City in India will be our partner. We will need to raise about US$ 40,000 to make this project a reality. That is only US$ 35 per child. The project has been approved by the Summerland Rotary Club, subject to financing.
Whether you are an individual contributor, a Rotarian or an employee of another organization, please consider to donate. You will have a significant impact on many children, now and in the future. To contribute, please:
Alternatively, you can contact anyone of our International Team Members (Aart Dronkers, Garry Hollingshead, Vilas Prabhu, Nancy Wilson) or our Treasurer Doug Carnegie. You will have a significant impact on many children, now and in the future. Thank you in advance!
For further interesting information about this project, please open and view the below documents:   
Thank You!
Aart Dronkers
Please Consider a Donation to the Miraj High School Project in India Aart Dronkers 2018-12-23 08:00:00Z 0

World's Greatest Meal: A Rotary Medieval Feast - A Success!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Nov 27, 2018
This year's Rotary Medieval Feast was organized in support of World Polio Day and the World's Greatest Meal - a meal to help end Polio. Thanks to everyone who came out to support his important cause. A total of $90 was raised throughout the evening and a great time was had by all. Thank you to Rotarian, Michael Zang for organizing this year's event.
World's Greatest Meal: A Rotary Medieval Feast - A Success! Chantelle Meriam 2018-11-27 08:00:00Z 0
2019 Rotary District 5060 Conference Update from District Governor, Sherry Chamberlain Chantelle Meriam 2018-11-27 08:00:00Z 0

Update from Ann Kemp: Summerland Blossom Pageant Banner Presentation

Posted by Ann Kemp on Nov 18, 2018
story thumbnail

Welcome Verity Taylor who will represent the Summerland Rotary Club in this year's Summerland Blossom Pageant. Summerland Rotarian, Linda Van Alphen, and myself joined Verity at the banner presentations that took place on Tuesday, November 13th at the council chambers at City Hall. The event is short and sweet but the girls feel proud to receive their banners. Below are photos taken from the evening. You may notice a few other familiar faces. In the group photo are the Blossom Pageant candidates and in front of them are the Blossom Buds. The Blossom Buds shadow the older girls in some of the activities.

L-R: Our Candidate in this year's Blossom Pageant, Verity Taylor, along with Summerland Rotarians, Ann Kemp and Linda Van Alphen


2018/2019 Summerland Blossom Pageant candidates with their Blossom Buds in front of them

Update from Ann Kemp: Summerland Blossom Pageant Banner Presentation Ann Kemp 2018-11-18 08:00:00Z 0

World's Greatest Meal: A Rotary Medieval Feast!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Nov 12, 2018

Over 32 Rotarians, guests and friends joined us for our 2nd annual Rotary Medieval Feast last year in 2017

We wil be celebrating World Polio Day with the World's Greatest Meal - a meal to help end Polio. Details as follows:

Mark your calendars for our second social gathering of the fall - a Rotary Medieval Feast! - which will be taking place on Friday, November 23rd at 6 pm at Gasthuas Pub in Peachland.
Gasthaus on the Lake
5790 Beach Ave, Peachland
Friday, November 23rd
6:00 pm
Have a feast fit for a king this November! The Gasthaus’ legendary medieval dinners are a perfect way to make your dinner gathering even more memorable. Pewter plates, dripping wax candelabras, stuffed boar’s head, your waitress in costume and everyone taking on the role of a medieval diner are part of the fun but overshadowed by the impressive feast. We start with homemade bread hot out of the stone oven. Next we serve piping hot soup out of the castle-sized fireplace. The main event is the huge 150lb cast iron pan that two chefs bring to your table. Loaded with ribs, chicken, duck, schnitzel, pork hock, ham and much more. Lastly hot apple fritters are served with ice cream and whipped cream. Cost is $31.90 per person + tax and gratuity (with kids being half this price). More information about the medieval dinners can be found on the Gasthaus website located at Guests, spouses, and friends are welcome to attend!
Please note - in order to have our Rotary Medieval Feast a go, we will need a minimum of 10 individuals participate in the feast. If you plan on attending, please RSVP your attendance no later than Sunday, November 18th by clicking the link so we know how many to reserve for.

Guests, spouses and friends are all welcome to attend!​
We look forward to seeing you all on Friday, November 23rd!
World's Greatest Meal: A Rotary Medieval Feast! Chantelle Meriam 2018-11-12 08:00:00Z 0
AGM/Evening Dinner Meeting - November 6, 2018 Chantelle Meriam 2018-11-07 08:00:00Z 0

Rotary Halloween Social - October 30, 2018

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Oct 31, 2018
Thanks to everyone who came out for our special "Rotary after 5" Halloween Social on Tuesday evening at Sumac Golf and Country Club Restaurant and Lounge. Congratulation to Paul Barber and Sophia Zang who walked away with the prize for best costumes! Thanks to Kim and her team at Sumac Golf and Country  Club for hosting our group. It was a great time!
Additional photos from the evening can be viewed on our Facebook page here.
Rotary Halloween Social - October 30, 2018 Chantelle Meriam 2018-10-31 07:00:00Z 0

World Polio Day Breakfast Meeting

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Oct 24, 2018
Over 20 Rotarians, guests and friends joined us for a special breakfast meeting on Tuesday, October 23rd, as we heard from special guest speakers Keith Dixon and Anita Perry as they spoke about Polio. Keith Dixon contracted Polio in 1949 when he was 15 years old. Anita interviews him as Polio damaged his larynx. He shared his emotional experience of acceptance.
World Polio Day Breakfast Meeting Chantelle Meriam 2018-10-24 07:00:00Z 0

Morning Breakfast Meeting - October 16, 2018

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Oct 22, 2018
Thanks to everyone who joined us for our breakfast meeting this past Tuesday morning at Second Home Restaurant. Over 20 Rotarians, friends and guests joined us as we heard from special guest speaker, David Hull, Executive Director at the Summerland Chamber of Commerce. It was a great morning. Thank you to everyone who came out!
Morning Breakfast Meeting - October 16, 2018 Chantelle Meriam 2018-10-22 07:00:00Z 0

Jacob's Update

Jacob Achenson - outbound exchange student is having a great time in Italy

October 8th - Today is marks my first 1 month in Italy!!! I am so thankful for this amazing opportunity and I am so excited for the coming months that remain!!!!

Jacob's Update Mirjana Komljenovic 2018-10-22 07:00:00Z 0

"Rotary after 5" Halloween Social - RSVP Now!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Oct 13, 2018

Join us, if you dare. It's going to be spooktacular!

In place of our regular morning breakfast meeting, please plan on joining us on Tuesday, October 30th for a special "Rotary after 5" Halloween Social taking place at 6pm at Sumac Ridge Golf & Country Club Restaurant and Lounge. There will be prizes for best costumes.

We'll enjoy good food from the spooktacular Sumac menu fun and friendship.

Invite friends. They'll have a ghoulishly good time.

GREETER: Linda Van Alphen
50/50: Marty Van Alphen
Reservations required. Please register your attendance below no later than Sunday, October 21st, by registering your attendance online here.
We look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday, October 30th!
See you then!
"Rotary after 5" Halloween Social - RSVP Now! Chantelle Meriam 2018-10-13 07:00:00Z 0

Introducing New Miss Rotary - Verity Taylor!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Oct 03, 2018
Miss Rotary, Verity Taylor
Meet Miss Rotary, Verity Taylor, who will be representing the Rotary Club of Summerland in this year's Summerland Blossom Pageant!
Verity is 15 years old and is a grade 11 student at Summerland Secondary School. She is a self taught musician on the piano, ukulele, and guitar and has a passion for all music. As well, Verity has been doing voice lessons with Tracy Fehr for eight years now!
"I am so thankful to be apart of the Rotary Club this year and representing you all within the Summerland Blossom Pageant."
We look forward to getting to know you over the coming year. Welcome, Verity!
Introducing New Miss Rotary - Verity Taylor! Chantelle Meriam 2018-10-03 07:00:00Z 0

Evening Dinner Meeting - October 2, 2018

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Oct 03, 2018
Thanks to everyone who came out for our evening dinner meeting at Second Home Restaurant on Tuesday. Over 20 Rotarians, guests and friends joined us for the first meeting of the new month. Director of Youth Services, Linda Van Alphen, introduced our new Miss Rotary to the Club. Welcome, Verity Taylor! We look forward to having you represent the Rotary Club of Summerland in this year's Summerland Blossom Pageant! Later on in the evening, we heard from special guest speakers, Hannah Hartman and Rich McLeod, joining us from UNISUS International School. Thanks to everyone who joined us for the evening!
Evening Dinner Meeting - October 2, 2018 Chantelle Meriam 2018-10-03 07:00:00Z 0

Adams Wildlife Sanctuary Cleanup

Top Left - Garry Hollingshead speaks about the recent cleanup at Adams Wildlife Sanctuary
Bottom Left - Summerland Rotarians, Paul Barber, Michael Zang and Garry Hollingshead hard at work
Bottom Right - Summerland Rotarians, Garry Hollingshead, Les Brough and Brenda Hamilton stop to take a selfie
Thank you to those Summerland Rotarians who came out to help clean you Adams Wildlife Sanctuary over the past few weeks. Your help was greatly appreciated!
Adams Wildlife Sanctuary Cleanup Chantelle Meriam 2018-09-26 07:00:00Z 0

Cheque Donation: From Michael Weis and the Coffee Drinkers at the Summerland Research Station

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Sep 26, 2018
L-R: President, Mirjana Komljenovic, with Summerland Rotarian, Michael Weis
The Rotary Club of Summerland received a nice surprise at their morning breakfast meeting at Second Home Restaurant this past Tuesday. Summerland Rotarian, Michael Weis, provided the Club with another generous cheque donation of $1000. The donation was the result of the fundraising efforts at the Summerland Research and Development Centre. The Rotary Club of Summerland has been grateful to receive these donations over the past five years, with the donated funds being a great help in the support of many local and international projects including the Summerland Rotary Club's support of SADI (Summerland Asset Development Initiative), the pathway between Summerland and Penticton and the Rotary Club of Summerland's Rotoplast Mission to the Philippines.
Thank you to Michael and all of the coffee drinkers up at the Summerland Research and Development Centre for this generous donation!
Cheque Donation: From Michael Weis and the Coffee Drinkers at the Summerland Research Station Chantelle Meriam 2018-09-26 07:00:00Z 0

Lars' Week in Review - September 25, 2018

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Sep 25, 2018
Each week, we get to hear Inbound Rotary Exchange Student, Lars Silseth, chat about his past week in review. Lars arrived in Canada at the end of August and will be staying in Summerland until June/July 2019. Read about Lars' past week in review here:


"Hi everyone! This weekend I have been on an inbound orientation! An inbound orientation is a meetup and a conference for all the exchange students in D5060. We are in total 23 students, who met on the Sandman hotel in Penticton. We went through all the rules we have, and learned a lot about the Canadian culture, as well as what we are going to do this year. I meet all the other students and they were great, everyone of them! I can already tell, its going to be hard to say good bye to everyone by the end of the year. On Sunday Ann’s wonderful neighbours took me out sailing so this weekend has been really great! Also, a biig thank you to everyone who put in some money for my season pass at Apex! I truly appreciate that!"

Lars' Week in Review - September 25, 2018 Chantelle Meriam 2018-09-25 07:00:00Z 0

E Div Golf Tournament

Posted by Mirjana Komljenovic on Sep 19, 2018
What fun had by all at The E Division Charity Golf Tournament. Several Rotarians helped one way or another at the tournament put together by Roch Fortin. Despite the cool temperatures, about eighty golfers enjoyed three days of golfing fun. On Thursday evening, guests enjoyed a catered meal at the Summerland Golf & Country Club.
E Div Golf Tournament Mirjana Komljenovic 2018-09-19 07:00:00Z 0

September 18th Meeting Highlights

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Sep 18, 2018
Thank you to everyone who came out for our morning breakfast meeting this morning at Second Home Restaurant in Summerland. Special thanks to our guest speaker, Angelique Wood, who joined us from the District of Summerland. Angelique is the Community Development Officer with the district and provided an interesting presentation about her role in the community.
Linda Van Alphen shared her experience at RLI weekend in Vernon. She completed the Leadership Institute Training with a Certificate awarded at the end of the weekend. Well done Linda.
September 18th Meeting Highlights Chantelle Meriam 2018-09-18 07:00:00Z 0

Morning Breakfast Meeting - September 18, 2018

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Sep 18, 2018
Thank you to everyone who came out for our morning breakfast meeting this morning at Second Home Restaurant in Summerland. Special thanks to our guest speaker, Angelique Wood, who joined us from the District of Summerland. Angelique is the Community Development Officer with the district and provided an interesting presentation about her role in the community.
Morning Breakfast Meeting - September 18, 2018 Chantelle Meriam 2018-09-18 07:00:00Z 0

Fall Assembly 2018 - Register NOW Please!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Sep 18, 2018
To: All Rotarians in District 5060
Please Register Soon!!

Fall Assembly is in beautiful Lake Chelan, WA!

Fri 26 & Sat 27 October, 2018
Campbell’s Resort, 104 W. Woodin Ave, Chelan

Rotarians often wait until the last minute, but to finalize our plans we need to know that you are coming, so please register soon at the District Website:
  • Book your room for 1 or 2 nights at 1-800-553-8225  (Group Reservation #507029, or quote “Rotary District 5060” for special rates)
Who should go???  ALL of you!
  • Club Leaders - President, President Elect, Committee Chairs, mentors.
  • New Rotarians – Learn about Rotary!  Meet new friends, get new ideas.
  • Your Partners!  Friday banquet & social is an all-audience event, and you will want to spend Saturday night in beautiful Lake Chelan with your partner and friends.
Why should you go???
The agenda has several features that you will like…  it's all on the website, but repeated for you to have a look at the end of this message.
  • Strategic Focus:  Special Presentations on key strategic areas of Membership, Leadership, Foundation and Public Image
  • Networking Opportunities:  Table work-sessions and Facilitated Break-outs
  • Great Social Interactions!  Friday social is a “Bring your Favorite” wine or beverage for shared table.  Saturday the event is over at 4:00pm, great time to explore beautiful Chelan with your partner and other club or district friends!
  • Special Bonus!!!  Breakout sessions Friday afternoon for strategic groups (see Agenda) featuring "Facilitation & Public Speaking Skills" workshop from 1:00-3:00pm. 
Lots of great information and full Agenda or Conference Facility details at the District Website under "Training".
Hope to see you there!
Peter Schultz, PhD - Rotary Club of Kelowna
   District 5060 Governor 2019-2020  -  250.470.9228
Fall Assembly 2018 - Register NOW Please! Chantelle Meriam 2018-09-18 07:00:00Z 0

Welcome Back David

Welcome Back David
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing  
David's host family, The Bloakes greeted David at Penticton Regional Airport along with a hand full of Rotarians
   Image may contain: 1 person, standing
David was grateful to see some familiar faces.
Welcome Back David Mirjana Komljenovic 2018-09-06 07:00:00Z 0
Lars Arrives Mirjana Komljenovic 2018-09-06 07:00:00Z 0

Inbound Rotary Exchange Student Arriving Soon!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Aug 25, 2018
Inbound Rotary Exchange Student, Lars Silseth, from Norway

Say hello to our soon-to-be arriving Inbound Rotary Exchange Student, Lars Silseth, from Norway!

Lars will be arriving this upcoming Monday, August 27th, and will be spending close to a year in Summerland. Read more about Lars here:

"My name is Lars Silseth. Im 17 years old and comes frim Stavanger in Norway. Im attending grade 12, and are really looking forward to that! My interest are friends, skating and go to the gym. I did alot of Opti sailing before so i love everything that can link me to boat...s, water and especially sailing. I definitly look forward to meet alot of mew people and also attend your culture. Im so excited to see how the change from living in a big city, to moving to a really small one will go. And i cant wait to walk around in Summerland!"


Lars will be arriving at the Penticton Regional Airport this upcoming Monday, August 27th at 9:15 pm. It would mean so much to him if there was a group to meet him upon his arrival. Hope to see you there!

We are all looking forward to meeting you next week, Lars!

Inbound Rotary Exchange Student Arriving Soon! Chantelle Meriam 2018-08-25 07:00:00Z 0
Kamloops Sunrise Visit Mirjana Komljenovic 2018-08-18 07:00:00Z 0
Cheque Presentation CLAP Mirjana Komljenovic 2018-08-04 07:00:00Z 0

Welcome to Newest Summerland Rotarian, Jamie Shawyer!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jul 16, 2018
New Rotarian, Jamie Shawyer, with her sponsor, President-Elect, LeeAnna Jewell
Welcome to our newest Rotarian, Jamie Shawyer, who was installed as a member of the Rotary Club of Summerland at our Installation BBQ last Tuesday. We look forward to getting to know you better over the coming Rotary year!
Welcome to Newest Summerland Rotarian, Jamie Shawyer! Chantelle Meriam 2018-07-16 07:00:00Z 0

Summerland Rotary assists with Granfondo Event

Posted by Garry Hollingshead on Jul 16, 2018
story thumbnail
Thank you to those volunteers from the Rotary Club of Summerland who provided traffic control at many intersections along the Granfondo route through District of Summerland on Sunday, July 8th. This action allowed 2600 cyclists to pass safely though the District without incident. Our two hours dedicated to this event is a significant contribution to the success of a major economical event in the South Okanagan. Thank you to everyone who helped out!
Past District Governor, Garry Hollingshead, presents President, Mirjana Komljenovic, with a cheque for $400 for the Rotary Club of Summerland's efforts in the 8th annual Prospera Granfondo Axel Merckx Okanagan bike ride
Summerland Rotary assists with Granfondo Event Garry Hollingshead 2018-07-16 07:00:00Z 0
Another Summerland Rotary Sunday Market Chantelle Meriam 2018-07-16 07:00:00Z 0

2018/2019 Rotary Installation BBQ - July 10, 2018

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jul 11, 2018
2018/2019 Rotary Board
Close to 60 Rotarians, spouses, guests and friends joined us on Tuesday evening as we thanked the outgoing executive, celebrated past presidents and installed President, Mirjana Komljenovic, and the new executive of the 2018/2019 Rotary year.
Assistant Governor and Rotarian of the Rotary Club of Penticton Sunrise, Jean Jacobsen, joined us for this special event where she installed new member, Jamie Shawyer, into the Rotary Club of Summerland.
Thank you to Jayson and LeeAnna Jewell for hosting the event at their ranch, Roch Fortin for being emcee, to District Governor Elect, Peter Schultz, for installing the new executive, Michael Zang for taking care of the BBQ, and to Michael Weis for being bartender throughout the evening.
It was a wonderful installation BBQ. Thank you to everyone who joined us!
Additional photos from the evening can be viewed on our Facebook page here.
2018/2019 Rotary Installation BBQ - July 10, 2018 Chantelle Meriam 2018-07-11 07:00:00Z 0

Fall Assembly Weekend in Chelan, Washington

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jul 10, 2018
To:  ALL Rotarians in District 5060
Don’t Miss Out!!

Fall Assembly is in beautiful Lake Chelan, WA!

Fri 26 & Sat 27 October, 2018
Campbell’s Resort, 104 W. Woodin Ave, Chelan

Book now, as the venue is limited to 150 participants and this event is not to be missed.  We WILL run out of space!  To book…
  • Register for the “Fall Assembly” event at District Website:
  • Book your room for 1 or 2 nights at 1-800-553-8225  (Group Reservation #507029, or quote “Rotary District 5060” for special rates)
Who should go???
  • Club Leaders - President, President Elect, Committee Chairs
  • New Rotarians – Learn about Rotary!
  • Your Partners!  Friday banquet & social is an all-audience event, and you will want to spend Saturday night in beautiful Lake Chelan with your partner and friends.
What will the agenda cover???
The agenda has several features that you will like…
  • Strategic Focus:  Special Presentations on key strategic areas of Membership, Leadership, Foundation and Public Image
  • Networking Opportunities:  Table work-sessions and Facilitated Break-outs
  • Great Social Interactions!  Friday social is a “Bring your Favorite” wine or beverage for shared table.  Saturday the event is over at 4:00pm, great time to explore beautiful Chelan with your partner and other club or district friends!
  • Special Bonus!!!  Breakout sessions Friday afternoon for strategic groups (see Agenda) featuring "Facilitation & Public Speaking Skills" workshop from 1:00-3:00pm. 
Lots of great information and full Agenda or Conference Facility details at the District Website under "Training".
Hope to see you there!
Peter Schultz, PhD - Rotary Club of Kelowna
   District 5060 Governor 2019-2020  -  250.470.9228
Fall Assembly Weekend in Chelan, Washington Chantelle Meriam 2018-07-10 07:00:00Z 0

Summerland Rotary Sunday Market Fun

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jul 08, 2018
L-R: President, Chantelle Meriam, Nick Babyn and Summerland Rotarian, Nancy Wilson, helped set up the Sunday Market this morning along with help from Mike Kosmack and Summerland Rotarians, Don Gemmell and Paul Baber
It was another successful Summerland Rotary Sunday Market today! This is our fourth season of the market which started the weekend of June 10th. The market will continue on Main Street in beautiful downtown Summerland until September 3rd, 2018. Come by every Sunday from 9 am - 1 pm to find great food, shopping, wine and entertainment. There is something for everyone! We look forward to seeing everyone again next Sunday!
Summerland Rotary Sunday Market Fun Chantelle Meriam 2018-07-08 07:00:00Z 0

David's Farewell

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jul 05, 2018
A group of Summerland Rotarians and friends met David Wu at the Penticton Airport this evening to say farewell. David will start his journey back home to Taiwan tonight. It has been a great year getting to know you David and we will miss you. Until next time!
Additional photos taken from the evening can be seen on our Facebook page here.
David's Farewell Chantelle Meriam 2018-07-05 07:00:00Z 0

Mark Your Calendars - District Conference 2019 in Kamloops!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jul 05, 2018
Registration is now open for the 2019 District 5060 Conference!
Please join District Governor Sherry Chamberlain from May 2 - 5, 2019 in beautiful Kamloops, BC for a packed conference offering local tours of downtown, wineries & breweries, a hands-on project at the BC Wildlife Park, home hosting, fun, fellowship, guest speakers and much more!

If you pre-registered while attending the District Conference in Prosser, you should expect to see an email confirmation soon.
For more details and to see what tours and activities are being offered, visit us here
See you in Kamloops in 2019!
Mark Your Calendars - District Conference 2019 in Kamloops! Chantelle Meriam 2018-07-05 07:00:00Z 0

"Farewell to David" at Just Delicious Bistro - July 3, 2018

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jul 04, 2018
Thank you to everyone who came out to say farewell to Rotary Exchange Student, David Wu, from Taiwan yesterday evening. A group of Summerland Rotarians, guests and friends joined us at Just Delicious Bistro for David's last meeting with us before he leaves to go back home to Taiwan. David's host families were thanked with a gift certificate to Zia's Stonehouse Restaurant. David presented a PowerPoint about his year in review in Canada. LeeAnna Jewell surprised David with a special cowboy hat gift on behalf of the Rotary Club of Summerland. Then, at the end of the evening, Mirjana Komljenovic, presented David with a special farewell cake. We will all miss you David and look forward to seeing you again in the near future!
Additional photos taken from the evening can be viewed on our Facebook page here.
"Farewell to David" at Just Delicious Bistro - July 3, 2018 Chantelle Meriam 2018-07-04 07:00:00Z 0

Next Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) taking place in September!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jul 03, 2018
The ALL-NEW 2-day Rotary Leadership Institute for District 5060 is NOW READY!  The first session is in Vernon, Sat-Sun Sept 8-9 2018.  This program is a fully re-organized curriculum, taking the best from the old 3-day RLI that we have enjoyed in this district for ~10 years now as well as the best from President-Elect Training in Seattle and a Rotary Leadership course.  The program starts Sat morning at 8:00am, includes lunches, a social and dinner Saturday evening, continues Sunday and is fully complete by 3:00pm Sunday afternoon!
Cost is $150, which is much less than the $255 cost of the previous 3-Saturday program.  The course will be at the Okanagan College campus in Vernon, and it is expected to service Rotarians within ~1 hour who will not need accommodation, but if you do there are lots of good hotels in the Vernon area.
To register go to the District website and look under events, or click here for fast link:
***NOTE:  The course will be capped to the first fully-paid 25 registrants, so DON'T DELAY!
All the info including the no curriculum plan is available on the District website under "Training".  If you are from the southern half of the district, watch for future notices:  There will be a traditional 3-day RLI in Yakima this fall, and a 2-day RLI Weekend in Salmon Arm and Wenatchee next spring (all dates on the website).
Peter Schultz, PhD - Rotary Club of Kelowna
District 5060 Governor 2019-2020  -  250.470.9228
Next Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) taking place in September! Chantelle Meriam 2018-07-03 07:00:00Z 0

Installation BBQ taking place next Tuesday, July 10th!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jul 02, 2018
2017/2018 Rotary Executive were installed at our Installation BBQ at the home of Sue and Al Eden in June 2017
Join us for our final gathering of the 2017/2018 Rotary year by joining us for our Installation BBQ on Tuesday, July 10th at 6:00 pm at Jewell Ranch - the home of LeeAnna and Jayson Jewell. Join us as we have thank the outgoing executive, celebrate past presidents and install President, Mirjana Komljenvoic, and the new executive for the 2018/2019 Rotary year.

Details as follows:

WHEN:Tuesday, July 10th - Cocktails and Appetizers and 6 pm with dinner and ceremony to follow

WHERE: Jewell Ranch, 20201 Princeton Summerland Road

DIRECTIONSDirections: GPS/google maps works or we are 7 min from downtown Summerland so head down prairie valley road, past SummerGate Winery, turn right after The Red Barn Ranch, towards the landfill/KVR station BUT don’t go straight, instead at the “Y” take the right at Princeton Summerland Rd towards Faulder.  We will have a sign at the “Y”. We are 2km from there and you will see a playground/campsite on the left, a sign that says Jewell Ranch so head straight through the gates and follow the balloons to parking.   

DRESSRotarize It with Rotary clothing or blue or yellow and don’t forget to wear all your pins and badges!!  We have prizes for the “best rotarized Rotarian!” so show your stuff!!

COST: $15/person - which includes your meal choice of either steak, chicken or a vegetarian option​. Appetizers, sides, salads and dessert will also be served.
GUESTS: Guests are always welcome to attend! If you are interested in learning more or becoming a member of our club, please contact our Secretary, Don Gemmell, at to RSVP. We would love to have you join us!
​Reservations are required to join us for this event. If you have not already done so, please RSVP your attendance as soon as possible by completing the Online Registration here at
Please indicate in the comments field which meal option you would like for dinner - chicken, steak or vegetarian option - as we will be purchasing these items in advance of the event.
We look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday, July 10th!
See you then!
Installation BBQ taking place next Tuesday, July 10th! Chantelle Meriam 2018-07-02 07:00:00Z 0

Rotarian of the Month - Mirjana Komljenovic

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jun 27, 2018
L-R: President-Elect, Mirjana Komljenovic, with President, Chantelle Meriam
Congratulations to President-Elect, Mirjana Komljenovic, on being named Rotarian of the Month for June! Mirjana's efforts this past month (and year) have been tremendous. Whether helping to set up at our weekly meetings, chairing our Rotary $100 Challenge or leading and organizing the Rotary Youth Extravaganza night, Mirjana truly goes above and beyond. We can't thank you enough for everything that you do and we look forward to a great year with you as our President. Congratulations, Mirjana!
Rotarian of the Month - Mirjana Komljenovic Chantelle Meriam 2018-06-27 07:00:00Z 0

Morning Breakfast Meeting - June 26, 2018

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jun 27, 2018
Thank you to our friends from the Rotary Club of Penticton Sunrise who joined us for our morning breakfast meeting this past Tuesday. There were over 30 Rotarians and guests in attendance for our regular morning meeting.
Don Gemmell delivered the Rotary Moment. Brenda Hamilton announced the months birthdays, anniversaries and other special occasions. David Wu spoke about his week in review. Fellow inbound Rotary Exchange Student, Dori, from Hungary, spoke about her time in Penticton and plans to return home to Hungary in the coming week. Roch Fortin spoke about an upcoming fundraiser that the Summerland Rotary Club will be involved in - the E Division Charity Golf Tournament - taking place September 12-14th at the Summerland Golf and Country Club. President, Chantelle Meriam, presented President-Elect, Mirjana Komljenovic, with the Rotarian of the Month award for June.
Later on in the morning, we heard from Barry Reid from the Rotary Club of Penticton Sunrise about a project in Bangladesh their club took the lead on. The Rotary Clubs of Summerland, Sunnyside, Sonargaon Dhaka and the Rotary Foundation partnered together to make the project happen.
More photos from the morning can be viewed on our Facebook page here.
Morning Breakfast Meeting - June 26, 2018 Chantelle Meriam 2018-06-27 07:00:00Z 0

2019 Rotary International Convention in Hamburg - Registration is open NOW!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jun 25, 2018
Rotary Internatioanl Convention in Hamburg, Germany - June 1-5, 2019
The multi-facetted port city invites you to the Rotary International Convention from June 1st through June 5th, 2019. Use this opportunity to get to know Rotarians from around Germany, Europe and the world! Help shape the future of Rotary and become inspired during the conference.
The Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg has a long and rich Rotary tradition: the first German Rotary club was founded in Hamburg in 1927. The "Gateway to the World", tradition meets modernity, the Elbe Philharmonic Hall – all this is Hamburg. And so much more. Visit us in 2019 and we can explore this global city together.
We look forward to seeing you!

An update from 2018/2019 District Governor, Sherry Chamberlain:
On behalf of Wayne Massing our District 5060 Convention Chair for 2018-2019 I send this rush email to you... 
HOTELS IN HAMBURG GERMANY are filling up already. BOOK TODAY if you know you are going for the best rates and location!
We hope our district may wish to stay together so here is the hotel we have started to book at:
Hotel Arcotel Onyx in Hamburg is 1.7 km (just over a mile) from the Convention centre, 15 minute walk or short subway ride.  Your Governor team (Sherry, Peter & Richard) have all booked in the hotel for 31 May through 6 June 2019.

Best rates are prepaid and non-refundable, but you can book for higher rates with cancellation options if required.  
Free Internet and breakfast available.
Links are below!
Hotel link for booking USD:
Hotel link for booking CDN:

Registration opens 23 June. Our convenient online system makes registering easy for Rotary members, Rotaractors, and Rotary club and district employees.

Special promotional rate: 23-27 June

Pay $350 (includes value-added tax) when you register 23-27 June for the Hamburg convention! Payment must be received by 27 June, 23:59 Chicago time (UTC-5), to receive the promotional rate. (Rotaractors pay $100, including value-added tax)

Sherry Chamberlain, District Governor 2018-2019
Cell: 250-314-7999
2019 Rotary International Convention in Hamburg - Registration is open NOW! Chantelle Meriam 2018-06-25 07:00:00Z 0

Sunday Night Dinner at Jewell Ranch with David Wu and his Parents from Taiwan

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jun 25, 2018
L-R: Jacky Wu, Lisa Huang, David Wu, Jayson Jewell, Rylee Cameron, Nick Babyn and Chantelle Meriam
Front: Dallas Gambell
Thank you to LeeAnna and Jayson Jewell for hosting a traditional Canadian dinner for David and his parents, Jacky Wu and Lisa Huang, on Sunday evening. President, Chantelle Meriam, Nick Babyn, Rylee Cameron and Dallas Gambell were also in attendance for the wonderful meal consisting of moose meat, mashed potatoes, broccoli and cheese sauce, garden sald, and Yorkshire puddings with gravy. It was a wonderful evening. Thanks very much for the invitation!
Sunday Night Dinner at Jewell Ranch with David Wu and his Parents from Taiwan Chantelle Meriam 2018-06-25 07:00:00Z 0
Jacky Wu golfs with Summerland Rotarians Chantelle Meriam 2018-06-25 07:00:00Z 0

Summerland Rotarians at Rotary International Convention in Toronto

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jun 25, 2018
L-R: Paul Barber, Charlotte Burley, Jos Dronkers and Aart Dronkers
"We are registered and had a glimpse of all the things Rotary does. It's overwhelming!" ~ Charlotte Burley
A group of Summerland Rotarians are in Toronto from June 23rd - 27th for the Rotary International Convention taking place in Toronto this year. Rotarians Paul Barber, Aart Dronkers and Michael Zang are taking part in the action, along with their spouses, Charlotte Burley, Jos Dronkers and Sophia Zang. Looks like everyone is having a wonderful time! Looking forward to hearing more about their adventures on their return.
Summerland Rotarians at Rotary International Convention in Toronto Chantelle Meriam 2018-06-25 07:00:00Z 0

David's Parents visit from Taiwan

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jun 23, 2018
A group of close to 30 Summerland Rotarians, friends and guests welcomed David Wu's parents, Jacky Wu and Lisa Huang, visiting from Taiwan, yesterday evening at the home of Don Gemmell. Thanks to everyone who came out. It was a wonderful evening!
A message from David's parents:
"Great thanks to all the Summerland Rotarians of what have done for David, Lisa and Jacky. especially Bob and al of David's host families. Everything in Summerland is so fabulous and Canada is such a  great country. David hopes that everyone could support him to stay and study in Summerland. His family will miss him in Taiwan since he is fun to be around. He wants to pursue his dream and to help people he loves and loves him. Thank you!" ~ Jacky Wu and Lisa Huang
Additional photos from the evening can be viewed on our Facebook page here.
David's Parents visit from Taiwan Chantelle Meriam 2018-06-23 07:00:00Z 0

Honorary Members Inducted into Rotary Club of Summerland

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jun 13, 2018
L-R: Margery Sutton, Ann Kemp and President, Chantelle Meriam
Congratulations to Margery Sutton and Ann Kemp who were designated as lifetime Honorary Members of the Rotary Club of Summerland on Tuesday evening. Margery and Ann were recognized for their many years of dedicated service to the Club, working alongside their late husbands and past Rotarians, George Sutton and John Kemp. Thank you for your considerable commitment of time and energy over the years, Margery and Ann. It is appreciated!
Honorary Members Inducted into Rotary Club of Summerland Chantelle Meriam 2018-06-13 07:00:00Z 0

Rotarian of the Month - Garry Hollingshead

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jun 13, 2018
L-R: Past District Governor, Garry Hollingshead, with President, Chantelle Meriam
Congratulations to Past District Governor, Garry Hollingshead, on being named Rotarian of the Month for May. Garry is a dedicated member of the Rotary Club of Summerland. Whether it be rounding up members to help tidy up Adam's Bird Sanctuary, volunteering time at our Summerland Rotary Sunday Market or coordinating our clubs efforts at the Granfondo race each summer, Garry consistently proves Rotary's motto of "Service above Self". Garry is a great inspiration and leader within the Rotary Club of Summerland and we thank you for everything that you do!
Congratulations, Garry!
Rotarian of the Month - Garry Hollingshead Chantelle Meriam 2018-06-13 07:00:00Z 0

Model Railway Train Fun at Ann Kemps

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jun 13, 2018
Thanks to everyone who came out and joined us for some model railway fun at Ann Kemp's place on Tuesday evening. Close to 40 Rotarians, spouses and friends joined us for the special social.
A message from Ann:

Several Rotarians have not seen John’s Model Railway and have asked if they could see it.  Unfortunately John was not well enough during the last year or so to manage to run it and do all the intricate things that it requires to make it run.

John's model railway layout is large and you will see it as John left it.  A project like this is never finished and if it is, you have to find something to change!! John built it all himself and replicates an area in Wiltshire, England. His stand alone model of the Trout Creek bridge (on the end wall) was built after John had scrambled around taking about 100 photos from differtiny stuffes. Each tiny strut he cut by hand. I would never have that kind of patience. A friend of ours from the coast, Tony, will be at the social and will have a couple of trains running. ~ Ann

Thank you to Ann Kemp for hosting this special gathering and supplying the drinks. A great time was had by all!

Additional photos from the evening can be viewed on the Rotary Club of Summerland Facebook page here.

Model Railway Train Fun at Ann Kemps Chantelle Meriam 2018-06-13 07:00:00Z 0

Summerland Rotary Sunday Market - 4th Season Starts Today!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jun 10, 2018
It's time to get ready for the 2018 Season of the Summerland Rotary Sunday Market, starting today! Come by the market anytime between 9 am - 1 pm on Main Street in beautiful downtown Summerland and see everything that the 2018 market season has to offer. Keep in the loop regarding market updates by visiting the Summerland Rotary Sunday Market Facebook page here. Hope to see you all downtown soon!
Summerland Rotary Sunday Market - 4th Season Starts Today! Chantelle Meriam 2018-06-10 07:00:00Z 0

Note from Devon O'Toole

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jun 10, 2018

An note from Devon O'Toole, Inbound Rotary Exchange Student Coordinator/Bus Trip Organizer with District 5060:


I would like to spend a little time to write to you all and say a couple of words. I am writing you today regarding the recent past Youth Exchange Bus trip. On behalf of the 23 students, chaperones this grand adventure would not be possible with out the continues and generosity support of our clubs in our District 5060. The support you give to this program is tremendous. If it were arranging billets for the kids, to organizing a meal(s) or if you club helped pay for one of the activities on the trip the Inbounds of 2017-18 and the District Committee THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts!!!! Once again this trip for the students was filled full of great memories, laughter and tears of joy. For some of them it was the last time they might see their exchange classmates before heading home in June and July. If it were not for your clubs help it would make it much more difficult to pull this trip off. Please share this with your clubs.

With warm Regards,

Devon O'Toole
Inbound Coordinator
Bus Trip Organizer

Note from Devon O'Toole Chantelle Meriam 2018-06-10 07:00:00Z 0

Rotary Youth Extravaganza/New Member Induction Night

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jun 06, 2018
Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Rotary Youth Extravaganza and New Member Induction this past Tuesday, June 5th. Over 30 individuals joined us for the special evening. President-Elect, Mirjana Komljenovic, was Master of Ceremonies for the evening. Rotarian, Megan McLeod, started the evening off with her Rotary Moment where she spoke about her recent experience with this year's Giant's Head Grind.
Rotarian, Doug Carnegie, lead the induction of the Rotary Club of Summerland's newest member - Linda Van Alphen - with Roch Fortin saying a few words about Linda as her sponsor. Welcome to the Rotary Club of Summerland, Linda!
After a wonderful BBQ dinner, guests heard from inbound Rotary exchange student, David Wu, from Taiwan who spoke about the experiences he has had in Canada. Jacob Acheson then spoke about being selected as next year's outbound exchange student where he will be leaving to spend a year away outside of Milan, Italy, this August.
Miss Rotary, Jessica O'Gorman, spoke about her experience in this year's Summerland Blossom Pageant, where she earned the title of Princess and Miss Congeniality. Well done, Jessica!
Later on in the evening, guests heard from two of the four $100 Challenge Teams as they presented their projects and outcomes of this years challenge. Congratulations to Team "Cookie Dough" who raised $295 for Kids Sport. Well done to Team "Heart" who fundraised $525 for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Congrats to Team "Talent Show" who raised $1900 for Camp Joshua orphanage in Tanzania.
Thanks to everyone who came out to support our youth and to welcome our newest member to the Rotary Club of Summerland. Additional photos from the evening can be viewed on the Rotary Club of Summerland Facebook page here.
Rotary Youth Extravaganza/New Member Induction Night Chantelle Meriam 2018-06-06 07:00:00Z 0

A Message from Inbound Rotary Exchange Student, David Wu

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Inbound Rotary Exchange Student, David Wu, from Taiwan recently arrived home from a week long bus trip with other exchange students from our District. Here's what David had to say about the trip:

"First I want to say thank you district 5060 for selecting us to get together. Thank you all the Rotarians who took care of us. We just a one big family and I can't believe our bus trip is over, we had a great time in district 5060 also I feel really sad is that our last orientation is over. I would never forget all of the exchange students in 5060, we just like siblings and we take care of each other. This is part of life and yes I learned a lot in this year, but it's time to write my own journey again, thank you this district and thank you for all the exchange students. I love you all." ~ David Wu

David Wu (Centre) with other inbound Rotary Exchange Students within Rotary District 5060

A Message from Inbound Rotary Exchange Student, David Wu David Wu 2018-06-04 07:00:00Z 0
$100 Challenge Team raises Funds for the Heart and Stroke Foundation Mirjana Komljenovic 2018-06-04 07:00:00Z 0

More Clean Up at Adams Wildlife Sanctuary

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on May 31, 2018
L-R: Rotarians, Garry Hollingshead, Brenda Hamilton and Don Gemmell
Thank you to those Rotarians and friends who have helped clean up Adams Wildlife Sanctuary in Summerland over these past few weeks.

Summerland Rotarians, Garry Hollingshead, Brenda Hamilton and Don Gemmell, came out the other evening to help out. Great job everyone! Thanks to everyone who has come to help out. Your a
ssistance  is appreciated!
More Clean Up at Adams Wildlife Sanctuary Chantelle Meriam 2018-05-31 07:00:00Z 0

Meals on Wheels Appreciation Event

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on May 30, 2018
The Rotary Club of Summerland hosted it's annual Meals on Wheels Volunteer Appreciation Event at the Summerland Seniors Village on Tuesday, May 29th. Thank you to Rotarian, Sharon Lusch, and her team who organized this years wonderful event with sponsorship from Retirement Concepts/Summerland Seniors Village.
The objective of Meals on Wheels is to provide meals to those who are not able to provide meals for themselves. Clients may be the elderly or those convalescing following surgery. The meals are put together in the Seniors Centre in Summerland and then distributed to the Meals on Wheels clients. Charlotte Burley coordinates all volunteers and distribution. Nine volunteer drivers are involved each month, as well as a monthly coordinator that ensures that the meal boxes are ready for delivery.
For more information about the Meals on Wheels program, please contact coordinator, Charlotte Burley, at 250-494-1173. Thank you to all the Meals on Wheels volunteers! We appreciate everything that you do!
Additional photos from the afternoon gathering can be viewed on our Facebook page here.
Meals on Wheels Appreciation Event Chantelle Meriam 2018-05-30 07:00:00Z 0

Mark your Calendars: "Model Railway" Social and Fun at the Home of Ann Kemp

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on May 27, 2018

In place of our regular Tuesday morning meeting on June 12th, please mark your calendars for a special "Rotary after 5" gathering which will be taking place on Tuesday, June 12th at 6:00 pm at the home of Ann Kemp.

A message from Ann:

Several Rotarians have not seen John’s Model Railway and have asked if they could see it.  Unfortunately John was not well enough during the last year or so to manage to run it and do all the intricate things that it requires to make it run.

John's model railway layout is large and you will see it as John left it.  A project like this is never finished and if it is, you have to find something to change!! John built it all himself and replicates an area in Wiltshire, England. His stand alone model of the Trout Creek bridge (on the end wall) was built after John had scrambled around taking about 100 photos from differtiny stuffes. Each tiny strut he cut by hand. I would never have that kind of patience. A friend of ours from the coast, Tony, will be at the social and will have a couple of trains running.

Please join us for a social night where Rotarians and spouses are welcome to attend. I will be supplying wine, beer, soft drinks, appies, etc.

~ Ann

COST: There is no cost for this event. However, if anyone attending would like to bring an appetizer to share with the group, please feel free to bring one along with you. Thank you to Ann for hosting our Club for this special social :)

GUESTS: Guests are always welcome to attend! If you are interested in learning more or becoming a member of our club, please contact our Secretary, Don Gemmell, at to RSVP. We would love to have you join us.

**RESERVATIONS REQUIRED** If you are able to join us for this social, please RSVP your attendance no later than Friday, June 8th by registering your attendance using the Online Registration link on the event page.

We look forward to seeing everyone at the home of Ann Kemp on Tuesday, June 12th!

See you then!

Mark your Calendars: "Model Railway" Social and Fun at the Home of Ann Kemp Chantelle Meriam 2018-05-27 07:00:00Z 0

Rotarian of the Month - LeeAnna Jewell

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on May 23, 2018
Congratulations to Rotarian, LeeAnna Jewell, on being named "Rotarian of the Month" for the month of April!
It is hard to believe LeeAnna became a member of our Club less than a year ago. In just eight months, she has established a great leadership presence in our Club. LeeAnna is involved with the Club's membership committee. As well, most recently, did a tremendous job taking the lead on the Rotary Club of Summerland's "Rotary NOW" event that took place in April. LeeAnna is known for her positive attitude and enthusiasm and we are all very grateful for everything that she does.
Congratulations, LeeAnna!
L-R: President, Chantelle Meriam, with LeeAnna Jewell
Rotarian of the Month - LeeAnna Jewell Chantelle Meriam 2018-05-23 07:00:00Z 0

Ellen Walker-Matthews receives "Changemaker" Award

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on May 23, 2018
L-R: Ellen Walker-Matthews stands with President, Chantelle Meriam, and Bob Van Balkom
Ellen Walker-Matthews was presented with Rotary District 5060's "Changemaker" Award at our morning breakfast meeting on May 22nd. The prestigious award is given to a Rotarian who has demonstrated the leadership and actions that have created significant change to improve their Rotary Club.
Ellen was presented with the award for spearheading and managing the Giants Head Grind along with her husband, Tom Matthews. The pair have worked together with the Rotary Club of Summerland and a very committed group of local Summerland residents and sponsors to make this race happen for the past five years. The race up Giant's Head Mountain was created to honour the memory of Ellen and Tom's son, Christopher Walker, who lost his battle with colon cancer in 2013.
Elle and Tom's goal is to showcase the beautiful Giant's Head Mountain and the community of Summerland, while raising funds for colon cancer detection, diagnostics and research. Proceeds of the race also provide funding for the upkeep and improvement of the trail system in Giant's Head Park with the support of the City of Summerland.
Congratulations on receiving Rotary District 5060's "Changemaker" award, Ellen. Greatly deserved!
Ellen Walker-Matthews receives "Changemaker" Award Chantelle Meriam 2018-05-23 07:00:00Z 0

Morning Breakfast Meeting - May 22, 2018

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on May 23, 2018
Thank you to everyone who came out and joined us for our Rotary breakfast meeting at Second Home Restaurant on Tuesday morning. Over 20 individuals joined us to listen to special guest speakers, Chandel Schmidt and Gail Harrison, who spoke to the group about JoeAnna's House.
President-Elect, Mirjana Komljenovic (R), presents guest speakers, Gail Harrison (L), and Chandel Schmidt (C) with the coveted Rotary Club of Summerland mugs
Michael Zang provided the Rotary Moment, Ellen Walker-Matthews spoke about another successful Giant's Head Grind that took place over the weekend, and Bob Van Balkom shared the experiences he had at the District 5060 Conference in Prosser.
Morning Breakfast Meeting - May 22, 2018 Chantelle Meriam 2018-05-23 07:00:00Z 0

Another Successful Giants Head Grind!

Posted by Ellen Walker-Matthews on May 21, 2018
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Thank you for  lacing up your sneakers this past Saturday May 19th , for the 5th Annual Giants Head Grind - Christopher Walker Memorial Race, whether you walked, ran, biked, volunteered, sponsored or cheered from the sidelines, our entire family Walker- Matthews Family together with Summerland Rotary  is so very grateful for your participation.
Through the efforts of Summerland Rotary, the District of Summerland, a committed group of volunteers and spurred on by those of us that knew and loved our son Chris Walker, the Giants Head Grind was started in May of 2014 to elevate awareness of Colorectal Cancer.  Now in its fifth year the event continues to attract over 400 individuals of all ages who walk, run and cycle their way from Peach Orchard Park on Lake Okanagan to the top of Giants Head Mountain. Together with dedicated volunteers and sponsors, who help to make the race a reality, we are literally doing the “Grind for the Health of Everyone’s Behind”… raising awareness and raising funds.
And they’re off for the fifth annual Giant’s Head Grind in Summerland in memory of Christopher Walker. Photo courtesy Kim Lawton.
From the beginning we have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of support; from the individuals who take part; businesses and sponsors who have gotten behind the race, the District of Summerland including Parks and Recreation as well as the team at Public Works. Without all of you this event would not be possible.
Another Successful Giants Head Grind! Ellen Walker-Matthews 2018-05-21 07:00:00Z 0

Rotary Road Rally and Lobster Dinner - Tickets on Sale Now!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on May 21, 2018
Back for it's second year - the Rotary Road Rally and Lobster Dinner will be taking place on Sunday, June 10th! This is the Rotary Club of Summerland's major fundraiser for the year and an event you will not want to miss!
Remember the fun we had last year at he very first Road Rally? Spend the day visiting fun destinations throughout Summerland with clues and an opportunity to gain points for the ultimate prize, claim to be the Rally Mater. After the Rally, feast on a delectable Lobster Dinner at Kettle Valley Steam Railway while being entertained by the enchanting sounds of Timbre Wolves. There will be prizes for costumes and most points. As well, raffle draws and a live auction!
Tickets are on sale now. To purchase yours, please:
See you on Sunday, June 10th!
Rotary Road Rally and Lobster Dinner - Tickets on Sale Now! Chantelle Meriam 2018-05-21 07:00:00Z 0

Rotary Youth Exchange Community Service Project

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on May 21, 2018
On Friday, May 18th, the day before the Rotary District 5060 Conference, 23 district 5060 exchange students from all over the world spent several hours helping to clean and maintain the Prosser Kids Playground. They picked up garbage, stained wood railings, and shoveled and raked over 60 cubic meters of bark. Four of the students also helped moved boxes of books for the Friends of the Library. Great job everyone!!!
Rotary Youth Exchange Community Service Project Chantelle Meriam 2018-05-21 07:00:00Z 0

Rotary District 5060 Exchange Students Present Video

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on May 19, 2018
Rotary District 5060 Exchange Students from around the world shared this video at this year's Rotary District 5060 Conference in Prosser. What a fantastic group of young adults! They are ready to go out into the world and make a difference:
Rotary District 5060 Exchange Students Present Video Chantelle Meriam 2018-05-19 07:00:00Z 0

Morning Breakfast Meeting - May 15, 2018

Posted by Mirjana Komljenovic on May 16, 2018
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Thanks to everyone that joined us at our morning breakfast meeting on Tuesday, May 15th. We had a special presentation via Skype. All the equipment worked well we were able to communicate with presenter Colin Thacker speaking about the Guatemala Literacy Program. Breakfast was served up by Alison at Summerland Second Home Restaurant. Don Gemmell presented the Rotary Moment. Roch Fortin not only announced birthdays and anniversaries and join dates he told a great joke.
We prepared to receive Colin 5496 kilometres away. Aart Dronkers introduced Colin and reminded members of the successful program we donated to. Our donations were matched 6 times. Love how technology had made out big world a little smaller. After the Skype presentation, David Wu, inbound youth exchange student talked about his past week. He spent some time in Alberta including West Edmonton Mall. Ellen Walker-Mathews talked about the upcoming Giants Head Grind - Christopher Walker Memorial Race. Aart reminded members that volunteers are needed to help set up and take down at the Summerland Sunday Market.
Morning Breakfast Meeting - May 15, 2018 Mirjana Komljenovic 2018-05-16 07:00:00Z 0

$100 Challenge: Heart and Stroke Foundation Fundraiser

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on May 13, 2018

Check out this great fundraiser from one of the groups in this year's $100 Challenge! Team member, Rachel Berekoff, writes more here:

I am grade 11 student in the SSS Senior Leadership Class. We have teamed up with the Summerland Rotary Club for a project called the $100 Challenge! A small group of students are given $100 and challenged to come up with a fundraiser to raise money for a charity of their choice! Our group decide to do a BBQ and a Plant Sale at Windmill Garden Centre to raise money for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Please come out on June 3rd from 11-2 to support this important cause! 


Details as follows:


When: Sunday, June 3rd from 11am - 2pm

Where: Windmill Garden Centre, 9100 Jones Flat Road, Summerland

Details: Join us for a BBQ and Plant Sale to raise money for the Heart and Stroke Foundation


Hope to see you there!

$100 Challenge: Heart and Stroke Foundation Fundraiser Chantelle Meriam 2018-05-13 07:00:00Z 0

Morning Breakfast Meeting - May 8, 2018

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on May 09, 2018
Thanks to everyone who joined us for our weekly breakfast meeting at Second Home Restaurant on Tuesday. We had 25 Rotarians and guests join us for the jam-packed morning.
President Elect, Mirjana Komljenovic, provided the Rotary Moment. Brenda Hamilton announced the weeks birthdays and anniversaries. David Wu from Taiwan provided the club with an update on his week in review. Busy times for our inbound Rotary Exchange Student!
Miss Rotary, Jessica O'Gorman, visited the club and provided a recap of her weekend and the Summerland Blossom Pageant. Jessica was crowned a Summerland Princess and was also named Miss Congeniality. Well done, Jessica! Jessica's mentor, Ann Kemp, said a few words about Jessica and how hard she worked over these past eight months. Afterwards, Ann presented Jessica with a framed gift of photos taken over the weekend. Thank you for all of your support, Ann!
Ellen Walker-Matthews spoke about the Giants Head Grind, taking place next Saturday, May 19th. There is still time to register but don't delay as registration ends soon! Visit to sign up for this year's event!
Our main program of the morning included a special guest presentation by Kim English and Aaron McRann from Community Foundation of the South Okanagan | Similkameen. Kim and Aaron provided an informative presentation on the community foundation, discussing what it is and the various organizations and charities it has supported over the years. Thank you, Kim and Aaron, for the wonderful presentation! Our morning ended off with two Rotarians winning the "Who's Reading the Rotary Newsletter" prize. Keep reading our weekly bulletin everyone!
This week's 50/50 winner was none other than President, Chantelle Meriam, herself. Chantelle walked away with $10 for winning the 50/50 then had the opportunity to win the "Chase the Ace" jackpot if able to draw the Ace of Spades from the deck of cards. And wouldn't you know it - she drew Ace of Spades and walked away with the jackpot of $190. What luck! Congratulations, Chantelle!
More photos from the morning breakfast meeting can be found on the Rotary Club of Summerland Facebook page here.
Morning Breakfast Meeting - May 8, 2018 Chantelle Meriam 2018-05-09 07:00:00Z 0

Mark Your Calendars! Rotary Youth Extravaganza coming soon!

Posted by Mirjana Komljenovic on May 06, 2018
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It is coming to the time of year we celebrate our youth. And there is so much to celebrate. Join us Tuesday, June 5th, for an amazing evening of accomplishment. The four $100 challenge teams will present their projects and outcomes. Inbound and outbound exchange students will share their thoughts, and Miss Rotary will charm us with her adventures. Mark your calendars and please RSVP your attendance to this event. Looking forward to seeing you all soon!
Mark Your Calendars! Rotary Youth Extravaganza coming soon! Mirjana Komljenovic 2018-05-06 07:00:00Z 0

48th Annual Summerland Blossom Pageant

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on May 06, 2018
Congratulations to the eight young women who participated in the 48th Annual Summerland Blossom program this year. The talent and public speaking competition were held this past Friday with the evening gown competition, impromptu questions, frugal fashion show, coronation and awards held on Saturday evening. Congratulations to Olivia Corps on being named Miss Summerland and to Tiana Ferlizza and our very own, Miss Rotary, Jessica O'Gorman, on being named Summerland Princesses. As well, congratulations to Jessica on being named Miss Congeniality!
It was a wonderful Pageant weekend and we are so proud of all the young ladies' accomplishments! A special thank you to Ann Kemp who has been a wonderful mentor to Jessica over these past 8 months which Ann calls one of the nicest jobs she has ever had. Thank you for taking such great care of Miss Rotary, Ann. It is appreciated!
48th Annual Summerland Blossom Pageant Chantelle Meriam 2018-05-06 07:00:00Z 0

Rotary District 5060 Spring Roundup!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on May 06, 2018
Thanks to everyone from Rotary District 5060 who joined us for our 2nd Annual Spring Roundup this past Saturday, May 5th, at Summerland Senior Secondary School. Over 20 Rotarians joined us for the collaborative discussions that followed the Open Space Technology format. District Governor Nominee, Peter Schultz, and District Governor Elect, Sherry Chamberlain, were facilitators. Summerland Rotarians, LeeAnna Jewell, Tina Gowing, Paul Barber, and President, Chantelle Meriam, were also in attendance. Many great ideas and best practices in Rotary were identified!
After the sessions, participants enjoyed a social at Saxon Estate Winery. Thank you to Peachland Rotarian, Jayne Gradyon, and her husband, Paul, for hosting our group. As well, special thanks to our inbound Rotary Exchange Student, David Wu, for the wonderful BBQ'd burger lunch! The BBQ lunch was by donation with all proceeds raised going to the Heart and Stroke Foundation - as part of David and his teams Rotary $100 Challenge. Over $200 was raised towards the organization. Well done, David and team!
Rotary District 5060 Spring Roundup! Chantelle Meriam 2018-05-06 07:00:00Z 0

Another Successful Adams Wildlife Sanctuary Work Party

Posted by Garry Hollingshead on May 04, 2018
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Thank you to Michael Zang, Nancy Wilson, Mike Kosmack, Paul Barber, Doug Carnegie, Aart Donkers, Les Brough and Don Gemmell who gave up their Thursday evening last night to help clean up Adams Wildlife Sanctuary. No photos were taken of the work party as everyone disappeared into the darkness but it was a successful evening. I plan to spread gravel next Thursday evening. Thank you to everyone who came out. Great job!
Another Successful Adams Wildlife Sanctuary Work Party Garry Hollingshead 2018-05-04 07:00:00Z 0

Evening Dinner Meeting - May 1, 2018

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on May 02, 2018
LEFT (L-R): New Rotarian, Dr. Vilas Prabhu with sponsor, Aart Dronkers
RIGHT: Past District Governor, Garry Hollingshead, with new Rotarian, Tina Gowing
Thank you to everyone who joined us for our evening dinner meeting last Tuesday. Over 35 Rotarians, spouses, friends and special guests joined us as we inducted two new members into the Rotary Club of Summerland. Welcome, Dr. Vilas Prabhu and Tina Gowing! Guests in attendance also saw a special Paul Harris Fellow presentation made to Summerland community member, Bob Campbell. Bob was recognized for his support of the Rotary Club of Summerland where his business, Dirty Laundry Vineyard, donated hundreds of beautifully cultured trees which were sold at Summerland Rotary Club's Christmas Tree Fundraiser last year. Congratulations on your Paul Harris Fellow recognition, Bob!
Top Left and Clockwise: Inbound Rotary Exchange Student, David Wu, from Taiwan provides an update on his week in review; LeeAnna Jewell and her daughter, Halle, auction off a carrot cake with proceeds going to the Rotary Foundation; Roch Fortin, presents Bob Campbell with his wife, Trudy, the honour of Paul Harris Fellow; and Megan McLeod provides the weekly Rotary Moment.
Evening Dinner Meeting - May 1, 2018 Chantelle Meriam 2018-05-02 07:00:00Z 0
5th Annual Giants Head Grind - Happening Soon! Chantelle Meriam 2018-04-29 07:00:00Z 0

2nd Annual Rotary Road Rally and Lobster Dinner

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Apr 28, 2018
Back for it's second year - the Rotary Road Rally and Lobster Dinner will be taking place on Sunday, June 10th! This is the Rotary Club of Summerland's major fundraiser for the year and an event you will not want to miss!
Remember the fun we had last year at he very first Road Rally? Spend the day visiting fun destinations throughout Summerland with clues and an opportunity to gain points for the ultimate prize, claim to be the Rally Mater. After the Rally, feast on a delectable Lobster Dinner at Kettle Valley Steam Railway while being entertained by the enchanting sounds of Timbre Wolves. There will be prizes for costumes and most points. As well, raffle draws and a live auction!
Tickets are on sale now. To purchase yours, please:
See you on Sunday, June 10th!
2nd Annual Rotary Road Rally and Lobster Dinner Chantelle Meriam 2018-04-28 07:00:00Z 0

District 5060 Spring RoundUp - Next Saturday!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Apr 28, 2018
Just a friendly reminder that our District's 2nd Annual Spring RoundUp will be taking place next Saturday, May 5th! Everyone from our District is invited to attend and the event will again be held again right here in Summerland. Can't beat that!
The event will be held on Saturday, May 5th from 10 am - 2 pm with a social BBQ at Saxon Estate Winery at 2:30 pm. I attended the RoundUp last year and walked away with so many great ideas. Plus, you have the opportunity tp meet so many wonderful Rotarians from our District!
If you can, please register below in order to take part in this event. ALSO, please note - the cost of $35 will be covered by our Club. When registering, please indicate you will pay the registration fee by cheque and then provide the print out to our Treasurer, Doug Carnegie, so he can write one cheque on behalf of all of those attending.
Looking forward to this fun event! Hope you can join us!
Many thanks,
Spring Roundup is an "Open Space" planning and action-item setting event that was started last year, and enjoyed by all that were there!  Check out details of last year's event on the District website at: Spring Roundup 2017.  Thanks to our local hosts the Rotary Club of Summerland for setting this up for us.
When & Where?
Saturday 5 May 2018
   Meeting: 10:00am – 2:00pm
       Summerland Secondary School,
       9518 Main St, Summerland BC
   Social: 2:30 ~ 5:00pm (by donation)
                 BBQ at Saxon Winery,
                 9819 Lumsden Ave
District 5060 Spring RoundUp - Next Saturday! Chantelle Meriam 2018-04-28 07:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Peachland Annual Gala Fundraiser

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Apr 28, 2018
Our friends at the Rotary Club of Peachland are hosting their annual Gala Fundraiser on Saturday, May 12th! Tickets are still available and our very, Doug Carnegie, has a table of tickets to sell! Please contact him directly at to purchase yours to sit with others from the Rotary Club of Summerland. Let's get together and support our friends in Peachland!
Rotary Club of Peachland Annual Gala Fundraiser Chantelle Meriam 2018-04-28 07:00:00Z 0

Rotarian of the Month - Bob Van Balkom

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Apr 24, 2018
L-R: Rotarian, Bob Van Balkom, with President, Chantelle Meriam
Congratulations to Rotarian, Bob Van Balkom, on being named "Rotarian of the Month" for the month of March! While Bob is always willing to lend a helping hand, his time and efforts spent in the area of youth services has not gone unnoticed.. Whether he is attending a Miss Rotary function or is involved with our inbound and outbound exchange students, Bob is always available to support and assist our youth in any way that he can. As well, Bob has put through tremendous efforts on our District's Youth Exchange Committee. Bob has the large job of Event Coordinator on the committee and has taken on this position very well. Thank you for everything that you do, Bob. It is appreciated!
Rotarian of the Month - Bob Van Balkom Chantelle Meriam 2018-04-24 07:00:00Z 0

Morning Breakfast Meeting - April 24, 2018

Posted by Mirjana Komljenovic on Apr 24, 2018
Our first regular morning meeting for the month of April was held this morning. We had a fun-filled month of events in April that did not allow us to meet for our regular morning meeting until today. We had plenty of agenda items and two exciting speakers.
As always, each meeting starts with a tasty meal prepared by Second Home Restaurant. This morning we enjoyed eggs benedict and fruit. Rotarian, Roch Fortin, announced April's birthdays and anniversaries in less than two minutes. A new record.
Morning Breakfast Meeting - April 24, 2018 Mirjana Komljenovic 2018-04-24 07:00:00Z 0

$100 Challenge Talent Show

Posted by Mirjana Komljenovic on Apr 19, 2018
The $100 Challenge Talent Show, put together entirely by Summerland Secondary School $100 Challenge Team, took place on Wednesday, April 18th. What an amazing job the kids did making this happen . They really brought our community together. They worked tirelessly collecting donations to raffle, they directed, produced and managed every price of the production. So proud of them.
$100 Challenge Talent Show Mirjana Komljenovic 2018-04-19 07:00:00Z 0

SADI Zias Fundraiser

Posted by Mirjana Komljenovic on Apr 18, 2018
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On Tuesday, April 19th, instead of our regular meeting, the Rotary Club of Summerland participated in SADI Youth-Club's 8th Annual Dinner & Auction Fundraiser at Zias Stonehouse Restaurant.
The venue and exceptional meals were prepared and donated by Zias Stonehouse Restaurant so that all funds raised would go to support the work of SADI Youth-Club. Summerland Rotarian, Roch Fortin, was emcee for the evening. Martin Van Alphen was auctioneer for the live auction.
Later on in the evening, President, Chantelle Meriam, on behalf of the Rotary Club of Summerland, presented SADI Program Manager, Alyson Lindsay, with a cheque for $1000 over-and-above the funds raised throughout the evening. All in all, it was a wonderful night. Thanks to everyone who came out and supported SADI!
SADI Zias Fundraiser Mirjana Komljenovic 2018-04-18 07:00:00Z 0

~In Loving Memory~ John Kemp

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Apr 15, 2018
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of a beloved Summerland Rotarian, John Kemp, who passed away on April 9, 2018.
John was a charter member of the Rotary Club of Golden then transferred his membership to the Rotary Club of Summerland in 1985 when him and Ann moved to Summerland. John loved to garden, spend time at his and Ann's cabin in the summer and enjoyed travelling and then returning home to the beauty of the Okanagan. John was a kind man and known for his witty sense of humour.
Friends are invited to attend John's Service of Remembrance taking place on Thursday, May 10th at 2:00 pm at St. Stephen Anglican Church. Please see further details below.
~Rest in peace, John. You will be missed.
~In Loving Memory~ John Kemp Chantelle Meriam 2018-04-15 07:00:00Z 0

Rotary NOW - A success!

Thanks to everyone who joined us for our first ever Rotary NOW event at Summerland Waterfront Resort and Spa on Thursday, April 12th! Over 50 individuals joined us for the complimentary event to learn about Rotary and what we are all about today.
Thank you to Summerland Estate Winery for providing the delicious wine; to the talented, Sophia Zang, for providing her face painting services; and to our friends at the Rotary Club of Peachland, Penticton and Penticton Sunrise for joining us for our event. Special thanks to the members of the Membership Committee who took on the organization of the Rotary NOW event! Great job, LeeAnna Jewell, Doug Carnegie, Garry Hollingshead and Paul Baber! As well, thank you to all of the Rotarians, spouses, guests and friends who also made the evening possible.
Thanks to everyone who came out and joined us for the event! Additional photos from the evening can be viewed on our Facebook page here.
Rotary NOW - A success! Chantelle Meriam 2018-04-12 07:00:00Z 0

District 5060 Outbound Student Orientation in Penticton

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Apr 09, 2018
Our Rotary District 5060 held it's annual Outbound Student Orientation this past weekend in Penticton. Current inbound Rotary Exchange Students, including our own, David Wu, from Taiwan, joined other inbounds from the District. Outbound Rotary Exchange students who will be heading out later on this summer also took part in the weekend event. Fun times were had by all...and not much sleep, I hear! Hope you enjoyed the weekend away, David :)
District 5060 Outbound Student Orientation in Penticton Chantelle Meriam 2018-04-09 07:00:00Z 0

Rotary $100 Challenge - Talent Show!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Apr 09, 2018
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Please plan on coming out and supporting those students from Summerland Senior Secondary who are taking part in this year's Rotary $100 Challenge! One of the groups, working with Summerland Rotarian, Karl Seidel, is putting on a Talent Show set to take place next Thursday, April 19th. Come out and support these students will all proceeds raised going towards Summerland Senior Secondary School's Tanzania Trip! More details regarding the event can be seen here:
Rotary $100 Challenge - Talent Show! Chantelle Meriam 2018-04-09 07:00:00Z 0

Rotary NOW! This Thursday!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Apr 09, 2018
This week is the week! This Thursday, April 12th, from 5-7pm at Summerland Waterfront Resort - please join us for our first ever Rotary NOW event! This event will be in place of our regular Tuesday morning meeting and will be an opportunity for members of our community to come out and learn what Rotary is all about as we showcase the work we do in our community, in our country and around the world.
This Rotary social is complimentary. Please invite your friends, family and other members of our community to join us for this exciting event!
Enjoy wine from Summerland Estate Winery, delicious appies, face painting for the kids, door prizes and much more! We look forward to seeing you at the Summerland Waterfront Resort and Spa this Thursday, April 12th! See you there!
Rotary NOW! This Thursday! Chantelle Meriam 2018-04-09 07:00:00Z 0

Summerland Rotary Dinner for SADI

Posted by Lisa Jaager on Apr 09, 2018
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The Annual Summerland Rotary Club and Zia's Stonehouse Fundraiser for SADI Youth Club is coming up quickly. The three-course dinner, with a silent and live auction will be taking place next Tuesday, April 17th. Please be reminded that we will not be having our regular Tuesday morning meeting this day. We hope you will be able to join us for this annual SADI Fundraiser instead.
Tickets are available on our website:
This event always sells out! Do NOT wait until the last minute to purchase your tickets. 
See you there, Lisa
Summerland Rotary Dinner for SADI Lisa Jaager 2018-04-09 07:00:00Z 0

2nd Annual Spring RoundUp!! Coming Soon!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Apr 06, 2018
Spring Roundup is an "Open Space" planning and action-item setting event that was started last year, and enjoyed by all that were there!  Check out details of last year's event on the District website at: Spring Roundup 2017.  Thanks to our local hosts the Rotary Club of Summerland for setting this up for us.
When & Where?
Saturday 5 May 2018
   Meeting: 10:00am – 2:00pm
       Summerland Secondary School,
       9518 Main St, Summerland BC
   Social: 2:30 ~ 5:00pm (by donation)
                 BBQ at Saxon Winery,
                 9819 Lumsden Ave
Who should come??
  • Presidents-Elect – FOR SURE you want to join this, make sure the planning you started at prePETS and PETS gets finalized and your teams ready for action.
  • Committee Chairs and Board Members – FOR SURE you want to be here to share best practices with your colleagues from around the District!
  • Club Presidents, Past Presidents & District Leaders – FOR SURE you want to be here to help all our Clubs be the best they can, and perhaps explore what is next for you!
  • New Rotarians – FOR SURE you want to be here to share some of your ideas and hear from others about how Rotary can serve you while you serve others!
  • OK, so just about everybody!
Register (link-button below) and pay for the event ($35), and promote it to your club!  Groups have no restrictions about what they talk about, so come ready to share (and learn) some great ideas!  Best results will be achieved if 5-10 come from each club and cover several of the topic discussions.
10:00-11:00     Group session - Facilitated
The "Open Space" Conference technique will be briefly described, and we will decide on our breakout topics that relate to the "Big Question" for the day, which is:
     How do we improve Membership: Attraction - Retention - Engagement??
11:00-1:00       Breakout – Discussion Leader
This will be for whomever is in each group to discuss “best practices”.  This is NOT TRAINING, rather this is collaborative development.  What has worked for your club? What can be done better?  A light lunch will be available during this time.
1:00-2:00         Group session – Facilitated
"Shop the Room".  This is where we get to explore all the action items that came out of the breakouts, and vote for our favorites.  Conclude the meeting portion of the day with facilitated group discussion about next steps… “The Big Rocks” in the jar!
2:30-5:00         Social get-together – the Roundup!
Our “host” Summerland Rotary Club will organize a BBQ “early dinner” gathering.  Local youth will serve, donation-fundraiser.

Peter Schultz, PhD - Rotary Club of Kelowna
     District 5060 Governor 2019-2020
     Chair, Rotary Leadership Institute
     District Conference Chair 2017  -  250.470.9228
2nd Annual Spring RoundUp!! Coming Soon! Chantelle Meriam 2018-04-06 07:00:00Z 0

Evening Dinner Meeting - April 3, 2018

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Apr 04, 2018
Top (L-R): Aart Dronkers and Roch Fortin
Bottom (L-R): Inbound Rotary Exchange Student, David Wu, from Taiwan, and LeeAnna Binder
Thanks to everyone who joined us for our evening dinner meeting on Tuesday, April 3th at Second Home Restaurant in Summerland. Over 20 Rotarians, spouses and other special guests joined us as we welcomed and heard from District 5060 Assistant Governor, Cheryle King. Cheryle is the Assistant District Governor for Area 7 which is made up of the Rotary Club of Summerland, Penticton Rotary, Penticton Sunrise, Princeton, Oliver and Osoyoos. This was Cheryle's last official visit to our club before she retires from her position of Assistant Governor in July 2018. Cheryle provided an update from Rotary International and spoke about some of the things on the horizon for Rotary. Thanks to everyone who joined us for evening!
Top Left and Clockwise: (1) Aart Dronkers; (2) Assistant Governor; Cheryle King, speaking to the Club; (3) President-Elect, Mirjana Komljenovic, Cheryle King and President, Chantelle Meriam; (4) Cheryle King; and (5) Jim and Cheryle King
Evening Dinner Meeting - April 3, 2018 Chantelle Meriam 2018-04-04 07:00:00Z 0

Clean-Up Day at Adams Wildlife Sanctuary

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Apr 02, 2018
L-R: Inbound Rotary Exchange Student, David Wu, Bob Van Balkom, Garry Hollingshead, Aart Dronkers, Paul Barber, Michael Zang and Tim Gray
Thank you to those Rotarians and friends who gave up their Saturday this past Easter weekend to help clean up Adams Wildlife Sanctuary. Great job everyone!
Clean-Up Day at Adams Wildlife Sanctuary Chantelle Meriam 2018-04-02 07:00:00Z 0

Rotary NOW! taking place next Thursday!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Apr 02, 2018
Next Thursday, April 12th, from 5-7pm at Summerland Waterfront Resort - please join us for our first ever Rotary NOW event! This event will be in place of our regular Tuesday morning meeting next week and will be an opportunity for members of our community to come out and learn what Rotary is all about as we showcase the work we do in our community, in our country and around the world.
This Rotary social is complimentary. Please invite your friends, family and other members of our community to join us for this exciting event!
Enjoy wine from Summerland Estate Winery, delicious appies, face painting for the kids, door prizes and much more! We look forward to seeing you at the Summerland Waterfront Resort and Spa on Thursday, April 12th! See you there!
Rotary NOW! taking place next Thursday! Chantelle Meriam 2018-04-02 07:00:00Z 0
Great Reasons to Participate in this years Giants Head Grind Ellen Walker-Matthews 2018-04-02 07:00:00Z 0

Rotary After 5: Sumac Ridge Golf & Country Club

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Mar 30, 2018
Thanks to everyone who joined us for our "Rotary After 5" social at Sumac Ridge Golf & Country Club on Thursday evening. We had one of our largest socials to date with over 40 Rotarians, spouses, friends and other special guests in attendance.
Thank you to our friends who came out from the Penticton Rotary and the Penticton Sunrise clubs. It was wonderful to see everyone and get together for some fellowship and fun! More photos from the evening can be viewed on our Facebook page here.
Rotary After 5: Sumac Ridge Golf &amp; Country Club Chantelle Meriam 2018-03-30 07:00:00Z 0

Rotary after 5: Sumac Ridge Golf & Country Club

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Mar 25, 2018
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Just a friendly reminder - In place of our regular Tuesday morning meeting this week, please plan on joining us for our second social gathering of the year which will be taking place this Thursday, March 29th at 6:00 pm at Sumac Ridge Golf & Country Club - Restaurant and Lounge. Details are as follows:

  • Thursday, March 29th
  • Sumac Ridge Golf & Country Club
  • 17333 Sumac Ridge Drive, Summerland
  • 6:00 pm

Come by for some food and/or a drink and enjoy some Rotary fellowship fun. Rotarians, spouses, kids and guests are all welcome to attend!

**RESERVATIONS REQUIRED** If you are able to join us for this dinner/social, please RSVP your attendance no later than Sunday, March 25th by clicking on the registration link on our event page here. You are welcome to register guests, as well. Feel free to spread the word! **

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Michael Zang at‎. Otherwise, we look forward to seeing everyone on the Thursday before the long weekend at Sumac Ridge Golf & Country Club!

See you then!

Rotary after 5: Sumac Ridge Golf &amp; Country Club Chantelle Meriam 2018-03-25 07:00:00Z 0

Rotarian of the Month - Michael Weis

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Mar 25, 2018
L-R: President, Chantelle Meriam, with Rotarian, Michael Weis
Congratulations to Rotarian, Michael Weis, on being named "Rotarian of the Month" for the month of February!
While he is not keen on being in the limelight, Michael has always been a great "behind the scenes" supporter of our Club. Whether it be setting up wine/beer sales at our summer BBQs and other special events, establishing the coffee fund at the Summerland Research Station or donating a higher quality projector screen to the Club, Michael is always available to support and assist our Club in any way that he can. Congratulations on being named Rotarian of the Month, Michael. We appreciate everything that you do!
Rotarian of the Month - Michael Weis Chantelle Meriam 2018-03-25 07:00:00Z 0

Summerland Rotary supports Annual Wellness Retreat

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Mar 25, 2018
L-R: Kim Wise, Chantelle Meriam, and Jessica O'Gorman
President of the Summerland Rotary Club, Chantelle Meriam, was pleased to present a cheque for $3000 to Summerland Secondary School, Counsellor, Kim Wise, and Summerland Senior Secondary Wellness Retreat Past Participant/Student Leader, Jessica O'Gorman, at our morning breakfast meeting on March 13th. The annual 1 1/2 day Wellness Retreat will be held this year on May 2-3rd at the Green Bay Camp in West Kelowna.
The Wellness Retreat will promote mental health and wellness for everyone and will include keynote speakers, group wide games and activities, dance-offs, campfire, quiet time and reflection. The student-led workshops will focus on mindfulness, yoga, growth mindset, healthy eating/living, benefits of activity in nature, managing anxiety at school, body positivity and self esteem.
L-R: Rotarian, Michael Zang, presents Kim Wise and Jessica O'Gorman with the Rotary Club of Summerland mug after their presentation to the group
The retreat is held off campus to give students an experience away from home and school. Participants will include a cross-section of students from grade 9 and 10 from both Summerland Senior Secondary and the Alternate School. Student leaders from grade 11 and 12 commit to training beforehand and lead a variety of student-led workshops. This will be the 15th year the retreat will be held in partnership with the Rotary Club of Summerland.
Summerland Rotary supports Annual Wellness Retreat Chantelle Meriam 2018-03-25 07:00:00Z 0

SADI's Annual Dinner Fundraiser - Tickets on sale now!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Mar 25, 2018
The Rotary Club of Summerland is excited to help invest in Summerland Youth and SADI Youth Club. Please join us! In place of our regular Tuesday morning meeting on Tuesday, April 17th, we hope Rotarians and other members of our community will join us for SADI Youth Club's 8th Annual Dinner Fundraiser. Details as follows:
Tuesday, April 17th
Zia's Stonehouse Restaurant
5:30 - 9:00 pm
Tickets: $40/person
Tickets are on sale now! Purchase yours today by clicking on the link below:
For more information, visit our event page here.
SADI's Annual Dinner Fundraiser - Tickets on sale now! Chantelle Meriam 2018-03-25 07:00:00Z 0

Update from Rebound Rotary Exchange Student, Michaella Haidenger

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Mar 25, 2018
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The Rotary Club of Summerland was fortunate to have Rebound Rotary Exchange Student, Michaella Haidenger, join us for a breakfast meeting back in August  last year before she headed off on her travels to Cambodia. Below is an update we recently received from Michaella:
I hope you are all doing well, it looks like the club is going strong as I am always following you on Facebook. David is looks like he is having a ton of fun doing the play, I am glad he did as I remember in Taiwan he wasn't so interested. I am hoping to catch up with him when I had to the Rotex convention in August in Taiwan. I also have seen that Roch has tapped some Summerland maple trees and I wished the mail was reliable enough to mail some haha.
I have been doing well here! I am coming into my seventh month in Cambodia. It feels like time has gone so fast. We are coming into the hot season and the temperature has been 37 and higher and polluted in the mornings, but passes by around 10 am. Summer every day but in pants and long shirts. But the sun rays keep me very happy.
It really is starting to feel like home here as I have joined ariel yoga, dodgeball, and cooking classes. Yesterday I even bought my first motorbike for 400USD which I will be taking to a wedding where I am a bridesmaid for a full week. Which will be a new experience for me and its quiet exciting. I have gotten a regular veggie lady, fruit man, and flower lady at the market which do a lovely job of filling my fridge completely for $10 a week of healthy food and spices. I have also come close with my cleaner which makes me happy and I have met her two daughters who play with me on the weekends.
My life consists of six major things, work, wandering, "charity", studying, being sick and sleep.
Update from Rebound Rotary Exchange Student, Michaella Haidenger Chantelle Meriam 2018-03-25 07:00:00Z 0

Rotary Senior Pioneer Tea - March 10, 2018

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Mar 12, 2018
Thank you to everyone who came out for our annual Rotary Senior Pioneer Tea that took place this past Saturday! We had close to 60 pioneers join us at the Summerland Legion as we celebrated a spring/St. Patrick Day's theme.
Thank you to Alyson Lindsay and the group from SADI Youth Club who did a tremendous job setting up, serving and cleaning up at the tea. Inbound Rotary Exchange Student, David Wu, from Taiwan and soon-to-be Outbound Rotary Exchange Student, Jacob Acheson, helped out as well.
Thank you to Miss Rotary, Jessica O'Gorman, and Miss Zia's, Tianna Ferlizza, for greeting guests as they entered and for providing the afternoon entertainment. Jessica shared with the group her speech about Rotary that was presented at the Blossom Tea held in January. Tianna performed two songs.
Thank you to Summerland Rotarian, Sharon Lusch, and her team at Retirement Concepts for providing the beautiful luncheon. Melissa in the kitchen at Summerland Seniors Village really outdone herself.
Thank you to the Summerland Museum for the photos provided on each table. Each year they contribute new photos to the Pioneer Tea as a way of bringing back those great memories.
Thank you to Zia's Stonehouse Restaurant for providing prizes to our most senior male and female. Donald Nelson and Glenys Clark each walked away with a $25 Zia's gift card.
Thank you to District of Summerland Councillor, Janet Peake, for making an appearance at the event.
Thank you to those Rotarians and friends who assisted on the day setting up, serving tea and cleaning up at the end of day including Shawn Hume, Michael Zang, Preston Mott, Nancy Wilson, Mike Kosmack, Tina Gowing, Ann Kemp, Don Gemmell and Bob Van Balkom.
As well, a special thanks to Lisa Jaager and Carol Van Balkom for doing a fabulous job organizing this year's Pioneer Tea.
All in all, the Pioneer Tea was a wonderful event. Thank you to everyone who came out to make this year's Pioneer Tea another successful event!
Rotary Senior Pioneer Tea - March 10, 2018 Chantelle Meriam 2018-03-12 07:00:00Z 0

Evening Dinner Meeting - March 6, 2018

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Mar 07, 2018
Thank you to everyone who joined us for our evening dinner meeting on Tuesday at Second Home Restaurant in Summerland. We had over 30 individuals Rotarians and guests join us for an exciting dinner meeting.
At the beginning of the evening, President-Elect, Mirjana Komljenovic, posed for a photo with Member of Parliament, Dan Albas. Mirjana recently received Citizen/Volunteer of the Year award at the 80th Annual Summerland Business and Community Excellence Awards.
Rotarian, Brenda Hamilton, reminded the group of the monthly birthdays, anniversaries and other special dates.
Michael Zang made several announcements regarding Rotary after 5, events in the community and the new projection screen that was donated to the Club by Rotarian, Michael Weis.
Alison Schmidt at Second Home Restaurant provided a tasty dinner consisting of salads, chicken curry over rice and naan bread. Many in attendance has seconds.
For dessert, guests enjoyed the popular lemon meringue pie and chocolate chip cookies.
After dinner, Rotarian and Director of International Service, Aart Dronkers, introduced our special guest speakers, Murli Pendharkar and Dr. Vilas Prabhu. Mr. Pendharkar spoke of the deplorable conditions of the only school in the region that serves 1000 students daily. An investment from the Rotary Club of Summerland could change outcomes on India. Dr. Prabhu conformed his commitment to the global project in India.
At the conclusion of the presentation, Aart presented our speakers with the ever coveted Summerland Rotary mug.
All in all, it was a wonderful evening meeting. Thank you to everyone who came out!
Evening Dinner Meeting - March 6, 2018 Chantelle Meriam 2018-03-07 08:00:00Z 0

Rotary $100 Challenge - It's Back!

Posted by Mirjana Komljenovic on Mar 03, 2018
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It's a new year and that means another Rotary $100 Challenge. I have a feeling this year's $100 Challenge will be full of surprises. This year we have 4 teams that will be participating. Thank you to all of those who will be taking part in this year's challenge.
Objective of Rotary's $100 Challenge: An opportunity for Summerland Secondary School students to financially support a cause/charity of their choice. 
Description: Each of the student groups are expected to use the $100 donation from Rotary as seed money for a fundraising project to raise funds for their cause/charity of choice. Rotarians volunteer as group mentors and are encouraged to meet with their groups as often as is necessary. The Challenge ends in May with all proceeds flowing through the club to be distributed to the named causes/charities. Each group is invited to make a presentation at a pre-arranged Rotary meeting.
This years teams include:
Mirjana Komljenovic's Team
Top Left: Sunveer Dhaliwal, Rachel Berekoff. Missing but still awesome - Haylee Rolston, Claire Kenzie and Jacob Acheson.
Team Talent Show
Bottom: Jillian Henrichsen, Sage Beddome, Kaitlyn Nightingale, Ethan Freistadt, Hannah Walton and Monique Maaske.
LeeAnna Binder's Team
Top: Hanna Marsh-DeBoer, Zaria Jenkins, Hannah Mistal and Brooklyn Stern
Bob Van Balkom's Team
Bottom Left: Nikki Blair, Brook Ure and Chelsea Robinson
Rotary Contact: For more information about the $100 Challenge, please contact $100 Challenge Chair, Mirjana Komljenovic at
Rotary $100 Challenge - It's Back! Mirjana Komljenovic 2018-03-03 08:00:00Z 0
SADI Youth Club's Annual Dinner Fundraiser Chantelle Meriam 2018-03-03 08:00:00Z 0

Breakfast Rotary Meeting - February 27, 2018

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Feb 28, 2018
Thanks to everyone who joined us for our morning breakfast meeting on Tuesday, February 27th. The "Rotary Moment" was provided by Rotarian, Karl Seidel. Brenda Hamilton, let the group know about the week's birthdays, anniversaries and other special occasions. Inbound Rotary Exchange Student, David Wu, spoke about his week in review. Miss Rotary, Jessica O'Gorman, provided an update on participation in this year's Summerland Blossom Pageant. Rotarian, LeeAnna Binder, spoke to the Club about the new Rotary NOW event the she and the rest of the Membership Committee has been organizing to take place on Thursday, April 12th, from 5-7 pm  at the Summerland Waterfront Resort. Stay tuned for more details on this shortly.
President-Elect, Mirjana Komljenovic, spoke to the Club about her experience from the past weekend in Seattle. Mirjana attended the Pacific Northwest President-Elects Training Seminar (PETS) at the end of February, which is a joint effort of the nine Rotary districts in the Northwest area of North America (and eastern Russia). This large area includes the states of Alaska, Oregon, Washington, parts of Idaho and California, the Canadian province of British Columbia and the Yukon Territory. Pacific Northwest PETS is managed, prepared and conducted by a PETS Operating Committee composed of the District Governor-elect and a Past District Governor representative from each participating District. Consisting of well known exceptional speakers, informative workshops, detailed district training sessions, fellowship and networking, the basic purpose of our PETS is to have the best prepared, most enthusiastic club presidents in the Rotary world. Annually, the over 550 Presidents-elect attending leave well prepared to carry out their Rotary duties.
Director of Youth Services, Bob Van Balkom, spoke about the upcoming Rotary District 5060 Youth Exchange Bus Trip. Ellen Walker-Matthews introduced our guest speaker Ann Jackson, Landscape Designer at BENCH Site Design from Kelowna. Ann provided the Club with an update regarding the Giants Head Trail Re-Development Plan. Later on in the morning, Ellen thanked Ann Jackson and Lori Mullin, Manager of Parks & Recreation at the District of Summerland, for attending our meeting and presented them with Rotary Club of Summerland mugs.
Additional photos from our breakfast meeting can be found on our Facebook page here.
Breakfast Rotary Meeting - February 27, 2018 Chantelle Meriam 2018-02-28 08:00:00Z 0

Summerland Rotary, Art Sewell and Summerland Penny Lane Bursaries Awarded

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Feb 25, 2018
Chris Sewell presents Ericka Bidwell with the Summerland Rotary, Art Sewell, Summerland Penny Lane Bursary
Back in 2011, the Rotary Club of Summerland, the Sewell Family and Summerland Charity Shop Society established an endowment fund to be known as the Summerland Rotary, Art Sewell, Summerland Penny Lane Bursary with the Okanagan College Foundation. The award was established to honour Art Sewell, an advocate for youth and education, who passed away in Summerland in 2010. Art was passionate about supporting  youth and their connection within the community. He was a founding member of Summerland Penny Lane and served as Chairman for 8 years. As an active Rotarian for 35 years, Art strongly believed that business leaders have a responsibility to provide opportunities for skill development in youth that help them reach their full potential. Art's belief and vision are shared by his family members, Rotarians and members of the Summerland Penny Lane Society. The Summerland Rotary, Art Sewell, Summerland Penny Lane Bursary is disbursed to recipients who meet the following criteria:
  1. The recipient will be entering full time study in any Trades Foundation program or Business Adminsitration program at Okanagan College with preference given to a student attending the Penticton Campus;
  2. The recipient will be a resident of Summerland or have attended high school in Summerland;
  3. Selection of the award will be based on financial need
Congratulations to Spencer McIntosh and Ericka Bidwell who were selected to receive the Summerland Rotary, Art Sewell, Summerland Penny Lane Bursary for the 2017/2018 academic year. Family member, Chris Sewell, presented the two bursaries at an Awards Ceremony in Penticton in November 2017. Congratulations to both of this years' award recipients!
Chris Sewell presents Chris McIntosh with the Summerland Rotary, Art Sewell, Summerland Penny Lane Bursary. Chris McIntosh, accepted the bursary award on behalf of her son, Spencer McIntosh, who was unable to attend the Awards Ceremony
Summerland Rotary, Art Sewell and Summerland Penny Lane Bursaries Awarded Chantelle Meriam 2018-02-25 08:00:00Z 0

Presidents-Elect Training Seminar - February 22 - 25th, 2018

Posted by Mirjana Komljenovic on Feb 25, 2018
As President Elect, I attended Rotary Pacific Northwest PETS President Elect training weekend in Seattle WA. Over 800 President Elects, Assistant Governors, District Governors from 10 districts attend this dynamic, intense training weekend. I learned personal and professional development skills that I will take with me during my term as President and any endeavor. I am deeply grateful to Rotary International and my Rotary Club, Summerland for this tremendous opportunity. I made life long friends. I’m looking forward to sharing what I learned to my Rotary Club and the community. Above are a few photos of the weekend and a few shenanigans. Additional photos from the weekend can be found on our Facebook page here.

~ Mirjana Komljenovic, President Elect, Rotary Club of Summerland
Presidents-Elect Training Seminar - February 22 - 25th, 2018 Mirjana Komljenovic 2018-02-25 08:00:00Z 0

More Photos - David and Jacob's "Weekend in the Mountains"

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Feb 23, 2018
Our soon-to-be Outbound Rotary Exchange Student, Jacob Acheson, along with our current Inbound Rotary Exchange Student, David Wu, from Taiwan took part in District 5060's "Weekend in the Mountains" in Revelstoke last weekend. This was the first training event for the newly chosen Outbound students and the first time that all the Inbound students get together. While there was training involved, there it was a lot of fun for the students...just not much sleep! Rotarian, Don Gemmell, reported back to the Club that the drive up was pretty noisy as students were getting to know each other. The drive home was quiet with everyone asleep. Sounds like fun times were had by all :)
Jacob passed on his thanks to the Rotary Club of Summerland:
"Hi bob and other rotarians, I just wanted to thank you for giving me this opportunity. I had an amazing time at revelstoke and all your support is the reason I am getting this chance. Thank you so much for your support."


More Photos - David and Jacob's "Weekend in the Mountains" Chantelle Meriam 2018-02-23 08:00:00Z 0

Upcoming Rotary Leadership Institute taking place in Kelowna!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Feb 22, 2018
Past District Governor, Vern Nielsen, presents Rotarian, Chantelle Meriam, with a certiciate of recognition for successfully completing District 5060's Rotary Leadership Institute program in the fall of 2015.  
We're happy to announce that another Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) course will be taking place this spring (March 24, April 7, April 21).  For those that don't know, RLI is a 3 day program designed to give participants more information about Rotary, how to create and carry out more effective community programs, and to build friendships across the clubs in our district. Though the curriculum is designed with the idea that participants will take days 1, 2 &3 in order, that's not 100% necessary, so if you're not able to make all 3 courses this spring, you can attend another RLI session in the future to graduate.  RLI is often paid for by your club, so ask if you're not sure. 
When: March 24, April 7, April 21
Where: The Coast Capri Hotel (1171 Harvey Ave, Kelowna) 
Why: To build friendships and acquire knowledge about Rotary.
Who: All Rotarians, no matter how long they've been in Rotary.
How much: To help cover costs, RLI costs $85 per person per day.  The district is currently covering half the fees, so 1 day is $42.50, 2 days are $85.00, and 3 days are $127.50. Payments can be made either by credit card or cheque**
Please note the cost of attending these sessions will be 100% covered by our Club. Please speak to Treasurer, Doug Carnegie, about payment for these courses.
Thank you to those Rotarians who have already registered their spot at the upcoming RLI courses. Currently, from our Club, we have Megan McLeod who has registered her participation to attend all three courses. Haven't signed up yet but would like to? Don't worry - there are still spots available!
Register your participation here!
Upcoming Rotary Leadership Institute taking place in Kelowna! Chantelle Meriam 2018-02-22 08:00:00Z 0

Breakfast Morning Meeting - February 20, 2018

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Feb 21, 2018
Thanks to everyone who joined us for our morning breakfast meeting on Tuesday, February 20th. The "Rotary Moment" was provided by Rotarian, Michael Zang. Brenda Hamilton, let the group know about the week's birthdays, anniversaries and other special occasions. Don Gemmell spoke to the group about his "Weekend in the Mountains" with David and Jacob and all the other inbound and outbound Rotary exchange students in our District. Later on in the morning, we heard from our guest speakers, Kay Treadgold and Stephanie Normandeau, from the Summerland Museum and Archives Society. We learned all about our local museum and the different events and services that it offers. President-Elect, Mirjana Komljenovic, thanked Kay and Stephanie and presented them with Rotary Club of Summerland mugs.
Breakfast Morning Meeting - February 20, 2018 Chantelle Meriam 2018-02-21 08:00:00Z 0

David and Jacob's Weekend in the Mountains!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Feb 16, 2018
L-R: Jacob Acheson, with our current Inbound Rotary Exchange Student, David Wu, from Taiwan
Our soon-to-be Outbound Rotary Exchange Student, Jacob Acheson, along with our current Inbound Rotary Exchange Student, David Wu, from Taiwan stopped for a quick photo before getting picked up by the bus on their way to District 5060's "Weekend in the Mountains" in Revelstoke. This is the first training event for the newly chosen Outbound students and the first time that all the Inbound students get together. While there is training involved, there is a lot of fun for the students...but not much sleep! Typically the drive up will be very noisy as students get to know each other. The drive home is very quiet with everyone asleep :)
We hope you have a great time away, Jacob and David! We look forward to hearing about your weekend upon your return!
David and Jacob's Weekend in the Mountains! Chantelle Meriam 2018-02-16 08:00:00Z 0

10 Reasons to Fall in Love with Rotary

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Feb 14, 2018

Each year on February 14th, many people exchange cards, candy, gifts or flowers with their special “valentine.” The day of romance we call Valentine’s Day is named for a Christian martyr and dates back to the 5th century. There are many reasons to fall in Love with Rotary. Make Valentine’s Day even more special when you fall in Love with Rotary. There are many reasons to Fall In Love with Rotary, we've put together a list of the top 10 reasons:

1. Friendship: In an increasingly complex world, Rotary provides one of the most basic human needs: the need for friendship and fellowship. It is one of two reasons why Rotary began in 1905.

2. Business Development: The second original reason for Rotary’s beginning is business development. Everyone needs to network. Rotary consists of a cross section of every business community. Its members come from all walks of life. Rotarians help each other and collectively help others.

10 Reasons to Fall in Love with Rotary Chantelle Meriam 2018-02-14 08:00:00Z 0

Rotarian of the Month - Brenda Hamilton

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Feb 14, 2018
L-R: President, Chantelle Meriam, with Rotarian, Brenda Hamilton
Congratulations to Rotarian, Brenda Hamilton, on being named "Rotarian of the Month" for the month of January!
Brenda has consistently volunteered her time and energy with a variety of projects and causes. Whether it be setting up for a summer BBQ, getting her hands dirty while helping to clean up at Agur Lake Camp or helping out Allison at Second Home Restaurant after one of our meetings, Brenda is always there to lend a helping hand. She is a dedicated, caring and thoughtful individual who truly puts "service above self". Congratulations on being named Rotarian of the Month, Brenda. Thank you for everything that you do!
Rotarian of the Month - Brenda Hamilton Chantelle Meriam 2018-02-14 08:00:00Z 0

Morning Rotary Valentine's Meeting - February 13, 2018

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Feb 14, 2018
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Our weekly morning Rotary meeting was held at Second Home Restaurant in Summerland this past Tuesday, February 13th. A Valentine's Day themed meeting was planned around the holiday, with a sweet Valentine's Day treat for each Rotarian and guest in attendance. President, Chantelle Meriam, prepared the gift boxes which included one of the "10 Reasons to fall in Love with Rotary" in each.
The Rotary Moment was presented by Rotarian, Michael Weis. Michael shared information on Sadi Youth-Club's annual fundraiser at Zias Stonehouse Restaurant which will be taking place again in April this year. Inbound exchange student, David Wu, shared his last week's adventures. David is looking forward to attending our District's annual "Weekend in the Mountains" event where both Inbound and Outbound Rotary Exchange Students from our District 5060 get together for some training and fun in Revelstoke. Rotarian, Brenda Hamilton, announced the weekly anniversaries and birthdays. President, Chantelle, presented Rotarian, Brenda Hamilton, with the "Rotarian of the Month" award. Brenda regularly goes out of her way to help other Rotarians. Well deserved, Brenda!
Rotarian, Roch Fortin, was excited to introduce our weekly guest speaker, Jayne Graydon, from Saxon Estate Winery. Speaker, Jayne Gradyon, shared her story about how her and husband, Paul, came to own and operate Saxon Winery. Proud hubby, Paul, shared a photo of Leeds Castle in the UK where Jayne worked as an Executive Secretary to the manor. We learned so much about Jayne and are grateful her and Paul have made Summerland their home. At the end of presentation, Roch presented Jayne with the sought after Summerland Rotary Mug.
Morning Rotary Valentine's Meeting - February 13, 2018 Chantelle Meriam 2018-02-14 08:00:00Z 0

Rotary is Weird!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Feb 12, 2018
On page 41 of the January Rotarian magazine, you will find a heart-felt article about Rotary written by Dominic Bonny, Secretary of Wenatchee North, one of the clubs within our Rotary District 5060.  Below is a link to his excellent story as a 3-minute video:
Rotary is Weird! Chantelle Meriam 2018-02-12 08:00:00Z 0

Thrilling Evening Rotary Meeting - February 6, 2018

Posted by Mirjana Komljenovic on Feb 07, 2018
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Fun filled evening Rotary meeting with the Ace of Spades, the Queen of Turkey, coffee dreams and turkey dinner!
A full house enjoyed our evening dinner meeting at Second Home Restaurant in Summerland on Tuesday evening. The crowd enjoyed a splendid turkey dinner and the most amazing desserts. We had to choose between lemon meringue pie, lemon squares, brownies, chocolate cake with mocha icing and spice cake.
After our delectable dinner and dessert, Rotarian, Roch Fortin, introduced our special speaker, Banu Tülümen, who was our featured speaker, sharing her Vocational Classification talk. Banu joined the Rotary Club of Summerland in the later part of 2017; however, she is no stranger to Rotary, having first joined the organization 20 years ago in Istanbul, Turkey. Banu graduated from interior decorating from the Academy of Fine Arts in Brussels, Belgium; worked as private secretary to the Prime Minister; published three children's books and did translations of 6 books for different companies. Banu also had two exhibitions of paintings. It was a very interesting evening presentation and wonderful to learn more about Banu!
Thrilling Evening Rotary Meeting - February 6, 2018 Mirjana Komljenovic 2018-02-07 08:00:00Z 0

Breakfast Rotary Meeting - January 30, 2018

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jan 30, 2018
Our last Rotary meeting of January was held on Tuesday, January was held on Tuesday, January 30th at Second Home Restaurant in Summerland. Our meeting opened up with an inspirational up with an inspirational Rotary Moment presented by President Elect, Mirjana Komljenovic. Brenda Hamilton announced the week's birthdays and anniversaries. Inbound Rotary Exchange Student, David Wu, from Taiwan spoke about his last week in review. Ellen Walker-Matthews spoke about the 5th Annual Giant's Head Grind - Christopher Walker Memorial Race. Registration is now open! Later on in the morning, Garry Hollingshead, spoke to the Club about January being Rotary Vocational Service month.
Vocational Service is one of Rotary's Avenues of Service that focuses on:
  • Adherence to and promotion of the highest ethical standards in all occupations, including fear treatment of employers, employees, associates, competitors, and the public.
  • The recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, not just those that are pursued by Rotarians
  • The contribution of your vocational talents to solving the problems of society and meeting the needs of the community.
Thanks to everyone who joined us for our morning breakfast meeting. We look forward to seeing everyone at our next meeting - an evening dinner meeting - on Tuesday, February 6th! See you then!
Breakfast Rotary Meeting - January 30, 2018 Chantelle Meriam 2018-01-30 08:00:00Z 0

More Photos from the Summerland Blossom Tea

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jan 24, 2018

The Summerland Royalty Blossom Tea was held at the Summerland Waterfront Resort last weekend. Congratulations to all of the candidates, including our very own Miss Rotary, Jessica O'Gorman, for a job well done! Here are a few additional photos from the event:


Top - Jessica stops for a photo with her family after the event

Bottom Left - Jessica and Ann Kemp / Bottom Right - Jessica


More Photos from the Summerland Blossom Tea Chantelle Meriam 2018-01-24 08:00:00Z 0

Evening Rotary Meeting - January 23, 2018

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jan 24, 2018
An enthusiastic crowd enjoyed a tasty spaghetti dinner and dessert at Second Home Restaurant (formerly Santorini's) on Tuesday evening as we:
  • Heard from Rotarian, Banu Tulumen, as she opened the meeting with her Rotary Moment;
  • Listened to Inbound Rotary Exchange Student, David Wu, from Taiwan as he provided the Club with his weekly comical updates;
  • Watched as Past District Governor, Garry Hollingshead, honoured Rotarian, Brenda Hamilton, with multiple Paul Harris Fellow recognition, providing her with a pin with one ruby
  • Heard an informative presentation by Walter Menzel, owner of Euro Rail Hobbies & More, Inc., a local business here in Summerland
Thanks to everyone who joined us!
Evening Rotary Meeting - January 23, 2018 Chantelle Meriam 2018-01-24 08:00:00Z 0

Summerland Royalty Blossom Tea

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jan 21, 2018
The Summerland Royalty Blossom Tea was held at the Summerland Waterfront Resort this afternoon. Congratulations to all of the candidates, including our very own Miss Rotary, Jessica O'Gorman, for a job well done! Each candidate served tea and treats to those in attendance then walked down the runway, modeling two different outfits - one outfit from the Suburban Princess and another that they chose to wear from their closet. Later on in the program, each candidate gave a 2-3 minute speech about their sponsor. Jessica did a wonderful job and we could not have been more proud of her. Congratulations on a job well done, Miss Rotary!
Summerland Royalty Blossom Tea Chantelle Meriam 2018-01-21 08:00:00Z 0

Rotarian of the Month -  Paul Barber

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jan 17, 2018
L-R: President, Chantelle Meriam, with Rotarian, Paul Barber
Congratulations to Rotarian, Paul Barber, on being named "Rotarian of the Month" for the month of December!
Paul has been a key member of our Club, taking on many major projects over the years. While Paul always seems to have so many things on the go, he is always willing to lend a helping hand. Paul is proactive in his role of Director of Membership Services. As well, Paul is always keen to encourage new members to take on a leadership role. You are a great asset to our Club, Paul. Thanks for everything that you do!
Rotarian of the Month - Paul Barber Chantelle Meriam 2018-01-17 08:00:00Z 0

Breakfast Meeting - January 16, 2018

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jan 17, 2018
We had a great morning breakfast meeting at Second Home Restaurant (formerly Santorini's) on Tuesday, January 16th, where we received various updates from a number of individuals: 
  • Rotarian, LeeAnna Binder, addressed the Club and provided her Rotary Moment about the importance of wearing your Rotary pin and making it known we are Rotarians
  • Miss Rotary, Jessica O'Gorman, invited the Club to the Summerland Royalty Blossom Tea taking place on Sunday, January 21st at Summerland Waterfront Resort. Jessica and her fellow Blossom candidates will be serving tea to attendees, presenting a 2-3 minute speech about their sponsor and showcasing a few outfits in a fashion show
  • Rotary Exchange Student, David Wu from Taiwan, provided an update to the Club about his past week in review. David has moved from the home of Paul Barber/Charlotte Burley and is now staying with Preston and Kerry Mott.
  • Rotarian, Paul Barber, spoke about the Summerland Rotary Sunday Market. Paul is seeking a volunteer or two to take the lead on this year's market.
  • Rotarian, Ellen Walker-Matthews, reminded the Club about our upcoming Giants Head Grind - Christopher Walker Memorial Race. This year will be the 5th annual race. Registration for this year's race is now open with a special early bird price! Purchase your tickets for this event by visiting the Giants Head Grind website here.
  • President-Elect, Mirjana Komljenovic, spoke about the upcoming Rotary $100 Challenge and requested volunteers of those Rotarians that would like to mentor a group of Summerland Secondary Leadership students in this year's challenge.
Later on in the morning, Past District Governor, Garry Hollingshead, presented several Rotarians with Paul Harris Fellow pins.
First time Paul Harris Fellowship recipients, Les Brough, Aart Dronkers, and Chantelle Meriam, received their pin and certificate. The Paul Harris Fellow recognition acknowledges individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of US$1,000 to The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International. Garry also presented Bob Van Balkom with his third sapphire pin. Treasurer, Doug Carnegie, received his fourth sapphire pin.
Congratulations to all of those that received this honour!
Breakfast Meeting - January 16, 2018 Chantelle Meriam 2018-01-17 08:00:00Z 0

Update from Ann Kemp - Miss Rotary and the Blossom Pageant Tea

Posted by Ann Kemp on Jan 14, 2018
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The Pageant Tea is very soon – SUNDAY,21st JANUARY AT 1.30 pm at the Summerland Waterfront Resort.

This will the first public speech that the Blossom Pageant candidates will be presenting.    They each, in approximately 3 minutes, talk about their sponsoring organization.  So come on out and hear how wonderful Rotary is from the perspective of a 16 year old young lady. This is a judged event, so is just one of several things that goes towards their final marks.  Not only do you hear good speeches, you will have an excellent tea served to you by the candidates.  They have a busy afternoon as they also put on a little fashion show in between the speeches.

Miss Rotary, Jessica O'Gorman
I hope some of you will be able to come and support your Miss Rotary, Jessica O’Gorman.  TICKETS: $12 each.

Available from me, Ann Kemp at or 250-494-9667 or Jessica at or 250-494-1521.

Tickets go quickly, so if you would like to come, please don’t delay.

Happy New Year.
Update from Ann Kemp - Miss Rotary and the Blossom Pageant Tea Ann Kemp 2018-01-14 08:00:00Z 0

Evening Rotary Meeting - January 9, 2018

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jan 14, 2018
Top (L-R): LEFT: New Rotarian, Megan McLeod, with fiancé, Tim Gray, with President, Chantelle Meriam, and Past District Governor, Garry Hollingshead / RIGHT: David Wu
Bottom (L-R): LEFT: Lisa Jaager / RIGHT: Paul Barber, Megan McLeod, Tim Gray, and Garry Hollingshead
Thank you to everyone who came out and joined us for our first Rotary meeting of the New Year on Tuesday, January 9th, at Second Home Restaurant (formerly Santorini's) in Summerland. 
Top (L-R): LEFT: Roch Fortin with New Rotarian, Nancy Wilson, and her husband, Mike Kosmack / RIGHT: Carolyn Huston, President of CLAP
Bottom (L-R): LEFT: President-Elect, Mirjana Komljenovic / RIGHT: Bob Van Balkom with David Wu
We had over 35 Rotarians, spouses, and guests in attendance for an exciting dinner meeting where we:
• Heard from Rotarian, Lisa Jaager, as she opened up the meeting with her Rotary Moment
Evening Rotary Meeting - January 9, 2018 Chantelle Meriam 2018-01-14 08:00:00Z 0

2nd Annual Rotary Winter Walk - January 6, 2018

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jan 06, 2018
Thanks to everyone who came out this morning for our 2nd Annual Rotary Winter Walk. It turned out to be a wonderful get-together with 8 individuals and four dogs on attendance!
The group met at the Summerland Rotary Grounds parking lot at 10 am then took the half hour walk east on the Trans Canada Trail to the gazebo where we all stopped for a rest and enjoyed some hot chocolate and mulled wine while overlooking Summerland. Thank you to Rotarian, Michael Zang, for once again organizing this fun gathering. We look forward to our next active fellowship event!
2nd Annual Rotary Winter Walk - January 6, 2018 Chantelle Meriam 2018-01-06 08:00:00Z 0

Aart and Jos Dronkers enjoy Rotary Fellowship in the Barossa Valley in Australia

Posted by Aart Dronkers on Jan 01, 2018
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Aart and Jos Dronkers visited their Rotary friends Karin and Jim Mitchell during their trip in Australia from October 26 – December 4, 2017. Jim Mitchell was attending the districts conference in May 2016 in Yakima when Jim, Aart & Jos met during dinner and they connected well. It seemed like an excellent opportunity to enjoy time with Jim and his wife Karin while traveling in Australia and at the same time experience a real Australian sheep farm in the famous Barossa Valley. The Mitchells live in a truly unique setting. Firstly the Barossa Valley is beautiful and one of the prime wine regions in Australia. Some exclusive wines from St. Hugo and Double Barrel Jacob’s Creek come from this valley.
Rotarians, Jim and Aart, Karin and Jos exchanging Rotary memorabilia and enjoying the Jacob’s Creek Double Barrell!
Some exclusive wines from St. Hugo and Double Barrel Jacob’s Creek come from this valley. Secondly it is prime sheep grazing territory. Jim and Karin Mitchell have a farm with no less than 4000 Merino sheep on 1730 acres of land.
Aart and Jos Dronkers enjoy Rotary Fellowship in the Barossa Valley in Australia Aart Dronkers 2018-01-01 08:00:00Z 0

RSVP: January 9th Evening Rotary Meeting

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jan 01, 2018
Join us for first Rotary meeting of the New Year taking place on Tuesday, January 9th at 6:00 pm at Second Home Restaurant (formerly Santorini's Restaurant) in Summerland, where we will inducting two new members into the Rotary Club of Summerland:
  • Megan McLeod, a Lawyer at Pearce Schneiderat in Summerland/Penticton, and
  • Nancy Wilson, President/Director of Operations of CNJ Lighting Solutions and Retired Member of the RCMP
We will also have the pleasure of hearing from special guest speaker, Carolyn Huston, who will present an overview of her Bangladesh Project to our Rotary Club. 
Carolyn Huston

Carolyn started the project in the Chittagong Hills Tracts to support the impoverished people there with literacy programs, proper sanitation, nutrition and practical skills. The Chittagong Hill Tracts are an area within the Chittagong Division in southeastern Bangladesh, bordering India and Myanmar. Although Bangladesh is independent since 1971 and a democracy, the Chittagong Hills is a high risk militarized zone in Bangladesh controlled by the government. It is a restricted access nation within a nation.


RSVP: January 9th Evening Rotary Meeting Chantelle Meriam 2018-01-01 08:00:00Z 0

David takes part in Summerland's Polar Bear Dip!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jan 01, 2018

Summerland’s Rotary Exchange Student, David Wu, from Taiwan, took part in Summerland Kinsmen’s Polar Bear Dip today at Sun-Oka Beach and braved the cold waters of Okanagan Lake! What a great start to the New Year! Way to go, David!

Thanks to Rotarian, Aart Dronkers, for this photo. Additional photos of David and others at the Polar Bear Dip can be viewed on our Facebook page here.

David takes part in Summerland's Polar Bear Dip! Chantelle Meriam 2018-01-01 08:00:00Z 0

Rotarian of the Month - Les Brough

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Dec 19, 2017
Rotarian, Les Brough with President, Chantelle Meriam
Congratulations to Les Brough on being named "Rotarian of the Month" for the month of November!

Les' leadership with our recent Rotary Christmas Tree Fundraiser has been tremendous, stepping up and taking the lead on this project in late November.

Besides our recent fundraiser, Les can be found lending a helping hand to support the Club in any way he can. As well, Les regularly assists the group with the set-up at our weekly Rotary meetings.

Your energy and hard work is appreciated, Les! Thanks for everything that you do!
Rotarian of the Month - Les Brough Chantelle Meriam 2017-12-19 08:00:00Z 0

Final Rotary Meeting of 2017 - December 19, 2017

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Dec 19, 2017
Our final Rotary meeting of 2017 was held on Tuesday, December 19th with over 25 Rotarians, friends and guests in attendance. Highlights of our morning breakfast meeting included:
• Having Rotarian, Brenda Hamilton, lead the group through a Rotary Moment where she asked members about their Rotary highlight of 2017. So many great Rotary moments!
• Listening to Inbound Rotary Exchange Student, David Wu, as he spoke about his week in review
• Presenting David with Christmas gifts as he looks forward to his first Christmas in Canada
• Hearing an update from our Rotary Christmas Tree Fundraiser Chair, Les Brough, about the success we have had over the past month
• Recognizing Les Brough with the honour of "Rotarian of the Month" for the month of November for stepping up and taking the lead on our Rotary Christmas Tree Fundraiser
• Receiving a visit from Ann Kemp and our very own Miss Rotary, Jessica O'Gorman
• Having local Pharmacist, Dayton Sobool, from Summerland Guardian Pharmacy join us as our guest
• Having Rebound Rotary Exchange Student, Emma Thomson, and her boyfriend, Joao, also a Rebound Rotary Exchange Student, join us for our meeting
Thanks to everyone who came out. Happy holidays! We look forward to seeing everyone at our next meeting on Tuesday, January 9th at 6:00 pm!
Final Rotary Meeting of 2017 - December 19, 2017 Chantelle Meriam 2017-12-19 08:00:00Z 0

Fun Times at our Annual Rotary Holiday Party!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Dec 13, 2017
Thank you to everyone who came out for our annual Rotary Holiday Party that took place on Tuesday, December 12th at the Summerland Waterfront Resort and Spa. It was a wonderful evening full of friendship, fellowship and fun. Thank you to Lisa Jaager for organizing the event and to Ellen Walker-Matthews for leading the evening as our Master of Ceremonies.
Some of the highlights of the evening included:
• Hearing from our inbound Rotary Exchange Student, David Wu, about what Christmas is like back home in Taiwan
• Participating in our annual "Recycled, Reclaimed or Regifted" holiday gift exchange
• Listening to Sophia Zang and Rotarian, Aart Dronkers, lead the group through a beautiful rendition of Silent Night
All in all, it was a fun-filled night that won't be forgotten! Thanks to everyone who came out!
Fun Times at our Annual Rotary Holiday Party! Chantelle Meriam 2017-12-13 08:00:00Z 0

David enjoys a Weekend in the Snow!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Dec 12, 2017
Our inbound, Rotary Exchange Student, David Wu, from Taiwan, enjoyed a weekend in the snow with fellow inbound Rotary Exchange Students from Rotary District 5060. The group of students spent the December 8-10th weekend at Silver Star Resort in Vernon. Fun times were had by all!
David enjoys a Weekend in the Snow! Chantelle Meriam 2017-12-12 08:00:00Z 0

Another successful weekend for Christmas Tree Sales!

Posted by Les Brough on Dec 10, 2017
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Thanks to everyone who helped out with our Christmas Tree fundraiser this weekend!
Rotarians, members of SADI and other friends/family of Rotary came together this weekend for two successful days of tree sales! Please see the update from Rotarian and Christmas Tree Fundraiser chair, Les Brough, below:

Saturday Update
Thanks to the Saturday Sales Team of Paul, Chantelle, Nick, Jacob, Ann and Michael for braving the cold and achieving the grand total of $1,715 in sales plus additional  on-line and credit sales of  $200.
My previous reports had missed on-line sales and credit sales as I did not have access to those numbers.  Including those sales we have exceeded our expectations and could achieve over $10,000 less expenses.  We need a big day tomorrow.
Don and Paul have volunteered to bring more trees down from the farm tomorrow morning and if anyone can lend a hand they will be starting at 10 a.m. Please get in touch with either of them or me for directions.
Tomorrow, Sunday, we have a sales team of Paul, Don, Garry, Jacob and Doug C after 1 pm with myself but if you are available and would like to help, please, you are welcome to give others a chance for a break and getting warm (although we do have a fire pit).  
Thanks again to Orv, Bob Hamilton, Doug M, Mike Cosmack, Michael Z, Eric (LeeAnna's son-in-law) and guest Cassidi Wagner (The Chalk House) for hauling trees on Thursday in really poor conditions.
Sunday Update
Don and Paul were up on the hill early on Sunday morning and brought down what will be our last haul of trees: hard work so many thanks to both.
The day was slower than expected but with the help of Paul, Michael W, Garry, Frances and Doug C we managed to achieve another $880 in sales. Currently we are about 10 trees short of obtaining a total of $10,000 before expenses.  
We still have about 50 trees left and we have decided to have our final sales next weekend with shorter hours: 1 pm to 3 pm on Saturday and Sunday.  We need four volunteers each day.  So, if you are available please let me know when: 250-490-8804 or
Another successful weekend for Christmas Tree Sales! Les Brough 2017-12-10 08:00:00Z 0

Breakfast Meeting - December 5, 2017

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Dec 06, 2017
Cassidi Wagner, Owner of The Chalk House

The Rotary Club of Summerland had the pleasure of hearing from special guest speaker, Cassidi Wagner, owner of the new shop The Chalk House on Main Street at our morning breakfast meeting on December 5th. Members learned more about Cassidi and her story why she chose to open up shop in Summerland. It was pleasure meeting you Cassidi. Welcome to Summerland!

Breakfast Meeting - December 5, 2017 Chantelle Meriam 2017-12-06 08:00:00Z 0

Great weekend for Tree Sales!

Posted by Les Brough on Dec 04, 2017
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Thanks to everyone who helped out with our Christmas Tree fundraiser this weekend!
Rotarians, members of SADI and other friends/family of Rotary came together this weekend for two successful days of tree sales! Please see the update from Rotarian and Christmas Tree Fundraiser chair, Les Brough, below:
Hi Saturday Sales Team,
Thanks for the great effort today in “not the best weather”. Special thanks to Nick for promoting the Christmas Music which we will continue and to supplying the much needed fire pit, which we hope to use again.
We did exceedingly well today and, if tomorrow goes anywhere near as well, it will be a very successful weekend.  The weather will determine if we can collect more trees from the farm tomorrow (at 8:30 pm Saturday it’s still not looking good).  In any case we will definitely need more trees for next weekend: we will plan for that later.  Right now we are aiming for Thursday (so if you felixible please plan ahead). 
Good evening Sunday’s Sales Team,
What a great team effort and another outstanding day - we exceeded Saturday’s sales.
It was impressive to see the effort that Don, Rock, Michael Z and Jacob put into bringing more trees down from the tree farm. We will be doing another cutting and collection of trees next Thursday as well as another weekend of selling on Saturday and Sunday. Stay posted for more opportunities to make more much-needed funds for our Rotary club!
Again, thanks to a really good Rotary Team.
**Additional photos from the weekend can be viewed on our Facebook page here**
Great weekend for Tree Sales! Les Brough 2017-12-04 08:00:00Z 0

Guest Speaker - Alyson Lindsay and the Group from SADI

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Dec 03, 2017
The Rotary Club of Summerland was pleased to hear from Alyson Lindsay, Program Manager at Summerland Asset Development Initiative (SADI), at our evening dinner meeting at Santorini's Restaurant on Tuesday. Alyson was joined by a group of five from the youth club who assisted Alyson with her presentation. Thank you to Antonio Hansen, Malaina Arab, Abbey Simmonds, Jordyn Birds and Kyle Walker for joining us for the evening. It was a pleasure learning more about you and hearing about your experiences with SADI.
Later on in the evening, President, Chantelle Meriam, and Rotarian and SADI Board Member, Michael Weis, presented Alyson and the group from SADI with a $3000 cheque donation.
Guest Speaker - Alyson Lindsay and the Group from SADI Chantelle Meriam 2017-12-03 08:00:00Z 0

Invitation: Open House/Wine and Cheese!

Posted by Don Gemmell on Nov 27, 2017
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This Friday, December 1st, you are cordially invited to my Open House/Wine and Cheese! Please see the details below for more information. Kindly RSVP to me directly by e-mail at, text at 250-770-0216 or phone/message at 250-494-4928. Rotarians/spouses and guests are all welcome to attend. Hope to see you on Friday!
Invitation: Open House/Wine and Cheese! Don Gemmell 2017-11-27 08:00:00Z 0

Summerland Rotary Annual Holiday Party!

Posted by Lisa Jaager on Nov 27, 2017
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The Rotary Club of Summerland cordially invites you to our Annual Holiday Party taking place on Tuesday, December 12th at 6:00 pm at the Summerland Waterfront Resort & Spa. Details as follows:
Please RSVP your attendance by Saturday, December 2nd, to Lisa Jaager at or call 250-494-8180 ext. 5.
Summerland Rotary Annual Holiday Party! Lisa Jaager 2017-11-27 08:00:00Z 0

Rotarian of the Month - Florida Town

Posted by Chantelle Meiam on Nov 21, 2017
L-R: Rotarian, Florida Town, with President, Chantelle Meriam

Congratulations to Florida Town on being named "Rotarian of the Month" for the month of October!

Although having just joined Rotary at the end of August, Florida has already proven to be a wonderful addition to our Club. Thank you for being available and ready to assist the Club and its members in any way that you can.

As well, a big thank you for your taking on of the organization of our World Polio Day campaign in Summerland on October 24th. Your efforts and fresh ideas do not go unnoticed. Thank you for everything that you do, Florida!

Rotarian of the Month - Florida Town Chantelle Meiam 2017-11-21 08:00:00Z 0

Summerland Review Article: Rotary Club offers Christmas Trees

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Nov 16, 2017
Roch Fortin, a Summerland Rotary Club member, shows one of the cultured Douglas fir trees which will be available beginning Nov. 24 at the Summerland Festival of Lights.

If you are looking for a real Douglas fir tree for Christmas this year, the Summerland Rotary Club has you covered.

This opportunity was presented to Rotary by the Dirty Laundry Vineyard. They had purchased land west of Dale Meadows, which was also part tree farm.

Summerland Review Article: Rotary Club offers Christmas Trees Chantelle Meriam 2017-11-16 08:00:00Z 0

Guest Speakers - Darin and Rochelle Fair, Lone Tree Coffee

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Nov 15, 2017

Top and bottom left - Darin and Rochelle Fair tell their "lone tree coffee" story.

Bottom Right - Rotarian, Brenda Hamilton, presents Darin and Rochelle with the coveted Rotary Club of Summerland mugs

Thank you to Darin and Rochelle Fair who were the guest speakers at our evening Rotary dinner at Santorini's yesterday. The couple told their "lone tree coffee" story which began back in 1996 when Darin and Rochelle Fair and their then young family, started in the coffee business in Summerland, with the opening of The Beanery Coffee Company.

With the decision to sell the café in 2008, the Fairs chose to continue to follow their passion of roasting and marketing Specialty and found a new location for their coffee roaster.

In 2013, lone tree coffee was founded to allow the Roastery, and still thriving Beanery Café become unique identities in the community.

Today, Darin continues to oversee the roasting process and Rochelle manages the daily operations of the Roastery.

Guest Speakers - Darin and Rochelle Fair, Lone Tree Coffee Chantelle Meriam 2017-11-15 08:00:00Z 0

Blossom Pageant Candidates Introduced

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Nov 13, 2017
The 2017-2018 Blossom Pageant candidates were introduced in last week's Summerland Review. There are eight candidates this year including our very own Miss Rotary, Jessica O'Gorman, as seen below.
The candidates will make their first public appearance next Friday, November 24th, at Summerland Festival of Lights. We are looking forward to seeing all the candidates soon!
Blossom Pageant Candidates Introduced Chantelle Meriam 2017-11-13 08:00:00Z 0

Fundraising for Polio

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Nov 09, 2017
Rotary clubs from around the world, including the Rotary Club of Summerland, collected donations for World Polio Day on October 24th
President Elect, Mirjana Komljenovic
Mirjana Komljenovic of the Summerland Rotary Club collected donations for World Polio Day on Oct. 24.
The Summerland club raised more than $200, which will be double matched by the Bill Gates Foundation for a total of more than $600.
Fundraising for Polio Chantelle Meriam 2017-11-09 08:00:00Z 0

Grant Received for Giant's Head Trail Redevelopment Project

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Nov 08, 2017
Included with this months utility invoice:
The Giant's Head Trail Redevelopment Project - a partnership between the District of Summerland and the Summerland Rotary Club - has received a $435,000 grant for trail improvements.
Grant Received for Giant's Head Trail Redevelopment Project Chantelle Meriam 2017-11-08 08:00:00Z 0

Rotary after 5: Second Annual Rotary Medieval Feast!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Nov 04, 2017
Our second annual Rotary Medieval Feast turned out to be another fantastic social, this year with over 32 Rotarians, guests and friends in attendance at the gathering held on Friday, November 3rd. The feast consisted of all-you-can-eat fresh homemade bread, tomato bean and bacon soup, a medieval pan full of a variety of medieval goodies and homemade apple fritters with ice cream for dessert. By the end of the evening, everyone was stuffed! It was a wonderful evening and a fun night all around.
Thanks to everyone who came out including our friends from the Rotary Club of Peachland and Penticton!
Hope to see you all again next year!
Additional photos from the evening can be viewed on the Rotary Club of Summerland Facebook page.
Rotary after 5: Second Annual Rotary Medieval Feast! Chantelle Meriam 2017-11-04 07:00:00Z 0

Halloween Day Cheque Donation: From Michael Weis and the Coffee Drinkers at the Summerland Research Station

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Nov 01, 2017
L-R: President, Chantelle Meriam, with Summerland Rotarian, Michael Weis
The Rotary Club of Summerland received a nice surprise at their Halloween morning breakfast meeting at Santorini's Restaurant this past Tuesday. Summerland Rotarian, Michael Weis, provided the Club with another generous cheque donation of $1000. The donation was the result of the fundraising efforts at the Summerland Research and Development Centre. The Rotary Club of Summerland has been grateful to receive these donations over the past five years, with the donated funds being a great help in the support of many local and international projects including the Summerland Rotary Club's support of SADI (Summerland Asset Development Initiative), the pathway between Summerland and Penticton and the Rotary Club of Summerland's Rotoplast Mission to the Phillipines.
Thank you to Michael and all of the coffee drinkers up at the Summerland Research and Development Centre for this generous donation!
Halloween Day Cheque Donation: From Michael Weis and the Coffee Drinkers at the Summerland Research Station Chantelle Meriam 2017-11-01 07:00:00Z 0

Introducing our New Miss Rotary: Jessica O'Gorman

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Oct 30, 2017
Please welcome our new Miss Rotary - Jessica O'Gorman - who will be our candidate in this years Summerland Blossom Pageant!
About Jessica
"My name is Jessica O'Gorman and I am a grade 11 student at Summerland Secondary School. In addition to my classes, I am part of senior leadership and the wellness group. Outside of school, I am a competitive dancer. I dance 8 hours a week in the styles of ballet, pointe, contemporary, jazz, tap and musical theatre. I also take music lessons in West Kelowna. In the future, I would like to dance professionally for a ballet company and attend university for ocean sciences. I'm excited to be participating in this years Summerland Blossom Pageant. I think the program is an amazing way for girls to explore their full potential, learn public speaking and show creative individuality. I am thankful to represent Rotary during my time in the pageant. Rotary is such an amazing organization and I like the idea that it strives to do good in the world".
We are excited to have you represent the Rotary Club of Summerland as Miss Rotary! We wish you all the best during this years program and look forward to getting to know you better over the course of the next year!
Many members of the Summerland Rotary Club know fellow Rotarian, John Kemp, and his wife, Ann; however, do you know Ann's role with our own Miss Rotary?
"Some people have called me a mentor for Miss Rotary.  Basically my position is to "take care" of Miss Rotary for the 8 months that they spend going through the program. It's the nicest job I have ever had! We meet on a regular basis either for tea at my house or occasionally in a café after school We talk about what Rotary does locals and in the world and other things that help me to get to know Miss Rotary better. I guess I am there to help with what ever crops up and bring her to meetings and to volunteer with things such as the Rotary Pioneer Tea. It's not something I can properly describe, but I enjoy it and give her support if and when needed." ~ Ann Kemp
Ann Kemp
Thanks for taking such great care of Miss Rotary, Ann! We look forward to hearing all about your participation in this years Summerland Blossom Pageant, Jessica!
Introducing our New Miss Rotary: Jessica O'Gorman Chantelle Meriam 2017-10-30 07:00:00Z 0

District Fall Assembly in Osoyoos - October 27-28th, 2017

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Oct 29, 2017
L-R: Vice President, LeeAnna Binder, Director of Membership Services, Paul Barber, President-Elect, Mirjana Komljenovic, Secretary, Don Gemmell, and President, Chantelle Meriam
It was a great weekend away in Osoyoos this past Friday and Saturday for the Rotary Club of District 5060's 2017 Rotary Fall Assembly! Rotarians from our District comprising of 57 clubs from Central Washington and South Central BC gathered for this annual training weekend to learn and share ideas on how we, as Rotarians, can continue to make a difference both locally in our communities and internationally.
Five members from the Rotary Club of Summerland attended the planned sessions at the Watermark Beach Resort in Osoyoos. Members from around the District learned new ideas as relating to community service, fundraising, international project ideas, social media and membership. It was a fun and informative weekend away and a wonderful way to connect with familiar faces and meet new friends!
District Fall Assembly in Osoyoos - October 27-28th, 2017 Chantelle Meriam 2017-10-29 07:00:00Z 0

October 24th Evening Dinner - Guest Speakers: Dr. Janice Routledge and Dr. David Omand

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Oct 25, 2017
Summerland Rotarian, Aart Dronkers (Center), accepts a Letter of Appreciation on behalf of the Summerland Rotary Club from (L) Dr. David Omand and (R) Dr. Janice Routledge. The letter was from Patan Academy of Health Sciences in Nepal as a thank you to the Summerland Rotary Club for our recent donation of medical equipment to the Patan Academy of Health Sciences in Nepal.
Members of the Rotary Club of Summerland heard from special guest speakers, Dr. David Omand and Dr. Janice Routledge, who spoke to the Club about their recent travels to Nepal and the Rotary Club of Summerland's donation of $2000 toward the supply of crucial medical equipment for medical students who are studying to become doctors in the 4 rural hospitals in Nepal. Dr. Janice Routledge and Dr. David Omand volunteer in Nepal to teach medical students and prepare them for their future duties.
October 24th Evening Dinner - Guest Speakers: Dr. Janice Routledge and Dr. David Omand Chantelle Meriam 2017-10-25 07:00:00Z 0

Summerland Rotarians Raise Funds and Create Awareness on World Polio Day

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Oct 25, 2017
L-R: Rotarian, Florida Town, and President-Elect, Mirjana Komljenovic, stand outside in downtown Summerland, raising awareness of World Polio Day on October 24th
World Polio Day was on Tuesday, October 24th. In support of the day, members of the Rotary Club of Summerland stood outside various locations in downtown Summerland to raise awareness and collect donations toward the eradication of polio. Thank you to our newest Rotarian, Florida Town, who stepped up and took on the organization of this event. You did a wonderful job, Florida.
Summerland Rotarians Raise Funds and Create Awareness on World Polio Day Chantelle Meriam 2017-10-25 07:00:00Z 0

Summerland Rotary Participates in Polio Eradication Program

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Oct 22, 2017
One Day. One Focus: Ending Polio - Tuesday, October 24th
Summerland Mayor, Peter Waterman, stands with President, Chantelle Meriam

Polio is a terrifying disease. It can be fatal, leave victims crippled or paralyzed. There is no cure for it.

Not too long ago, the warm months of summer were filled with terror. Parents could not let their children use community swimming pools or visit crowded sites such as local fairs or special events.

Today, Canada is polio-free. The efforts of American researcher, Jonas Salk, led, in 1955, to the development of Salk vaccine – a method of prevention that saved thousands of lives. But the vaccine had to be injected, which limited its use.

Summerland Rotary Participates in Polio Eradication Program Chantelle Meriam 2017-10-22 07:00:00Z 0

Update from Florida Town - World Polio Day - Tuesday, October 24th

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Oct 22, 2017
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Greetings fellow Rotarians -
You may not have had an opportunity to sign up for the October 24 Blitz to eradicate Polio. This is your chance to be included. Stations will be set up in the downtown area and, if we get enough volunteers, two persons will be at each station. Ideally, we will have four persons for each station, so each pair will put in one hour, between 11:30 and 1:30.
Please meet me at the library parking lot at 11:30 am on Tuesday, October 24th.
Stations will be set up at the following locations:
  • At the library
  • In front of the vacant store beside the Great Grains bakery (It has a sign in the window that says California Concepts - perhaps it's spelled with a K - Kalifornia Koncepts)
  • In front of the vacant store across the street from the library (it has a brown paper sign in the window that says Chalk Store)
  • In front of the Summerland Review offices
  • In front of IGA
  • In front of Your Dollar Store with More
I have collection buckets for you (plastic Hallowe'en pumpkins) and four ruby red footprints for each station. As well, you will have a large red poster for display purposes. I will pick up the posters, the pumpkins and the footsteps after our blitz ends. 
Who remembers Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz? Or rather, Judy Garland in the movie? She wore ruby red slippers, clicked her heels together, and her wish came true. I'm hoping our wish will come true and we can truly take that giant step forward to eradicate polio.
Thank you for your support.
Update from Florida Town - World Polio Day - Tuesday, October 24th Chantelle Meriam 2017-10-22 07:00:00Z 0

October 24th Evening Dinner Meeting Reminder - Guest Speakers: Dr. Janice Routledge and Dr. David Omand

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Oct 22, 2017
Join us for weekly Rotary meeting taking place on Tuesday, October 24th at 6:00 pm at Santorini's Restaurant in Summerland where we will hear from special guest speakers Dr. Janice Routledge and Dr. David Omand, Canadian doctors who spend their free time working in Nepal to train medical students for the 4 rural hospitals in Nepal.
L-R - Dr. David Omand, Summerland Rotarian, Aart Dronkers, Dr. Janice Routledge, and Jos Dronkers at the cheque hand-over in Kelowna on June 8, 2017.

Recently, the Rotary Club of Summerland donated CAD2000 to a project in Nepal to supply crucial medical equipment for medical students who are studying to become doctors in the 4 rural hospitals in Nepal. Dr. Janice Routledge and Dr. David Omand volunteer in Nepal to teach these medical students and prepare them for their future duties.

This small project came out of the connections and network Aart Dronkers built in Nepal in 2015, as well as his friendship with Dr. Denis Brown (deceased), Dr. Janice Routledge and Dr. David Omand. Aart did his Himalaya Trek in 2015 with Janice & David. The larger medical program is coordinated by the McMaster Medical University and Dr. Janice Routledge and Dr. David Omand volunteer for this program. The program has been going on successfully for quite a while.

COST: $20/person

GUESTS: Guests are always welcome to attend! If you are interested in learning more about Rotary or becoming a member of our club, please contact our Secretary, Don Gemmell, at to RSVP. We would love to have you join us us. Dinner will be on us :)
We look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday, October 24th! See you then!
October 24th Evening Dinner Meeting Reminder - Guest Speakers: Dr. Janice Routledge and Dr. David Omand Chantelle Meriam 2017-10-22 07:00:00Z 0

RSVP REMINDER - Rotary Medieval Feast on November 3rd!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Oct 22, 2017
Looking forward to seeing everyone at our Rotary after 5: Rotary Medieval Feast! - which will be taking place on Friday, November 3rd from 6-8pm at Gasthaus Pub in Pub in Peachland! For those of you that haven't had a chance to RSVP yet but plan on attending, please RSVP your attendance no later than this upcoming Sunday, October 29th by clicking on the link below!
Further details are as follows:
Gasthaus Pub
5790 Beach Ave, Peachland
Friday, November 3rd
6:00 pm
Members, spouses and guests of the Rotary Club of Summerland enjoyed our "Rotary after 5" Medieval Feast at Gasthaus' on the Lake last year
Have a feast fit for a king this November! The Gasthaus’ legendary medieval dinners are a perfect way to make your dinner gathering even more memorable. Pewter plates, dripping wax candelabras, stuffed boar’s head, your waitress in costume and everyone taking on the role of a medieval diner are part of the fun but overshadowed by the impressive feast. We start with homemade bread hot out of the stone oven. Next we serve piping hot soup out of the castle-sized fireplace. The main event is the huge 150lb cast iron pan that two chefs bring to your table. Loaded with ribs, chicken, duck, schnitzel, pork hock, ham and much more. Lastly hot apple fritters are served with ice cream and whipped cream. Cost is $31.90 per person + tax and gratuity. More information about the medieval dinners can be found on the Gasthaus website located at Guest, spouses, and friends are welcome to attend!
Please note - in order to have our Rotary Medieval Feast a go, we will need a minimum of 10 individuals participate in the feast. If you plan on attending, please RSVP your attendance by registering here no later than Sunday, October 29th, so we know how many to reserve for.
I look forward to taking part in this wonderful event in November and I hope to see you all there!
RSVP REMINDER - Rotary Medieval Feast on November 3rd! Chantelle Meriam 2017-10-22 07:00:00Z 0

AGM: Election of Club Executives and Directors

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Oct 18, 2017
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The Rotary Club of Summerland held its Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, October 17th at Santorini's Restaurant, for the purpose of approving the Financial Statements for the current 2017/2018 Rotary year and electing Directors and Officers for the 2018/2019 Rotary Year commencing July 1, 2018. Nominations were presented by the Nomination Committee and were also accepted from the membership. Results of the election were as follows:
President - Mirjana Komljenovic
Past President - Chantelle Meriam
President Elect - LeeAnna Binder
Secretary - Donald Gemmell
Treasurer - Doug Carnegie
Director - Membership - Paul Barber
Director - International Service - Aart Dronkers
Director - Community Service - Michael Zang
Director - Youth Services - Joyce Boye
Director - At Large - Ellen Walker-Matthews
Thank you to everyone that took part in our Annual General Meeting. Looking forward to a successful 2018/2019 Rotary year!
AGM: Election of Club Executives and Directors Chantelle Meriam 2017-10-18 07:00:00Z 0

Castanet Article - Giant Money for Trail Project

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Oct 15, 2017
The following article appeared on Castanet over the weekend - Great news on project funding for the Giant's Head Trail project. Very rewarding for Ellen Walker-Matthews, Roch Fortin and other Rotarians that have supported the Giant's Head Grind objectives. Please see the full article, as posted on Castanet, below:
Giant Money for Trail Project
- | Story: 209110
Photo: District of Summerland
View from Giant's Head Mountain Park in Summerland

The District of Summerland was approved for a sizeable grant from the provincial government on Friday.

As part of $10.1 million in funding announced for rural projects, Summerland received a $435,000 rural dividend grant.

Mayor Peter Waterman said the money will be used for the trail project in Giant's Head Mountain Park. 

"This will not only provide a better use of trails, but it will also bring in environmental aspects to make sure the mountain is properly preserved," he stated.

A master plan had been drafted earlier this year, after a consultant came in and analyzed the environmental sensitivity of the mountain, as well as usage patterns by the public. 

"It's a tremendous opportunity for Summerland ... we become more of a destination," Waterman boasted when asked about what he thinks the grant will enable. 

He added the project will also include creating specialized features for users on the mountain, in accordance with the activities they are doing. 

"People that mountain bike, for example, will have an individual trail pattern that will be different from what they've been using in the past."

Of the 90 local governments, First Nations groups and non-profit groups that were awarded funding from the provincial government, Summerland's grant was the second-largest handed out.

"We certainly appreciate that the government has seen fit to put this in our direction," Waterman said.

Only the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association ($500,000) received a larger grant.

In the South Okanagan, the Town of Osoyoos earned a $100,000 grant and the Town of Oliver was awarded $49,660.

Castanet Article - Giant Money for Trail Project Chantelle Meriam 2017-10-15 07:00:00Z 0

Tree Planting at Adams Wildlife Sanctuary

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Oct 15, 2017
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Update from Garry Hollingshead - On behalf of the Club, thank you so very much for those Rotarians who gave up their Saturday this past weekend to help plant 25 trees in vicinity of late Rotarian,George Nagle's, memorial stone. Also, a big thank you to Helena and Athena for their assistance, as well. I think the consensus was that our combined effort over 4 hours resulted in a significant improvement to the Sanctuary. Thank you!
A photo of a few of the hard workers taking a well deserved coffee break!
L-R: Garry Hollingshead, Michael Zang, Les Brough, Preston Mott and Paul Barber
Tree Planting at Adams Wildlife Sanctuary Chantelle Meriam 2017-10-15 07:00:00Z 0

Evening/Spousal Meeting: October 10, 2017

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Oct 11, 2017
Members and Guests of the Summerland Rotary Club had a wonderful time at the Evening/Spousal Meeting on Tuesday, October 10th at Santorini's Restaurant. Those in attendance heard from our Inbound Rotary Exchange Student, David Wu, from Taiwan, who spoke to the Club about himself, his experience in Canada so far, as well as what it is like for him back at home. It was interesting and informative presentation. It is great to learn more about you, David!
Left: Garry Hollingshead speaks to the Club about a Rotary Tree planting gathering at Adams Wildlife Sanctuary on Saturday
Top Right: Bob Van Balkom takes advantage of his Rotary Moment to lead the group through the singing of Happy Birthday to President, Chantelle Meriam. Bottom Right: Visiting Rotarian and President of the Rotary Club of Penticton, Paul Varga, speaks to the Club about events and activities that his Rotary Club is involved with during the 2017/2018 Rotary year
Evening/Spousal Meeting: October 10, 2017 Chantelle Meriam 2017-10-11 07:00:00Z 0

Rotarian of the Month - Aart Dronkers

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Oct 11, 2017
L-R: Rotarian, Aart Dronkers, with President, Chantelle Meriam
Congratulations to Rotarian, Aart Dronkers, on being named "Rotarian of the Month" for the month of September! Aart was one of the key organizers behind our Summerland Rotary Sunday Market this year. As well, as Director of International Services, Aart took on the organizing of our participation in the recent Guatemala Literacy Project which saw our Club donating $1000 USD to the cause and other members of the Club donating an additional $340 USD. With a total contribution of $1340 USD, are funds will be multiplied by 6.5 times through the various matching grants associated with the District, The Rotary Foundation and the Government of Canada.
Thank you for your ongoing support and leadership with our Summerland Rotary Sunday Market. As well, many thanks for all of your efforts with the recent Guatemala Literacy Project. Your hard and enthusiasm is always appreciated.
Thank you for being a positive and decided member of our Club, Aart!
Rotarian of the Month - Aart Dronkers Chantelle Meriam 2017-10-11 07:00:00Z 0

Deadline Extended! Seeking Applicants for Rotary Youth Exchange Program

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Oct 10, 2017
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Update from Director of Youth Services, Bob Van Balkom - **DEADLINE EXTENDED to OCTOBER 20TH!** Seeking applicants for our Rotary Youth Exchange Program!
Know of any Grade 9, 10, 11 or 12 students? We are currently looking for applicants for next years' Rotary Youth Exchange Program. Please circulate the 2018/2019 Outbound Rotary Exchange Poster and the 2018-2019 Exchange Information Sheet to any acquaintances who have eligible persons amongst their family or friends. Interested parties can complete the Summerland Rotary Club Youth Exchange Application. The Rotary Youth Exchange Program is a wonderful experience and great learning opportunity!
Deadline Extended! Seeking Applicants for Rotary Youth Exchange Program Chantelle Meriam 2017-10-10 07:00:00Z 0

Guest Speaker: Denise DeLeeuw, Summerland Wellness - World Reflexology Week

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Oct 04, 2017
Denise DeLeeuw, Owner of Summerland Wellness, speaks to the Club during our October 3rd meeting
The Rotary Club of Summerland was pleased to have Denise DeLeeuw, Owner of Summerland Wellness, as the guest speaker at our October 3rd breakfast meeting at Santorini's Restaurant. Denise spoke to the Club in honour of World Reflexology Week which took place the week prior. Those in attendance learned about the benefits of reflexology and saw firsthand Denise's passion and pleasure to be supporting individuals in wellness. Thank you for the informative talk, Denise! 
Guest Speaker: Denise DeLeeuw, Summerland Wellness - World Reflexology Week Chantelle Meriam 2017-10-04 07:00:00Z 0

Seeking Applicants! Rotary Youth Exchange Program

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Oct 03, 2017
Know of any Grade 9, 10, 11 or 12 students? We are currently looking for applicants for next years' Rotary Youth Exchange Program. Please circulate the 2018/2019 Outbound Rotary Exchange Poster and the 2018-2019 Exchange Information Sheet to any acquaintances who have eligible persons amongst their family or friends. Interested parties can complete the Summerland Rotary Club Youth Exchange Application. The Rotary Youth Exchange Program is a wonderful experience and great learning opportunity!
Deadline for Application: October 10, 2017!
Seeking Applicants! Rotary Youth Exchange Program Chantelle Meriam 2017-10-03 07:00:00Z 0

Rotary Youth Exchange Testimonial from Bailey Johnson

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Oct 02, 2017
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My Rotary Exchange to Brazil!

Hello future youth exchangers! My name is Bailey Johnson. I went to Sao Paulo, Brazil on exchange for the years of 2015/2016. I am a Summerland Secondary School graduate, I graduated in the Class of 2017, and I am currently writing this letter from the University of British Columbia where I am studying Nutritional Sciences!
First things first; my exchange changed my life. I was only in Grade 10; 15 years old, andI made a huge life changing decision to apply for the Rotary Youth exchange. I had no idea what I was getting myself into! As I went through the interview process, and was chosen to represent the Summerland Rotary Club as an outbound exchange student, I started the long process of discovering myself. Even before I left for Brazil I was able to attend orientations and meet life long friends, and develop a larger group of friends that share a common mindset and motivation to change the world!
Rotary Youth Exchange Testimonial from Bailey Johnson Chantelle Meriam 2017-10-02 07:00:00Z 0

RSVP Reminder: October 10th Evening/Spousal Dinner with Presentation by David Wu!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Oct 01, 2017
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Please RSVP your attendance by the end of the day on Tuesday, October 3rd, at the latest.
You are invited to our Rotary Evening/Spousal Dinner meeting taking place next Tuesday, October 10th at 6:00 pm at Santorini's Restaurant in Summerland. Join us as we hear from our Inbound Rotary Exchange Student, David Wu, from Taiwan!
SPEAKER: Inbound Rotary Exchange Student, David Wu, from Taiwan will be speaking about his experience in Canada since arriving at the end of August and will compare/contrast this to his hometown in Taiwan.

COST: $20/person - includes dinner, dessert and coffee/tea.

GUESTS: Guests are always welcome to attend! If you are interested in learning more or becoming a member of our club, please contact our Secretary, Don Gemmell, at to RSVP. We would love to have you join us. Dinner will be on us :)
**RESERVATIONS REQUIRED** Please RSVP your attendance by clicking on the link below to either attend or decline this invitation by the end of the day on Tuesday, October 3rd, at the latest.

We look forward to seeing everyone at our second evening/spousal dinner of the fall on Tuesday, October 10th! See you then!

RSVP Reminder: October 10th Evening/Spousal Dinner with Presentation by David Wu! Chantelle Meriam 2017-10-01 07:00:00Z 0

Update from District Governor Nominee, Sherry Chamberlain - BOOK FALL ASSEMBLY Oct 27/28 NOW!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Sep 27, 2017
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IF YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO GO TO OSOYOOS OCT 27/28, now is the time to book your room.  Do not delay.
HOTEL Block for Rotary releases this Thursday !
Call: 1888-755-3480 and mention Group ID#2455  $127 per night.
Reservations need to be made no later than: Thursday, September 28th, 2017.
REGISTER for the training: go to upcoming events on the home page and click on register, right column.
The fee of $95 covers the Friday and Saturday meal costs, pay online or if you cannot, pay with cheque at Osoyoos.
DATA. While you are logged into clubrunner, go to ADMIN and then your profile and update your personal information, add missing data, photo, phone numbers, email addresses, birthdates and other data additions are helpful for our analysis of club members.
Sherry Chamberlain, District Governor 2018-2019
Update from District Governor Nominee, Sherry Chamberlain - BOOK FALL ASSEMBLY Oct 27/28 NOW! Chantelle Meriam 2017-09-27 07:00:00Z 0

Update from Outbound Rotary Exchange Student, Josiah Baran, in Italy

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Sep 22, 2017
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Looks like Josiah, our Outbound Rotary Exchange Student, is making plenty of new friends in Italy. His post below:

This is the rotary inbound weekend. We stayed 1 night and learned about what it will be like our year in Italy. These are some of the friends I made they come from Alberta,Quebec, Brazil, Australia, US, Finland and Mexico.
Update from Outbound Rotary Exchange Student, Josiah Baran, in Italy Chantelle Meriam 2017-09-22 07:00:00Z 0

Certificate of Appreciation presented to Summerland Research and Development Centre

L-R: Summerland Rotarian, Michael Weis, President, Chantelle Meriam, Associate Director of Summerland Research and Development Centre, Kenna MacKenzie, and Past District Governor, Garry Hollingshead
President, Chantelle Meriam, and Past District Governor, Garry Hollingshead, were pleased to present a Certificate of Appreciation to the Summerland Research and Development Centre on Thursday afternoon. Associate Director of the Research Station, Kenna MacKenzie, and Summerland Rotarian (also a Manager of the Electron Microscopy and Imaging Labratory at the Research Station), accepted the certificate.
The Certificate of Appreciation was presented to say thanks for numerous donations to the Rotary Club of Summerland over the past five years. The donations have been a great help in the support of many local and international projects over the years, including the Summerland Rotary Club's support of SADI (Summerland Asset Development Initiative), the pathway between Summerland and Penticton and the Rotary Club of Summerland's Rotoplast Mission to the Phillipines.
Thank you to the Summerland Research and Development Centre for your support over the past five years!
Certificate of Appreciation presented to Summerland Research and Development Centre Chantelle Meriam 2017-09-22 07:00:00Z 0

Rotarian of the Month - Lisa Jaager

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Sep 20, 2017
Rotarian, Lisa Jaager, with President, Chantelle Meriam
Congratulations to Rotarian, Lisa Jaager, on being named "Rotarian of the Month" for the month of August!
Lisa has been very involved with Rotary over the years - whether it be taking the lead on the Summerland Rotary Sandcastle Contest at the Great Ogopogo Bathtub Race, helping to organize the Rotary Senior Pioneer Tea, or leading the Club through a series of visioning sessions - Lisa has proven time and time again to be a valuable member of the Summerland Rotary Club.
Thank you for being a dedicated member of our Club, Lisa! Your time and effort spent over the years have been greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Rotarian of the Month - Lisa Jaager Chantelle Meriam 2017-09-20 07:00:00Z 0

Breakfast Meeting: September 19, 2017

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Sep 20, 2017
The Rotary Club of Summerland's first morning meeting of the season was an exciting meeting at Santorini's Restaurant in Summerland.
Top Left - Paul barber presented his Rotary moment. He spoke about the incredible work our club did helping about 75 children in the Phillippines with cleft palettes.
Bottom Right - Inbound Rotary Exchange Student, "David" Tawei Wu, shared the history of the Taiwan flag before - Bottom Left - presenting President, Chantelle Meriam, and the Summerland Rotary Club with a banner from his Club in Taiwan.
Top Right - Our newest Rotarian, Florida Town, presented her classification speech to the club. She spoke about career as a journalist and an author.
Breakfast Meeting: September 19, 2017 Chantelle Meriam 2017-09-20 07:00:00Z 0

Rotary After 5: Rotary Medieval Feast! at Gasthaus Pub in Peachland

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Sep 18, 2017
Back by popular demand!! Please mark your calendars for our first social gathering of the fall - a Rotary Medieval Feast! - which will be taking place on Friday, November 3rd from 6-8pm at Gasthuas Pub in Peachland. Details are as follow:
Gasthaus Pub
5790 Beach Ave, Peachland
Friday, November 3rd
6:00 pm
Members, spouses and guests of the Rotary Club of Summerland enjoyed our "Rotary after 5" Medieval Feast at Gasthaus' on the Lake last year
Have a feast fit for a king this November! The Gasthaus’ legendary medieval dinners are a perfect way to make your dinner gathering even more memorable. Pewter plates, dripping wax candelabras, stuffed boar’s head, your waitress in costume and everyone taking on the role of a medieval diner are part of the fun but overshadowed by the impressive feast. We start with homemade bread hot out of the stone oven. Next we serve piping hot soup out of the castle-sized fireplace. The main event is the huge 150lb cast iron pan that two chefs bring to your table. Loaded with ribs, chicken, duck, schnitzel, pork hock, ham and much more. Lastly hot apple fritters are served with ice cream and whipped cream. Cost is $31.90 per person + tax and gratuity. More information about the medieval dinners can be found on the Gasthaus website located at Guest, spouses, and friends are welcome to attend!
Please note - in order to have our Rotary Medieval Feast a go, we will need a minimum of 10 individuals participate in the feast. If you plan on attending, please RSVP your attendance by registering here no later than Sunday, October 29th, so we know how many to reserve for.
I look forward to taking part in this wonderful event in November and I hope to see you all there!
Rotary After 5: Rotary Medieval Feast! at Gasthaus Pub in Peachland Chantelle Meriam 2017-09-18 07:00:00Z 0

Cheque Donation: From Michael Weis and the Coffee Drinkers at the Summerland Research Station

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Sep 18, 2017
Rotarian, Michael Weis, presented the Summerland Rotary Club with another $1000 cheque donation as a result of his fundraising efforts at the Summerland Research and Development Centre. Michael presented the cheque to Chantelle Meriam at our joint District Governor "Cluster Meeting" dinner that took place at the Penticton Trade and Convention Centre on Tuesday, September 13th. Thank you to all of the coffee drinkers up at the Research Station and a big thanks to Michael for this generous donation!
L-R: Summerland Rotarian, Michael Weis, presents President, Chantelle Meriam, with a cheque donation to the Rotary Club of Summerland
Cheque Donation: From Michael Weis and the Coffee Drinkers at the Summerland Research Station Chantelle Meriam 2017-09-18 07:00:00Z 0

Spotlight: Meet new Summerland Rotarian, Florida Town!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Sep 15, 2017
Meet our newest member of the Summerland Rotary Club, Florida Town! Florida was inducted in as a member of our Club at our last summer BBQ of the season on Tuesday, August 29th. Learn more about Florida below:
Florida Town
I'm greatly enjoying meeting Rotary members and getting to know them a little better.
About me?
I love challenges - on land or sea  Inline image  I seem to spend a lot of my time in, on or under the water. I race dragon boats and OC6's and do a lot of paddling (and some racing) in my OC1. I also compete in swim events - and, until recently, competed in skiing. All water related - although some of it was frozen.
Spotlight: Meet new Summerland Rotarian, Florida Town! Chantelle Meriam 2017-09-15 07:00:00Z 0

District Governor's Cluster Meeting Dinner in Penticton

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Sep 14, 2017
Members of the Rotary Club of Summerland enjoyed an evening of friendship, fellowship and fun last night, visiting with fellow Rotarians from the other five Clubs in our area. Rotarians from Summerland, Penticton, Oliver, Osoyoos, and Princeton gathered for a joint dinner to hear from District Governor, Bill Jenkin, from Prosser, Washington.
Members and spouses of the Summerland Rotary Club pose for a group photo
L-R: Valerie Bonga, Nick Zaseybida, Past District Governor, Garry Hollingshead, Doug Carnegie, Linda Carnegie, John Kemp, Ann Kemp, President, Chantelle Meriam, Nick Babyn, Florida Town, District Governor, Bill Jenkin, Karl Seidel, Bob Van Balkom, Michael Weis and LeeAnna Binder.
Later on in the evening, President, Chantelle Meriam, gathered with District Governor, Bill Jenkin, Assistant Governor, Cheryle King, and the other Club Presidents in our area.
We look forward to joining Bill and all the other Rotarians in our District for our 2018 District Conference in Prosser in May!
L-R: Paul Varga (President - Penticton); Assistant Governor, Cheryle King; Lynda Bliss (President - Osoyoos); District Governor, Bill Jenkin (Prosser, WA); President, Chantelle Meriam (President - Summerland); President, Alex Bodden (President - Penticton Okanagan) Dale Cory (President - Oliver).
Missing - Jeff Jakubec (President - Princeton)
District Governor's Cluster Meeting Dinner in Penticton Chantelle Meriam 2017-09-14 07:00:00Z 0

Spotlight: Meet David Wu from Taiwan!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Sep 11, 2017
Meet new Inbound Rotary Exchange Student, David Wu, from Taiwan!
My introduction: David Wu. Chinese name called Ta-Wei Wu. 16 years old. Study at Fu Dan high school in Taiwan. This school is famous in Taiwan. Will be study in grade 11 in Summerland. I was studying at international school when I was junior high. In senior high, I'm join the world youth summit. It let me learn a lot of things. So in the school's club I join the Modal United Nations. Want to practice my speech. I love do lots of things like cooking or making some interesting things. I love exercise, especially I love playing baseball. I'm a school team player in Taiwan. I love eating, too.
We are looking forward to getting to you know better over the course of the next year, David. Welcome to our Club!
Spotlight: Meet David Wu from Taiwan! Chantelle Meriam 2017-09-11 07:00:00Z 0

District 5060 Development Weekend - Osoyoos, BC: October 27-28, 2017

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Sep 11, 2017
Our annual district-wide training for club officers, club committee chairs, district committee chairs, Assistant Governors, Membership Area Reps... and all interested Rotarians is coming soon! It will be held on Friday & Saturday, October 27-28, at the beautiful Watermark Beach Resort in Osoyoos.  We highly recommend officers from every club attend, and that the clubs at least pay for the registration costs. Registration is $95 CAD for the full weekend and easy to do (REGISTER HERE).  You can always register for any district events by going to and searching "Upcoming Events".
District 5060 Development Weekend - Osoyoos, BC: October 27-28, 2017 Chantelle Meriam 2017-09-11 07:00:00Z 0

Rotary Youth Exchange Inbound Orientation Weekend - Penticton: September 8-10th, 2017

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Sep 11, 2017
Rotary Youth Exchange is the opportunity of a lifetime for the more than 8,000 students who participate each year. By sharing your own culture and embracing a new one, you help foster global understanding—and learn a great deal about yourself and your home country in the process. Hosting an exchange student can be an incredibly rewarding experience for your family, providing an international experience without leaving home. Host families provide room & board and  share their lives with exchange students, involving them in the family, community, and cultural activities.
Our NEW 2017-2018 District 5060 Rotary youth exchange inbound students, including our very own David Wu from Taiwan, were together this past weekend for orientation in Penticton. Looks like a good time was had by all. We are looking forward to hearing all about your experience from this past weekend, David!
Rotary Youth Exchange Inbound Orientation Weekend - Penticton: September 8-10th, 2017 Chantelle Meriam 2017-09-11 07:00:00Z 0
David conquers the Summerland Pinnacles! Aart Dronkers 2017-08-30 07:00:00Z 0

District Governor's Cluster Meeting in Penticton

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Aug 30, 2017

District Governor, Bill Jenkin, and his wife, Lisa Jenkin, will be visiting the South Okanagan on Wednesday, September 13th, 2017, to meet with Rotarians from our area including Summerland, Princeton, Penticton, Oliver and Osoyoos. This year, Rotary International has decided to have one District Governor visit per year. Therefore, this will be the only visit the District Governor will make to our area.

Please join us for a fun joint meeting with the 5 other clubs in our area on Wednesday, September 13th at the Penticton Trade and Convention Centre. Come out and meet fellow Rotarians in the South Okanagan who have the same commitment to Rotary that you do! Spouses are welcome to attend!

District Governor's Cluster Meeting in Penticton Chantelle Meriam 2017-08-30 07:00:00Z 0

Rotary Summer BBQ Wind-Up!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Aug 30, 2017
Thank you to everyone that joined us for our final Rotary Summer BBQ on the season - our annual BBQ wind-up - on Tuesday, August 29th at the home of John and Ann Kemp. Over 40 Rotarians/guests/spouses/youth joined us as we:
  • Welcomed new Inbound Rotary Exchange Student, David Wu, who just arrived in Canada last week from Taiwan; and
  • Inducted, Florida Town, as the newest member of the Rotary Club of Summerland
Thank you to everyone that helped make the evening possible including John and Ann Kemp who hosted the event at their beautiful home!
Additional photos from our final wind-up BBQ can be found on our Facebook page here.
Rotary Summer BBQ Wind-Up! Chantelle Meriam 2017-08-30 07:00:00Z 0

Michaella's Travels to Cambodia!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Aug 29, 2017
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The Rotary Club of Summerland was fortunate to have Rebound Exchange Student, Michaella Haidenger, join us for a breakfast back on Tuesday, August 8th, before she headed off on her travels to Cambodia. Below is a letter Michaella wrote to the Club:
Hello Summerland Rotary Team,
If we have yet to meet I would like to say hello, and I am looking forward to meeting you in the future and I would like to introduce myself for a millionth time to the club. My name is Michaella Haidenger (mi-shay-la), I am a twenty-two year old student and self titled world explorer. I grew up in  little old Summerland and I have somehow become an honorary Rotarian, which is a title I hold close to my heart. I got involved with the Summerland club through their sponsorship of the blossom pageant where, for my grade 11 year, I was proudly Miss Rotary. With a whole support group of Rotarians behind me. We were lucky enough to hold the district meeting that year as Gary was our outstanding district governor. Which led me to youth exchange after listening to the inbounds stories. I was privileged to be chosen as our outbound student of 2013/2014, where I spent that time in Hsinchu, Taiwan. Which I would love to answer any questions about.
For this coming year I will be a busy bee. As I write this I am sitting on my plane headed back to Taiwan to celebrate my host grandfathers life as he past away this past march. Him and I grew very close my time in his family. It is an experience I am excited to be apart of. I am tired from jet leg preparation but excited to finally be returning to my other home after so long away.
Michaella's Travels to Cambodia! Chantelle Meriam 2017-08-29 07:00:00Z 0

Welcome, David Wu, from Taiwan!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Aug 22, 2017
After 25+ hours of travelling, a missed connection and an overnight in an airport, David Wu from Taiwan is here! Members and friends of the Summerland Rotary Club were excited to greet David this morning at the airport.
L-R: Rylee, Carol Van Balkom, Rebound Exchange Student, Emma Thomson, Bob Van Balkom, David Wu, John Kemp, Charlotte Burley, Jos Dronkers, Ann Kemp, Paul Barber, Aart Dronkers and President, Chantelle Meriam
Welcome, David! We are looking forward to getting to know you over the next year! Additional photos taken at the airport can be viewed on our Facebook page here.
Welcome, David Wu, from Taiwan! Chantelle Meriam 2017-08-22 07:00:00Z 0
Update from Lisa Jaager - Summerland Rotary Sand Sculpting Contest Chantelle Meriam 2017-08-21 07:00:00Z 0

Annual Bocce Ball and Pizza Night Gathering!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Aug 17, 2017
Fun times were had at our Annual Bocce Ball and Pizza Night Gathering that took place at Memorial Park in Summerland on Tuesday evening.
Thank you to President Elect, Mirjana Komljenovic, for organizing the logistics of the event, and all the other Rotarians that helped out that evening including Don Gemmell, Brenda and Bob Hamilton and Paul Barber.
Annual Bocce Ball and Pizza Night Gathering! Chantelle Meriam 2017-08-17 07:00:00Z 0

Rotary Summer BBQ - Bocce Ball and Pizza Night!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Aug 07, 2017

Join us for our third Rotary Summer BBQ in the evening of Tuesday, August 15th!

Members and spouses, join us for a fun evening of Bocce Ball and Pizza! Invite a guest that may be interested in the special work we do in our community and beyond. Bring a chair, cutlery, plates, and a side dish or dessert to share. Only $10. Check out the poster for more details.​

RESERVATIONS REQUIRED - Please RSVP Don Gemmell at by Sunday, August 13th.

We look forward to seeing everyone for a little pizza/bocce ball fun on Tuesday, August 15th!

Rotary Summer BBQ - Bocce Ball and Pizza Night! Chantelle Meriam 2017-08-07 07:00:00Z 0

Presentation of 2017-2018 Rotary Theme Podium Banner

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jul 31, 2017
Assistant Governor, Cheryle King, and President, Chantelle Meriam
Assistant Governor, Cheryle King, presented President, Chantelle Meriam, with the 2017-2018 theme podium banner at a joint meeting with Club Presidents from Summerland, Penticton, Oliver and Osoyoos tonight. The banner commemorates 2017-2018 World President Ian Riseley's theme of "Rotary: Making a Difference".
Presentation of 2017-2018 Rotary Theme Podium Banner Chantelle Meriam 2017-07-31 07:00:00Z 0

Rotarian of the Month - Michael Zang

Posted by Chantelle meriam on Jul 27, 2017
President, Chantelle Meriam, with Rotarian, Michael Zang
Congratulations to Rotarian, Michael Zang, on being named "Rotarian of the Month" for the month of July. Michael was the visionary behind our major fundraiser of the year - the Rotary Road Rally and Lobster Dinner - spending countless hours preparing and organizing the event. As well, Michael is one that always steps up to the plate and assists that Club whenever he can.
Thank you for being a dedicated member of our Club, Michael! Don't know what we would do without you!
Rotarian of the Month - Michael Zang Chantelle meriam 2017-07-27 07:00:00Z 0

Rotary Summer BBQ/Potluck Social - July 25th, 2017

Thanks to everyone who came out to our second BBQ meeting of the summer at the home of Rotarian, Don Gemmell. There were over 30 Rotarians, spouses, guests and other individuals in attendance as we heard from past outbound Rotary Exchange Students, Emma Thomson and Sylvia Mott, who recently arrived back home in Summerland after spending a year abroad.
Later on in the evening, Rotarian, Michael Weis, presented the Summerland Rotary Club with another $1000 cheque donation as a result of his fundraising efforts at the Summerland Research and Development Centre. Thank you to all of the coffee drinkers up at the Research Station and a big thanks to Michael for this generous donation!
Rotarian, Michael Weis, with President, Chantelle Meriam
Additional photos taken at our July 25th BBQ can be viewed on our Facebook page here.
Rotary Summer BBQ/Potluck Social - July 25th, 2017 Chantelle Meriam 2017-07-26 07:00:00Z 0

2nd Rotary Potluck BBQ Meeting/Social

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jul 21, 2017
Join us for our second Rotary Summer BBQ of the year - a Rotary Summer BBQ/Potluck Social - at the home of Rotarian, Don Gemmell, on Tuesday, July 25th at 6:00 pm. Details as follows:
Join us as we hear from rebound Rotary Exchange Students, Emma Thomson and Sylvia Mott, who recently arrived home from a year living abroad in Hungary and Germany. Emma and Sylvia will be chatting about their experiences away from home over the past year.
Guests are always welcome to attend! If you are interested in learning more about Rotory or would like to become a member of our club, please contact our Secretary, Don Gemmell, at to RSVP. We would love to have you join us!
Please RSVP your attendance to Don Gemmell at or by Sunday, July 23rd.
We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, July 25th!
2nd Rotary Potluck BBQ Meeting/Social Chantelle Meriam 2017-07-21 07:00:00Z 0

Sylvia arrives home after spending a year abroad in Germany

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jul 17, 2017
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Outbound Exchange Student, Sylvia Mott, will be arriving back home in Summerland this Sunday after spending a year abroad in Germany. Sylvia took part in the Rotary's Youth Exchange Program where the Rotary Club of Osoyoos selected her to be their outbound exchange student for the 2016/2017 Rotary year which allowed her to live in another country for a year.

We hope you enjoyed your time away, Sylvia, and we look forward to hearing all about experiences over the coming months. Welcome home, Sylvia!

Sylvia arrives home after spending a year abroad in Germany Chantelle Meriam 2017-07-17 07:00:00Z 0

1st Summer BBQ of the Season/Farewell to Josie

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jul 12, 2017
Our first BBQ of the year was a Rotary Summer BBQ/Potluck Meeting Social at Thornhaven Estates Winery on Tuesday, July 11th. Over 30 individuals joined us as we said farewell to our inbound Rotary Exchange Student, Josie Mehrnusch, who leaves Canada to go back home to Germany on July 20th.
The BBQ was Josie's last meeting with us. Attending guests also had the pleasure of meeting Josie's father, Klaus, who was visiting from Germany. We will miss you, Josie, and wish you all the best in the future. We hope to see you another time soon!
In other Rotary business, newly installed President, Chantelle Meriam, and Past District Governor, Garry Hollingshead, accept a cheque for $400 on behalf of the Club's volunteer participation in the 7th annual Prospera Granfondo Axel Merckx Okanagan.
Member, Bob Van Balkom spoke about the many benefits of hosting a youth exchange student in your home. Josie's host family received flowers and wine.
Additional photos from the evening can be viewed on our Facebook page here.
1st Summer BBQ of the Season/Farewell to Josie Chantelle Meriam 2017-07-12 07:00:00Z 0

Update from Garry Hollingshead - Thank you to all of the Granfondo Volunteers!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jul 11, 2017
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Thank you to the 30 plus volunteers from Summerland Rotary and Summerland United Church who provided traffic control at many intersections along the Granfondo route through District of Summerland this past Sunday, July 9th. This action allowed 2400 cyclists to pass safely though the District without incident. Our two hours dedicated to this event is a significant contribution to the success of a major economical event in the South Okanagan. Thank you to everyone who helped out!
Volunteers from the Rotary Club of Summerland and the Summerland United Church before heading out to the various intersection points along the Granfondo route in Summerland for the 7th annual Prospera Granfondo Axel Merckx Okanagan
The first of the cyclists that climbed up Peach Orchard hill in Summerland
Update from Garry Hollingshead - Thank you to all of the Granfondo Volunteers! Chantelle Meriam 2017-07-11 07:00:00Z 0

Students Rise to the Rotary Challenge - Thank you from The One Person Project

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jul 09, 2017

Students Rise to the Rotary Challenge

The following article was written by Denise Howie of The One Person Project on July 3, 2017. The article can also be viewed on her blog here.
Young people are not only the leaders of tomorrow, they  are effecting positive change right now! We are constantly impressed by the children and youth that support local causes, including The One Person Project
Brenda Lowe thanks the students for raising funds and awareness for orphans in Kahama, Tanzania.

The $100 Challenge is a Summerland Rotary Club initiative for Summerland Secondary School Leadership class students. Each group of students was given $100, and worked with a Rotary mentor to grow the funds and donate them to a charity of their choosing. Brenda and other organization recipients were invited to a thank you dinner that Summerland Rotary put on for the student groups. Each organization had the opportunity to outline their activities to the audience. 
Students Rise to the Rotary Challenge - Thank you from The One Person Project Chantelle Meriam 2017-07-09 07:00:00Z 0

Emma Arrives Home after a Year Away in Hungary!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jul 03, 2017
Photo taken from the last Rotary exchange student event of the year in Hungary.
Included in the photo are Emma (in the red jacket) and the other exchange students who lived in Budapest this past year

Outbound Exchange Student, Emma Thomson, arrived back home in Summerland this past Friday after spending a year abroad in Hungary. Emma took part in the Rotary's Youth Exchange Program where our Club sends one high school student from Summerland to another country for up to a year. At the same time, a student from another country is brought here.

During her last week in the country, Emma's mom and younger brother came to visit her in Budapest. The three of them enjoyed a week touring the city Emma called home this past year and spent time with her two host families and other exchange students. Since arriving back in Summerland on June 30th she's jumped back into life here, already starting summer work Sunday morning.

We were fortunate to have Emma represent Summerland and Canada this past year while on her exchange and look forward to hearing all about her experiences over the coming months. Welcome home, Emma!

Emma Arrives Home after a Year Away in Hungary! Chantelle Meriam 2017-07-03 07:00:00Z 0

Outbound Rotary Exchange Student Graduates!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jun 30, 2017
Josiah Baran
Congratulations to Josiah Baran who graduated from Summerland Senior Secondary today! Josiah is our outbound Rotary Exchange Student who spending a year in Milan, Italy - leaving at the end of this summer. Congratulations, Josiah! We are looking forward to hearing about all the great things in store for you this coming year!
Outbound Rotary Exchange Student Graduates! Chantelle Meriam 2017-06-30 07:00:00Z 0

2017 Rotary Installation & Past Presidents Recognition BBQ

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jun 28, 2017
Thank you to everyone who came out for our 2017 Rotary Installation & Past Presidents Recognition BBQ at the home of Sue and Al Eden last Tuesday. There were over 40 individuals in attendance who came out to recognize our past presidents and watch the installation of our 2017/2018 Rotary Board of Directions.
2017/2018 Board of Directors (L-R)
Mirjana Komljenovic, Paul Barber, Preston Mott, Ellen Walker-Matthews, Michael Zang, Doug Carnegie, Bob Van Balkom, Chantelle Meriam and Don Gemmell. Missing: Garry Hollingshead and Aart Dronkers
Thank you to everyone who helped make the evening happen, including:
  • Sue and Al Eden for hosting the event
  • Sue Eden and her team for preparing the wonderful meal
  • Michael Weis for taking care of the bar
  • Michael Zang and Bob Van Balkom for taking care of the BBQ
  • Members of the Rotary Club of Peachland that came out for the evening
  • Al Eden and Karl Seidel for playing chauffeur for the evening, transporting guests to and from the BBQ
  • Past Rotarian, Ingrid Stevenson, who greeted the guests
  • Brenda Hamilton who provided a speech on our Past Presidents and reflected on the many contributions from Past President, Preston Mott
  • District 5060 Governor for the 2019/2020 Rotary year, Peter Schultz and his lovely wife, Susan, who joined us from Kelowna. Peter had the honours of conducting the induction ceremony
Additional photos taken from the evening can be viewed on our Facebook page here.
We look forward to the 2017/2018 year following this year's theme - Rotary: Making a Difference!
2017 Rotary Installation &amp; Past Presidents Recognition BBQ Chantelle Meriam 2017-06-28 07:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Summerland Facebook Page gaining Popularity!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jun 22, 2017

Thank you to everyone who has liked our Facebook page! The Rotary Club of Summerland now has over 800 followers. Thank you! Please continue to share our page with anyone who may be interested in learning more about our Club. We post regular updates on what our Club is up to including the various guest speakers we hear from, the different events we put on and updates on the various community projects we are involved with. So, keep liking on. We like to stay connected with our community!

Feel free to visit our Facebook page at - - see you on Facebook!

Rotary Club of Summerland Facebook Page gaining Popularity! Chantelle Meriam 2017-06-22 07:00:00Z 0

Breakfast Meeting - Tuesday, June 20th

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jun 21, 2017

We had a great breakfast meeting at Santorini's Restaurant this past Tuesday! Thanks to everyone who came out in the morning.

Top left - Doug Carnegie provides his Rotary Moment and speaks about the importance of Rotary's Youth Exchange Program.

Top right - President, Preston Mott, reads a card to the club, thanking our group for our recent $2000 donation to purchase medical supplies in Nepal.

Bottom - Lisa Jaager leads our club through another productive visioning session. Thanks for to everyone who came out in the morning and participated in our breakfast meeting.

Breakfast Meeting - Tuesday, June 20th Chantelle Meriam 2017-06-21 07:00:00Z 0

Annual Rotary Installation and Past President Recognition BBQ

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jun 21, 2017
Photo taken at Past President BBQ Installation in June 2016
Join us for an evening of fellowship and best wishes to the incoming Executive for the 2017/2018 Rotary year. We'll toast to our Past Presidents and thank our current President, Preston Mott, for his dedication and service over the past year.

Special Guest - District Governor Designate, Peter Schultz, from the Rotary Club of Kelowna, will be joining us and inducting the 2017/2018 Executive.

WHEN: Tuesday, June 27th, 2017
WHERE: The home of Sue and Al Eden*
TIME: Happy hour will begin at 5:30 pm with dinner being at 6:30 pm.

Dinner is $20/person and includes your choice of chicken, steak or a vegetation option. Side salads and dessert will also be served.

Please RSVP your attendance to Address and directions to the event will be emailed to you.

We look forward to having you join us on Tuesday, June 27th!
Annual Rotary Installation and Past President Recognition BBQ Chantelle Meriam 2017-06-21 07:00:00Z 0

Update from Aart Dronkers - Medical Kits Purchased and headed to their Destination soon!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jun 21, 2017
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The Medical Kits have been purchased and will go to their destination soon!
The 4 kits each have: an Ophthalmoscope, an Otoscope, O2 meter, a BP cuff, a Reflex hammer, a Glucometer and 100 strips, a Thermometer and a Bag with 🔐
Please see the photos of the hand-over of the medical kits that our Summerland Rotary Club paid for. In the picture L to R are : Dr Yagya, newly appointed Vice Chancellor, Alison, Dean. The staff and students are all very grateful for our support and ready to go!  One kit will go to Hetauda with Alison and the other sites will receive them when the Canadian faculty arrives. The students will need instruction on their use.
Thank you Summerland Rotary, another helping hand has improved the world some more!
Aart Dronkers
Update from Aart Dronkers - Medical Kits Purchased and headed to their Destination soon! Chantelle Meriam 2017-06-21 07:00:00Z 0

Rotary Road Rally and Lobster Dinner a Success!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jun 18, 2017
Thanks to everyone who came out for our first ever Rotary Road Rally and Lobster Dinner held this past Saturday, June 17th. We had 18 teams compete in the Road Rally and over 120 individuals in attendance for our Lobster Dinner at the Kettle Valley Steam Railway.
The evening was a tremendous success and, with everyone's help, we raised funds that will be used for a variety of local community projects that will benefit many of our citizens in Summerland. Thank you!
Please mark your calendars - we will be hosting the next Rotary Fundraiser at a similar time in 2018. We hope you will consider attending the event again and invite your friends to make next year's event even bigger and better!
To view photos taken at the event, please visit our Facebook page and view the photo album there -
We look forward to having you join us again next year!
Rotary Road Rally and Lobster Dinner a Success! Chantelle Meriam 2017-06-18 07:00:00Z 0

Breakfast Meeting with Classification Presentation by Aart Dronkers - June 13th, 2017

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jun 14, 2017
Rotarian, Aart Dronkers, provides the Club with his Classification Presentation

Our Club was pleased to have Summerland Rotarian, Aart Dronkers, be the speaker at the morning breakfast meeting on Tuesday, June 13th. Aart delivered to the club his "Classification Talk" where he shared more information about who he is and additional details on his background. It was certainly an entertaining presentation! Glad to have a member of our club, Aart!

Breakfast Meeting with Classification Presentation by Aart Dronkers - June 13th, 2017 Chantelle Meriam 2017-06-14 07:00:00Z 0

Update from Aart Dronkers - Rotary Club of Summerland supports small project for the Rural Hospitals in Nepal

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jun 13, 2017
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The Rotary Club of Summerland has just donated CAD2000 to a project in Nepal to supply crucial medical equipment for medical students who are studying to become doctors in the 4 rural hospitals in Nepal. The photo shown is the cheque hand-over to Dr. Janice Routledge and Dr. David Omand by Aart & Jos Dronkers in Kelowna on June 8, 2017.
From left to right are David, Aart, Janice and Jos
This small project came out of the connections and network Aart Dronkers built in Nepal in 2015, as well as his close friendship with Dr. Denis Brown, Dr. Janice Routledge and Dr. David Omand. It is part of a medical program managed by the McMaster Medical University to train Nepalese medical students to become doctors in the 4 rural hospitals. A large part of the rural areas has been turned to rubble during the April 2015 earthquake. Janice Routledge and David Omand spent part of their free time training these medical students in Nepal. The program has been going on successfully for quite a while. There continues to be a strong need for just about everything in Nepal, but in particular medical services, infrastructure & equipment. The equipment that will be purchased from our Rotary Club $2000 donation are Medical Kits that consist of various treatment and teaching tools: Ophthalmoscope, otoscope, reflex hammer, measuring tape, syringe for Foreign Body removal, Blood Pressure cuff, Digital Thermometer, Flashlight, Peak flow meter, (Glucometer, Portable SPO2 machine are for future funding). One medical kit would stay at each site, and there is a new group of students each 6 months that live and work at each of those 4 sites.
The Kits will be purchased on site in Kathmandu and donated to the PAHS (Patan Academy of Health Sciences), whose mandate is to train medical students to improve health care in the rural underserviced areas of Nepal.
Update from Aart Dronkers - Rotary Club of Summerland supports small project for the Rural Hospitals in Nepal Chantelle Meriam 2017-06-13 07:00:00Z 0

Rotary Youth Extravaganza a Success!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jun 07, 2017
At our Tuesday evening meeting, the Rotary Club of Summerland hosted an evening for the youth. Members and guests learned about $100 Challenge team projects and heard updates from Miss Rotary, Katie Portman, and past/current/future Rotary Exchange Students, Michaella Haidenger, Josie Mehrnusch and Josiah Baran.
Our emcee for the evening was our very own Summerland Rotarian, Mirjana Komljenovic. The meal was prepared by Canyonview Grill at Summerland Golf & Country Club.
First up, Michaela talked about her experience at Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA). Josie was her assistant while Michaela demonstrated different leadership styles with a fun project she learned while attending RYLA.
Rotarian, Bob Van Balkan, introduced his team. Kursh and Sundeer explained their colour run project. They made $327 in one hour. Funds were donated to The Summerland Food Bank and Resource Centre.
Katie Portman talked about her experience as a Blossom Pageant candidate representing Rotary as Miss Rotary,
Rotarian, Dionne Bakalos, introduced her team. They are working to save our bees buy building and selling bee hotels. Jack Simpson explained the plight if our bees. The team will be selling their bee hotel that they made themselves, at this Sunday's Market on Main Street Summerland.
Josie, inbound student and Josiah, outbound student thanked Rotary for their experience.
Rotarian Roch Fortin introduced his team. His team donated their funds to 2 charities, Linnea Good music program for children and to Martin House helping youth coping with mental illness. The team worked hard at a car wash, preparing lunch for Rotary Spring Round Up and dinner as well, all in one day. The 2 charities will share $1433. Way to go!
Rotarian Aart Donkers team made over $900 at a charity hockey game. They donated to Cancer Society of Canada. They shared their reason for choosing the charity is because a classmate's mother is currently going through cancer treatments.
Mirjana's team donated funds from selling samosas to The One Person Project. Brenda Lowe from the organization explained the work one person project does in Africa and invited the kids to come to Africa. The group made $1447 for one person project. Great job boys!
Thanks to everyone who came out to listen to and support our youth. The evening was a great success!
Additional photos from the evening can be viewed on our Facebook page here.
Rotary Youth Extravaganza a Success! Chantelle Meriam 2017-06-07 07:00:00Z 0

Greetings from next years Rotary Exchange Student, Tawei Wu, from Taiwan!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on Jun 05, 2017
Summerland Rotarian, Bob Van Balkom and his wife Carol, met next years Rotary Exchange Student, Tawei (David) Wu, and his father in their hometown of Taipei, Taiwan, this past week while vacationing. Tawei, who also goes by David, will be living in Summerland for one year, arriving in Summerland sometime at the end of August. We look forward to meeting you at the end of summer, David!
Greetings from next years Rotary Exchange Student, Tawei Wu, from Taiwan! Chantelle Meriam 2017-06-05 07:00:00Z 0
June Evening Meeting: Rotary Youth Extravaganza Chantelle Meriam 2017-06-02 07:00:00Z 0

Rotary Spring RoundUp a Success!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on May 29, 2017
Members of the Summerland Rotary Club along with other Rotarians from our Rotary 5060 District enjoyed a great Rotary Spring Roundup in Summerland yesterday. The training session that was held at Summerland Secondary School was followed by some fellowship and fun at Saxon Estate Winery and Dominion Cider Co. Thanks to everyone who helped organize this great event!
Also - a special thanks to Past President, Roch Fortin, and his team of $100 Challenge Students from the Leadership Class at Summerland Senior Secondary - Ariana Planiden, Ethan Freistadt, Rachel Shanner and Aliya Van Bergeyk. The group of students prepared a homemade lunch for all of the attendees at the RoundUp on Saturday. Then, after the session, the group of four hosted Rotarians for a BBQ by donation at Saxon Estate Winery. The proceeds of their efforts are going to two charities of their choice. Well done!
Rotary Spring RoundUp a Success! Chantelle Meriam 2017-05-29 07:00:00Z 0

Summerland Rotary makes donation to RCMP Drug Safety Initiative

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on May 29, 2017
L-R: Cst. Janice March and Summerland Rotarian, Don Gemmell
Summerland Rotary Club member, Don Gemmell, presents Cst. Janice March of the Summerland RCMP Detachment a $500 donation toward the RCMP Community Safety Net, a family oriented drug safety initiative.
Summerland Rotary makes donation to RCMP Drug Safety Initiative Chantelle Meriam 2017-05-29 07:00:00Z 0

Greetings from past Rotary Exchange Student, Ho Won Lee

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on May 25, 2017
Summerland Rotarian, Bob Van Balkom and his wife Carol, visited with past Rotary Exchange Student, Ho Won Lee, in his hometown of Busan, South Korea while vacationing. Ho Won lived in Summerland during the 2014/2015 Rotary year. We miss you, Ho Won!
Greetings from past Rotary Exchange Student, Ho Won Lee Chantelle Meriam 2017-05-25 07:00:00Z 0

Update from Ellen Walker-Matthews - Giants Head Grind - Thank You!

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on May 24, 2017
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So much gratitude and appreciation for everyone that took part in this years Giants Head Grind...whether sponsoring, walking, running, cycling, volunteering, coming out to cheer or coming out for the BBQ your participation is what makes this event possible. A very heartfelt thank you to each and every person no matter how big or small a part you played you helped make a difference and you helped make the Giants Head Grind!
Update from Ellen Walker-Matthews - Giants Head Grind - Thank You! Chantelle Meriam 2017-05-24 07:00:00Z 0

Breakfast Meeting with Guest Speaker, Kyle Girgan, Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC

Posted by Chantelle Meriam on May 23, 2017
This morning, the Rotary Club of Summerland gathered for their regular morning meeting at Santorini's Family Restaurant Summerland. Rotarian, Ellen Walker-Matthews thanked Rotarians for their help and participation during the Giants Head Grind - Christopher Walker Memorial Race. Guest speaker, Kyle Girgan, from Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC talked about his role at the Society and at Summerland Trout Hatchery.
Ellen shared that the Giants Head Grind - Christopher Walker Memorial Race is the largest colorectal cancer event in North America. Kyle Girgan shared the amazing work Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC had done in BC since becoming a non-profit society in 2003. Kyle also spoke about the Summerland Trout Hatchery being the oldest continually running hatchery in BC since 1928. Later on in the morning, Past President, Roch Fortin, thanked Kyle for attending our meeting and presented him with the sought after The Rotary Club of Summerland's coffee mug.
Breakfast Meeting with Guest Speaker, Kyle Girgan, Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC Chantelle Meriam 2017-05-23 07:00:00Z